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The Wonder of Knits As I’ve gone through my Wardrobe Architect journey over the last few months, I’ve realized how important comfort is to me. Sure, it seems obvious that our clothes should be comfortable. But when I really looked at what pieces of clothing I wore again and again, at least half of them turned out to be made from knits. As I’ve learned more and more about working with knit fabrics while collaborating with Alyson, my sewing life has changed dramatically. Here’s why:

Home - Victory Patterns Retour sur mes tutos du net préférés... - A tout petit point... Retour sur mes tutos du net préférés... J'ai hésité à faire un Edit sur le premier article et le déplacer ici mais comme j'ai d'autres articles qui pointent dessus, j'avais peur qu'en le déplaçant, les liens ne fonctionnent plus.. Bref, je reviens aujourd'hui sur l'article dans lequel je vous présentais mes tutos préférés car depuis, j'ai pu en tester un certain nombre et j'ai aussi quelques nouveaux tutos à ajouter... Pour vous y retrouver, j'ai copié collé l'article et j'ai ajouté en gras mes nouveaux commentaires et mes nouveaux liens... 1. Sac, trousses

Fehr Trade: tag One of the favourite features of my PB Jam Leggings pattern is that there’s a secure, inner pocket at the upper back to keep things like your phone, keys, or gels handy while you’re working out. While I was developing the pattern, I decided to make this pocket one layer, and use the exterior of the leggings as the other side of the pocket, sealing off the bottom with topstitching. But sometimes you may not want any topstitching visible from the right side, so to do this, you only need one extra piece of fabric and a few short steps. Making the pocket invisible from the outside will only add about 5 minutes max onto your construction time, but if your fabric is thick, definitely consider cutting your pocket from a thinner lycra!

Une petite nouveauté : le sac à pain ! - Les 2 Mains Gauches Une petite nouveauté dans mon atelier : un sac pour ramener le pain ... qui se plie pour se ranger : et se déplie (28 x 62 cm) ... pouvant contenir 3 à 4 baguettes : Enfin, c'est presque une nouveauté : car c'est quasiment une pochette classique (tuto à retrouver ICI) mais en grande taille ! J'ai opté pour une toile enduite pour l'extérieur pour protéger le pain de la pluie ... en version violette pour un sac girly ! Ce sac à pain est entièrement doublé ... avec un liberty rose que j'adore ... pour rester dans un esprit totalement girly !

Casey’s Elegant Musings Trousse de toilette pour homme à faire soi-même Les hommes aussi possèdent des produits de beauté et lorsqu’ils partent en voyage, il faut que tout cet attirail puisse rentrer dans leur trousse. En voici une originale et spacieuse, parfaite pour tout emporter. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’acheter du tissu imperméabilisé pour la doublure. Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing Princess & Dragon - Ylenia Manganelli : Cersei Lannister Gown - Costume TUTORIAL and PATTERN #3 Cersei Lannister Dress Cosplay Costume TUTORIAL and PATTERNFIRST AND SECOND SEASON Character: Cersei LannisterVersion: Long sleeves gowns, Season One and Two Cersei Lannister is my favourite character, I love her since the firs-.. ehm, I didn't like her at the beginning. I needed time to understand why she was like she was. She's one of the most complex character of the whole Saga: since she was a child, she grew up as a true lion, strond and conscious of her power, but she was also told it's not right for a woman to be like that, she was told who to marry, what to do. I don't think she's such the evil woman everyone believes; she grew up in a very umpleasant and difficult world in which women aren't allowed to stand up, they can only worship husbands and give them children.

Ultimate List of Free Sewing Patterns A while ago, when I walked along some vintage store in Manchester, I found some vintage sewing pattern. They were mainly from the 60′s and 70′s. If sewing is the language of fashion, the pattern should be the books. It recorded different style according to time. Below, here are some free pattern resources you can find online: BurdaStyle Fabric Labels Tutorial Many people have asked me how I make my labels so I have decided to make this little tutorial including pictures and any little tips that I have learned along the way. You will find that making your own labels is quite simple and much cheaper than purchasing custom labels. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy. Materials needed:computer, graphics program (I used photoshop) & inkjet printerregular printer paperiron-on transfer paperutility knife, cutting mat & metal rulerribbon (I used 1/2 inch natural cotton twill tape)iron & ironing boardscissors Step 1: Design your image using your program of choice working with a resolution of 300ppi for a clear image. The height of your image should be smaller than the width of your ribbon.

Make Your Own Clothing Labels This is part 2 of my 3 part label tutorial for textiles like clothing and bedding. Here are the 3 chapters: part 1 – what to say (or what the FTC wants you to put on your labels) part 2 – how to make them (DIY process of printing & cutting the labels on fabric) [you are here] part 3 – how to attach them (considerations for comfortable labels)

30 Great Places to Buy Fabric Online You can make the greatest stuff with your sewing skills but if you don’t have great fabric to work with your projects just won’t turn out as well. Finding fabric that is perfect for your needs can be a bit of a hassle and it’s often a task that’s best done in person so you can gauge weight and texture. Yet, some of the best deals on fabric, especially imported or designer fabric, can be found online.
