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Peace and social justice since 1909

Peace and social justice since 1909
Progressive Editor Ruth Conniff Talks About Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman Running for Congress By Deepa Kumar on Apr 11, 2014 A federal judge made a serious error recently in throwing out an important case about whether the U.S. government can kill U.S. citizens abroad without due process. Three U.S. citizens (Anwar al-Awlaki, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, and Samir Khan) were executed in U.S. drone strikes in Yemen in 2011. Their families brought a lawsuit to obtain justice. The government’s case against Anwar al-Awlaki was that he posed an “imminent threat” to the United States, and that it was impossible to capture him, so extrajudicial assassination was necessary.

Against the Current SOLIDARITY was formed as part of a project of regroupment of the U.S. Left. This publication, as part of this project, presents many points of view. Permanent Revolution Mon 01, October 2012 @ 08:54 Permanent Revolution issue 24 In the years before the First World War syndicalism developed rapidly as an international force. Issue 5: Fame Biology | Primatology On the Origin of Celebrity Why Julia Roberts rules our world. By Robert Sapolsky Culture | Urban Studies Famous For Being Indianapolis Dissent Magazine The Nation Magazine - Table of Contents The Thirteenth Amendment forbade slavery and involuntary servitude, “except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” Crops stretch to the horizon. Black bodies pepper the landscape, hunched over as they work the fields. Officers on horseback, armed, oversee the workers.

LENIN'S TOMB New Politics a magazine of ideas CounterPunch Socialist Review
