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DeepSkyStacker - Free

DeepSkyStacker - Free

RegiStax- Free image processing software RegiStax 6 update available The 1st update of RegiStax 6 is available for download from the downloadpage. This update only replaces the executable file of RegiStax and needs to be installed in the same directory where RegiStax 6 has been installed, you should NOT uninstall. Find below the most important changes of this update, if you have issues that are not solved with this update please report them. General improvements: -large AVI's (that needed the extended mode from RegiStax 5) now also use multicore to read frames. -when using larger wavelet-filters (problem also existed in R5) spurious edges could appear on the image (horizontal striping), this is now solved. - when saving a wavelet-scheme the new "linked wavelet-setting" is also saved. RegiStax 6 after the release In the views of the RegiStax team the release was received with many good comments on both quality and speed of processing. RegiStax 6 Available The initial release of RegiStax 6 is available for download. Have fun !!

Astronomy Deep Sky Stacking Software - Roger's Website Last Updated: 23rd October 2015 A common approach to astrophotography has become the use of Digital SLR cameras (DSLR). These are relatively cheap, can be used for astronomy and ordinary terrestrial photography, and produce surprisingly good astronomy images so have become quite popular. There’s a few basic steps required for getting started in DSLR astrophotography. The question often arises from the above of what piece of software to use for stacking and processing the resulting images that you take using your camera. If you know of programs which are suitable for DSLR astrophotography image processing that are not on this list please let me know, also let me know if information here needs updating. Software suitable for stacking and/or processing astrophotography DSLR images: 1. This is a fantastic piece of software for aligning and combining individual astrophotographs from digital SLR cameras. Find RegiStar here: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

QuickRoute QuickRoute is a computer program for Windows that allows you to display a route from a GPS device, such as a GPS-clock, on an orienteering map saved as an image file. The main purpose of QuickRoute is to make it quick and simple to transfer your route from a GPS device onto a map. To run QuickRoute on Mac OS X, a virtualization software like VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop is required. QuickRoute has built-in support for GPS devices in the Garmin Forerunner series. QuickRoute is being developed as a spare-time project by Mats Troeng and Jörgen Ohlin. If you have any questions or suggestions for possible improvements of the program, go to QuickRoute's user forum.

Astronomy Software - picture identification - plate-solving - astrophotography - integrated telescope-camera control The application is written in C++/wxWidgets (cross platform GUI library), OpenGL, OpenCV, Boost and other portable libraries so that it can be compiled/released on other platforms such as Linux/MacOSX/etc. Current pre-alpha release is only for windows, to follow with a Linux and MacOSx release as soon as I pass the beta test. The project is to be released as a pre-alpha (concept proof) state and in order to test the the main functionality. Anyone interested in helping me to test and optimize it please contact me. Also, I am working to add translation in twenty different languages to start with, so if you are willing to help on this please let me know. I am looking for sponsorship to support this free software.

Stellarium Opis aplikacji Castrator i AutoStakkert Castrator Castrator to aplikacja do wstępnej obróbki planetarnych klipów AVI. Aplikacja ta potrafi: Przycinać i centrować planetę w kadrzeSzybka obróbka, w tym obsługa wielu plikówObsługa kolorowych i monochromatycznych obrazów Y8 Aplikację możemy pobrać ze strony autora. Otwieramy pliki AVI (Open AVI files) i po chwili powinniśmy zobaczyć przykładowy podgląd: Do ustawienia będą wymiary przyciętego i wyrównanego klipu wideo. Drugi parametr - Planet Detection Treshold też może wymagać zmiany dla niektórych nagrań ze słabo widoczną planetą. Gdy wszystko jest ustawione klikamy Process AVI(s) i rozpocznie się proces generowania nowych przyciętych AVI. Autostakkert Autostakkert to druga aplikacja Emila i pobrać można ją z jego strony. Zaczynamy od wybrania klipów (obrobionych przez Castratora) - Open AVI files. Można też zmienić ustawienia stackowania. Po zakończeniu stackowania w podkatalogu dostaniemy gotowe stacki oraz wersje wyostrzone do podglądu (i oceny jakości) z "conv" w nazwie.

Iris software An astronomical images processing softwareVersion 5.59 September 19, 2014 update: New DLL for read most resents DSLR raw files (Canon 6D, Sony alpha 7s, ...). Download the file and remplace in your IRIS installation directory the actual libdcraw.dll by the new. It is all! Version 5.59 en français disponible : CLIQUEZ ICI NEW FEATURES OF VERSION 5.59 June 24, 2010 Support of DSRL camera Canon 550D For a correct colors decoding for the 550D, select the option: For decode (or develop) a DSRL RAW image to a CFA image, use the drag & drop: see these tutorial or roadmap. This produces the CFA sequence: RESULT1.FIT, RESULT2.FIT, RESULT3.FIT (you'll probably have to rename your RAW images before, and also select your DSRL model in the camera setup dialog box). NEW FEATURES OF VERSION 5.58 February 5, 2010 Support of DSRL camera Canon 500D, 1D Mark IV, Pentax K-x, ... Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Tutorial Report bugs to:

Astronomia Amatorska: AutoStakkert! 2 - składanie zdjęć Księżyca UPDATE : Aby zestacowac pliki FITS lub inne trzeba katalog lub zbiór plików przeciągnąć na środek okna programu. Aplikacja służy do efektywnego i masowego stackowania klipów AVI zawierających zdjęcia planet, Księżyca, czy Słońca. Oprócz usprawnionych algorytmów w stosunku do wersji pierwszej zyskała obsługę klipów z kolorowych kamer (zdebayeryzowanych lub nie) oraz zdolność stackowania powierzchni - dla fotografii Księżyca i Słońca. Program można pobrać ze strony aplikacja jest darmowa. 1 Wybieramy Open 2 Zaznaczamy plik avi 3 Naciskamy Otwórz Widzimy nasz wgrany plik avi Księżyca 4 Zaznaczamy Surface kiedy składamy avi Księżyca a Planet kiedy składamy materiał z planetami 5 Tu opcje mogą pozostać bez zmian Zazwyczaj Gradient działa dobrze. Widok podczas analizy Widok po zastosowaniu pk.11 12 Wciskamy Stack i czekamy aż program poskłada zdjęcia. Widok podczas składania. 13 Widok po złożeniu zdjęć Księżyca

Password Safe Incorporated | PathSync PathSyncan interactive directory (path) synchronizer for windows PathSync can analyze two directories and show the user a list of differences between the directories. The user can select what actions should occur (which files to overwrite, which to delete, which to ignore), and allow PathSync to synchronize. PathSync provides nifty statistics during the synchronization, so that the user is never wondering how much time is left, etc. PathSync is GPL free software, each download package includes the source. Discuss PathSync in the Cockos Forums. Stable version: PathSync v0.35 (9/1/07) (123kb installer) + fixed a bug in filename masking for subdirectories (doing ! Send improvements to
