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Roads & Kingdoms

Read the World's Best Books for Free With the Harvard Classics Advertisement Most of us struggle to choose which book to read next. Either we’ve run out of recommendations, or our “to read” list leaves us spoiled for choice. 4 Reasons You Should Never Write Alone Imagine the quintessential writer: introverted, glasses, coffee in hand, sitting alone at a small desk, while poking their fingers on a keyboard. We all have preconceived notions as to what being a writer looks like, but whatever your idea of a writer, I can bet that one trait is uniform across the board. You probably imagine your writer alone, the Stephen King type, secluded, perhaps in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Letters of Note All three letters can be found below. White's eloquent letter to Xerox, in which he passionately explains the beauty of a free press and the potential dangers of such a sponsorship, is particularly brilliant. E. B. About IMOS Home About IMOS IMOS stands for "In Memory Of Socrates." Sacred Carnality This essay is drawn from “The Art of Memoir,” by Mary Karr, published by HarperCollins. My holy of holies is the human body —Anton Chekhov, May, 1888 Carnality sits at the root of the show-don’t-tell edict that every writing teacher harps on all the time, because it works. By carnal, I mean, Can you apprehend it through the five senses? In writing a scene, you must help the reader employ smell and taste and touch as well as image and noise. The more carnal a writer’s nature, the better she’ll be at this, and there are subcategories according to the senses.

7 Goal-Setting Tips and Strategies for Social Media Marketers “How cool would it be to have 1 million Facebook fans?” This is how I tend to go about setting social media marketing goals. I pull an aspirational number out of the air and go for it. Would it be cool to have 1 million Facebook fans? About Futility Closet - Futility Closet Futility Closet is a collection of entertaining curiosities in history, literature, language, art, philosophy, and mathematics, designed to help you waste time as enjoyably as possible. The database now totals 9,886 items, and more are added each day. You can read them chronologically, by topic, or randomly, using the Random Post button in the sidebar. If you’re looking for a particular item, click the magnifying glass at top right.

Courtkneecap - Freestyle Writing 61 Social Media Metrics, Defined Of all the hundreds of social media acronyms and abbreviations out there, I think “KPI” has confounded me the most. I think it’s because the phrase “key performance indicator” always sounds like something you need to be wearing a suit in front of a Powerpoint presentation in order to say. But when you get down to it, it’s really quite simple. KPI is just a way of saying “This is the stuff that’s important enough to me to focus on and measure.” Basically, social media KPIs, or social media metrics, are whatever is most important for your business.

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