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The Feminist Wire -

The Feminist Wire -
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Tomato Nation » Yes, You Are feminism n (1895) 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests — feminist n or adj — feministic adj Above, the dictionary definition of feminism — the entire dictionary definition of feminism. It is quite straightforward and concise. If you believe in, support, look fondly on, hope for, and/or work towards equality of the sexes, you are a feminist. Yes, you are. The definition of feminism does not ask for two forms of photo ID. The definition of feminism does not mention a membership fee or a graduated tax or "…unless you got your phone turned off by mistake." The definition of feminism does not require a diploma or other proof of graduation. The definition of feminism is not an insurance policy; it doesn't exclude anyone based on age. The definition of feminism does not tell you how to vote or what to think. The definition of feminism does not judge your lifestyle. Yes. I am a feminist too.

Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" degrades women July 26, 2013|By Timothy Villareal Robin Thicke, right, takes offense to the charge that “Blurred Lines” is “rapey,” but the rationale for that accusation is difficult to miss. (HANDOUT) If you have not heard it by now, a catchy tune with grotesque, misogynist lyrics has conquered the nation this summer. The female director of the video, Diane Martel, rationalizes the visual degradation by arguing that the women, as they are being actively degraded on film, look into the camera, instead of away from the camera. Who knew there was a glass ceiling in sophistry to break in the first place? Yet according to Katie Russell of the British organization Rape Crisis, the song has lyrics that are "explicitly sexually violent and appear to reinforce victim-blaming rape myths, for example about women giving 'mixed signals' through their dress or behavior, saying 'no' when they really mean 'yes' and so on." Case in point: I know you want it You're a good girl Can't let it get past me You're far from plastic

Colonia: lo stupro sulle donne (e non solo)... di PAOLO ERCOLANI Più di una donna su tre, nel mondo, ha subito violenza fisica e/o sessuale. Che sia dal partner, da un esponente della sua cerchia ristretta oppure da un estraneo poco importa: il maschio tende a considerare la donna un corpo di cui voler e poter abusare liberamente. Né i nostri governi, ossia l’istituzione deputata anche alla sicurezza dei cittadini, sembrano voler o poter contrastare questo fenomeno, antico quanto il mondo, con una forza e convinzione minimamente paragonabili a quelle con cui impongono lo smantellamento delle politiche sociali. Basterebbe citare il caso italiano, dove è toccato attendere il 1981 per veder abolito il «delitto d’onore» (l’uccisione della moglie adultera non era comparato all’omicidio), e addirittura il 1996 perché lo stupro venisse finalmente considerato un delitto contro la persona (e non contro la morale). Il tutto inopportunamente seguito dal solito teatrino del partito preso. Qui arriviamo al secondo aspetto ignorato.

Lessons on feminism – news and teaching resources round up | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional A move to replace social reformer Elizabeth Fry with Sir Winston Churchill on the £5 banknote, leaving the Queen as the only female face on our currency, was met with widespread protest. An online petition was signed by 35,000 people and pressure was increased with the threat of legal action when the campaign raised more than £13,000 in donations. At the end of July the Bank of England announced that Jane Austen would appear on the new £10 note. To help you explore feminist debate and gender issues, we have collated stories from the Guardian, infographics on inequality and lesson ideas from the web. From the Guardian The global gender gapEducation and healthcare are improving for women across the world, but men continue to do better when it comes to jobs and wages, according to data from the World Economic Forum. What happened when I started a feminist society at schoolWhen Jinan Younis set up a feminist society at school she was met with a tirade of abuse. Best of the web

In Germania la cultura dello stupro non è stata importata: è sempre esistita | VICE | Italia Il capodanno a Colonia, nella piazza tra il Duomo e la stazione. Screenshot via YouTube Durante la notte di Capodanno nella zona tra la stazione e il duomo di Colonia, in Germania, decine di donne sono state aggredite e molestate. Visto tutto quello che si è scritto in queste ore, e senza voler sminuire la gravità dei fatti, abbiamo deciso di tradurre un articolo uscito su VICE Germania in cui l'episodio viene inserito in un contesto più ampio. L'articolo è qui riproposto in versione editata. I fatti di Colonia lasciano tutti senza parole, questo è certo. Che la società e le istituzioni non siano in grado di proteggere le vittime e individuare i colpevoli non è una novità, e non dipende certo dal fatto che in Germania la rape culture—ovvero la diffusione e la tolleranza all'interno della società della violenza sessuale—non sia già radicata: in effetti, la rape culture esiste da tempo in Germania. L'hashtag non fa che confermare quanto dicono le statistiche.

Women in development Women in development (WID) is an approach to development projects that emerged in the 1970s, calling for treatment of women's issues in development projects. Later, the Gender and development (GAD) approach proposed more emphasis on gender relations rather than seeing women's issues in isolation. Concepts[edit] In Africa, one of the first to recognise the importance of women in farming was Baumann in 1928, with his classic article The Division of Work According to Sex in African Hoe Culture. Kaberry published a much-quoted study of women in the Cameroon in 1952, and empirical data on male and female activities was documented in Nigerian Cocoa Farmers published in 1956 by Galletti, Baldwin and Dina. Ester Boserup's pioneering Women's Role in Economic Development brought greater attention to the importance of women's role in agricultural economies and the lack of alignment of development projects with this reality. In other countries, women were severely underemployed. Activities[edit]

Colonia: i fatti, le indagini, le reazioni, il dibattito di Angelo Romano e Andrea Zitelli Questo lavoro, fuori dal flusso della notizia "Colonia", è una mappa orientativa. Nella prima parte abbiamo ricostruito quello che si sa e quello che non si sa finora sulle violenze che ci sono state nella città tedesca la sera di capodanno. Colonia, cosa è successo la notte di capodanno? Come si è sviluppato il dibattito in Italia e all'estero dopo le violenze a Colonia Domande e confronto sulla nostra pagina Facebook >> Colonia, cosa è successo la notte di capodanno? A quasi due settimane dalle aggressioni avvenute davanti la stazione centrale della città di Colonia, in Germania, durante la notte di Capodanno, responsabilità accertate e una ricostruzione puntuale dei fatti ancora non hanno trovato risposte certe. Il 7 gennaio, la BBC pubblica la ricostruzione di una ragazzina inglese di 17 anni arrivata a Colonia insieme al suo ragazzo per festeggiare la fine dell'anno: Cosa si sa dei responsabili e a che punto sono le indagini

What No One Else Will Tell You About Feminism But this is the problem you bring up a contentious issue, ask if you a feminist if you believe differently and say you don't want to talk about the issue. A little too cute no? I think you can clearly be a feminist and think abortion is wrong, a bad choice, perhaps even immoral. You can try to persuade women not to get them and refuse to get one yourself even if you know your baby is going to die within weeks of birth. You can do all that and be a feminist. It is the legal issue that is more problematic. So why would the state have the right to demand that women of reproductive age donate their bodies to bring another citizen to life? Additionally, the attempt to control this choice is fought over just as hard even if the individual to be born wil die in a few weeks or months, even if that death will painful, or prolonged torment (like Tay-Sachs).

The Real Reason Everyone Freaked Out Over Kim Kardashian's Nude Selfie Whether you keep up with celebrity affairs or not, you can’t really ignore the Kardashians—and you definitely can’t avoid knowing what people think about them. When Kim Kardashian posted a nude selfie on Twitter this week, there was a smattering of “you go girl” support, but also a wave of criticism about her immodesty or her pathological need for attention. The response from the public and from other celebrities said a lot about what we think of Kim Kardashian, but even more about what we think of women’s bodies and sexuality. In a culture where we see billboard-sized images of boobs on the daily, why is it this nude picture that makes everyone clutch their pearls? When a woman is depicted in a sexualized way, with no depth beyond her appearance in order to sell beer, cars, or sandwiches, we call it advertising. When overtly sexual or nude photos and videos of women are posted online or nude photos are printed in magazines, we call it porn. It’s okay to look at porn.

Lean In a taxonomy of the sad girl If you've heard the term "Sad Girl" recently, it's probably in reference to Lana Del Rey, queen of pop melancholy who has inspired a million #PrettyWhenYouCry selfies. It could have been on Tumblr, too, where lately teen angst manifests as dip-dye braids and soft-focus bruises. Actually, when you think about it, Sad Girls are everywhere—in the musings of Twitter personality @SoSadToday, the selfies of artist Audrey Wollen, creator of "Sad Girl Theory," and on Etsy, where you can buy Sad Girl necklaces, pins, vests, and tote bags, typically in pastel. Like many things on the Internet, Sad Girl became a brand and a think piece before it was a sentient cultural movement. Twenty years ago, the last time the term "Sad Girl" circulated through the pop-culture lexicon, it evoked a very different community, one more likely to have prison stick-n-pokes and teased bangs than periwinkle plaits. 1994 Echo Parque couldn't be more different from 2015 Tumblr. Lana Del Rey, "Tropico," image via YouTube
