100 Awesome Engineering Projects for Kids By Kristie Lewis Engineering and fun aren't always two things that kids naturally associate with one another, but there are hundreds of ways to make engineering, physics and design fun and challenging for kids. Here are 100 great experiments that will let kids construct, play, learn and grow, all while they study the fundamentals of engineering. Basics These projects focus on the basics of motion, force and other essentials of physics. Balls and Ramp. Light and Electricity Let kids have fun understanding how to harness light and electricity. Create your own light bulb. Structures Kids will have a blast trying to put together these building projects. Build a Bird House. Materials Through these projects, children can see how different materials act and work in structures. Create the perfect play dough. Travel and Movement Learn about planes, trains, automobiles and all kinds of movement through these ideas. Paper Airplanes. Harnessing Nature Create a compass. Environment Create a water filter.
Best Science Experiments for Kids It is no secret that Science is one of our favorite subjects around here. As a kid myself, I was always interested in science and discovery. As a teacher, it was one of my favorite subjects, and well… now that I have kids, it is one of their favorite subjects as well. The thing about science, is that it can be intimidating, seem overwhelming with terms, and sometimes downright messy. But want to know the secret? Science is everywhere and science can be and is extremely fun! This post might contain affiliate links for your convenience. I’ve gathered together all of our science adventures from the last year to bring you a month to month guide to planning science experiments with your kids. Science is Everywhere To get started, it is important to understand the basics of what science is, and how you can find science anywhere. Finally, being set with the right planning tools will give you the confidence to try new experiments. A Year of Science Experiments for Kids January February March April
Curriculum - Science / Science & Engineering Practices District Home d Sign In Register f y t Curriculum - Science 1500 SE 4th | Moore, OK 73160 Copyright 2014 Moore Public Schools. The Moore Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Questions or Feedback? Elementary Curriculum Resources Energy Infobooks are the resource for many NEED activities and include an introduction to energy, information on major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, electricity, climate change, and other energy information. They are available on four reading levels and are revised and updated annually. Blueprint for Success (e-publication) This essential gusdide helps educators develop effective energy education programs. Building Buddies Teacher (e-publication) Building Buddies Student (e-publication) Primary students are introduced to basic concepts of energy use and conservation, using the school as a learning laboratory and then extending to home energy use and conservation measures. ElectroWorks Teacher GuideElectroWorks Student Guide This guide includes background information and hands-on experiments to explore the basic concepts of atomic structure and electricity. Energy Around the World This guide includes maps and energy information for countries around the world.
Grade 1.pdf Columbus City Schools 2015-2016 2 Revised 2015 Misconceptions - Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is an online magazine for K-5 teachers. seasons, including that the sun is actually moving across the sky, rather than understanding it is the Earth that is moving. - For examples of misconceptions about the sun and energy, and resources to address misconceptions through investigation, visit - NASA lists common misconceptions for all ages about the sun and the Earth at istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp/outreach/sunearthmiscons.html. energy can be tools to address the misconceptions that may be found at this grade level. Instructional Strategies and Resources -CCS curriculum guide lessons: The Powerful Sun (1.ESS.1) -SPRUCE RUN field trip: Students can use thermometers around the property during different times of the day to take temperature samples; -Solar Energy International - Kid's Info (www.solarenergy.org)
Grade 4.pdf Columbus City Schools 2015-2016 2 Revised 2015 Misconceptions • NSTA offers a list of landform resources at Included are guides for formative assessment techniques that can be used to determine student misconceptions about landform formation, weathering and erosion. Earth Science content at grade 4. • Funded by the National Science Foundation, Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is an online magazine for K-5 teachers. common misconceptions about glacial movement, weathering and erosion, as well as ways to address them, visit sconceptions. Instructional Strategies and Resources -CCS curriculum guide lessons: Landforms (4.ES.1) - Fieldtrips to local caves, caverns, sinkholes, glacial areas, stream systems, lakes, etc., should be encouraged to experience Ohio geologic landforms and features first hand. - The Ohio History Center www.ohiohistory.org/ deposition.
Grade 5.pdf Columbus City Schools 2015-2016 2 Revised 2015 body moving in the Solar System before it enters Earth’s atmosphere. As that small body enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is a meteor. meteorite is what remains from the meteor and has landed on the Earth.) -Living in outer space is an idea of the future. -We could do everything on the other planets that we do here on Earth. different.) -Pluto is a planet. -The Planets are evenly spaced. Instructional Strategies and Resources -CCS curriculum guide lessons: Out of This World- 5.ES.1 - Information about each planet in student friendly language - Bob the Alien’s tour of the Solar System has information about the Solar System written in student friendly language. -Smart Exchange Lessons: Solar System by Melissa Love, Solar System submitted by LadyLiz2012, Space Objects submitted by Billyernst about the solar system. system and space.
Kesler-Science I have been a middle school science teacher for 5 years. I have taught all three grade levels and have loved every minute of it. I am also a host on the www.EduAllStars.com podcast and the genius behind www.geniushour.com I call my teaching style controlled chaos. 2012-2013 District Teacher of the Year, 2011-2012 District Rookie of the Year I have a BS in Computer Information Systems from Texas State University and am currently working on my Master's in Education Administration. In addition to running teaching an 8th grade science class I also have a couple of websites that I maintain. www.keslerscience.com is where I blog my reflections and ideas. www.geniushour.com is a website that has been built to promote passions in the classroom.
Primary Curriculum Resources Primary Energy Infobook (e-publication) Energy Infobooks are the resource for many NEED activities and include an introduction to energy, information on major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, electricity, climate change, and other energy information. They are available on four reading levels and are revised and updated annually. All About Trash Students learn about solid waste, its relationship to natural resources and energy, and options for handling solid waste including recycling, landfilling, and incineration. Blueprint for Success (e-publication) This essential gusdide helps educators develop effective energy education programs. Building Buddies Teacher Guide (e-publication)Building Buddies Student Guide (e-publication) Primary students are introduced to basic concepts of energy use and conservation, using the school as a learning laboratory and then extending to home energy use and conservation measures. NEED Curriculum in Spanish
Project-Based Engineering for Kids Original, reliable, and fun collection of project-based engineering lessons for kids (and everyone!) Excited about making STEM project ideas accessible to everyone? Pledge on Patreon to keep the mission going. At the Educator tier, you can access lesson plans and more teaching resources! If you enjoy these projects, then check out my books Rubber Band Engineer and Duct Tape Engineer! These project-based lessons focus on basic principles of physics, structural, and mechanical engineering. All of the project plans in this collection are designed to be used in an after school enrichment setting, though you may use and modify these ideas for other not-for-profit purposes provided you cite The Workshop for Young Engineers. This is a growing and improving collection of lesson plans.
Resources for K-12 Education Search for a specific keyword or choose a subject to filter by : Science Charles Darwin Links Celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday with these educational web sites, classroom activities and lesson plans. Cheese Science Did you know that there is a lot of science behind cheese? Climate Science UEN's Climate Science web page provides educators and students information about the science and impacts of climate change. Digital Books Here are digital textbooks created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USOE staff. Earth Day Celebrate Earth Day with these educational web sites, classroom activities, television programs, videos and lesson plans. NROC HippoCampus Free educational resources for middle school, high school and college students and instructors - including video demonstrations, interactives and test prep. Polar Palooza Sci-ber Text This online textbook is based on the Utah Science Core for grades 3 - 12.
Science Heroes: Digestive System for Kids on the App Store SciGirls | Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia SciGirls has the bold goal of changing how millions of girls think about science, technology, engineering and math – or STEM. Each half-hour episode highlights the processes of science and engineering, following a different group of middle school girls who design, with the help of scientist mentors, their own inquiry-based investigations on a variety of topics. They also learn how rewarding and fun it is to work with their peers, and the shows’ female mentors offer girls a glimpse of exciting STEM career possibilities. SciGirls educational materials provide gender-equitable teaching strategies and hands-on inquiries based on the concepts modeled in SciGirls’ videos. The SciGirls approach is rooted in research on how to engage girls in STEM.