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Gluten Free Girl and the Chef — Food-Stories-Recipes-Love

Gluten Free Girl and the Chef — Food-Stories-Recipes-Love

Mélange maison de farines (complètes) sans gluten – Makanai Je n’aime pas les mélanges de farines sans gluten du commerce. Soit ils sont tout blancs, sans garantie d’origine sérieuse des produits qui les constituent (OGM ? Bio ?), avec une dominante d’amidons et non de farines, voire toute une série d’ingrédients supplémentaires dont je ne veux pas (gommes de guar ou de xanthane, stabilisant, conservateur, sel), et tout simplement pas bons. Soit ils sont bio, moins blancs, plus parfumés, mais en petit conditionnement, hors de prix pour ce qu’ils sont, toujours avec une dominante d’amidon, et non de farines, lesquelles ne sont de toutes façons pas moulues à la meule de pierre, ce que je souhaite privilégier (pour une meilleure qualité nutritionnelle des farines que nous consommons). Alors forcément, je me suis penchée sur la question, pour réaliser un mélange de farines sans gluten à mon goût.

Sydney’s 100 Mile Food Bowl And Local Living Economies The Australian has written up NSW’s Kurrajong Hills, in the Hawkesbury valley northwest of Sydney, as an ‘eat-local’ movement is helping once struggling farmers. The traditional way of life, the ‘Local Living Economy’ – as BALLE founder Judy Wicks would say – was dying. Suffering for a long time from the rising costs of farming and intense competition from supermarkets, farmers now have people travelling to them to pay well for freshly picked fruit and veg. Now that consumers are aware of food miles and the 100-mile diet, the area has become a booming slow-food, eat-local region. Cucumber and Avocado Summer Rolls with Mustard-Soy Sauce Rich, nutty avocado is a great carrier of flavors, like the fresh herbs and cooling cucumber that star in these fresh rice-paper rolls. The savory dipping sauce features tart, sweet and salty ingredients that mimic an exotic salad dressing—fitting, as these rolls are like a salad that is eaten out of hand. In a small bowl, stir together the lime juice, oil, vinegar, mustard, soy sauce and brown sugar until the sugar dissolves; set aside.

Flax Recipes - Ideas for Eating Flax Seed Meal - Recipes We know that flax seeds are very nutritious -- lots of fiber and healthy fat, and very low in carbohydrates. And they are tasty, with a delicate nutty flavor. But how to get more flax into your diet? It needn't be difficult. Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles SLIDESHOW: Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] Mon pain sans gluten maison, cuisson cocotte – Makanai Il m’est difficile de faire du pain depuis que mes enfants ont été diagnostiqués intolérants au gluten… Les recettes de pain sans gluten ne manquent pourtant pas, mais je suppose que j’ai tellement aimé boulanger « avec gluten » chez moi pendant des années que le deuil de cette boulange-là prend son temps… Il faut dire qu’entre les saveurs et la texture d’un exquis pain au levain (et au gluten) et celles d’un pain sans gluten, même bien bon, au levain et maison, il y a, soyons honnêtes, un sacré fossé…

Chez Pim Egg Bagels « Free Eats Have you ever met someone who always seems to be in the right place at the right time? I mean, they’re the ones who win that ever elusive “Bring Your Own Bag” raffle at Trader Joes. (seriously, does anyone ever win that $25 gift certificate?) Or maybe you have a friend who sat next to Robin Williams on a plane? They laughed together, shared snacks and had thumb wars the whole way. Ok, maybe I embellished a few details, but this is how I like to imagine it went down. Gluten Free Ingredients Below you will find links to essential gluten free ingredients featured in the recipes on this website. Click on the image or text link to be taken to the specific ingredient page. Agar FlakesDuring my Ayurvedic training I learned to cook with agar flakes, they are a wonderful thickener for gluten free desserts such as custards and gelatinous desserts.

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