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Street photography

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La street photography di Joshua K. Jackson. Joshua K.

La street photography di Joshua K. Jackson

Jackson sa non solo fotografare la strada cogliendo l’attimo, ma lo fa dannatamente bene, non c’è una sua immagine che non sia interessante. Nato a Buckinghamshire, Joshua ha frequentato la scuola del Somerset, per poi trasferirsi a Londra dove ha studiato economia e finanza, prima di lavorare in città per dieci anni. “Nell’agosto 2016 ho iniziato a fare fotografia di strada, nel giro di tre mesi ho deciso che era una cosa che dovevo fare… e da allora ho sempre praticato la fotografia a tempo pieno”. Le immagini sembrano fortemente influenzate dalla pittura e molte di esse presentano un taglio cinematografico, che vuole raccontare la città in maniera non discontinua ma, al contrario, coerente e poetica.

Lo sguardo del fotografo si distingue proprio per il suo stile narrativo, caratterizzato da una bellezza ambigua e quasi astratta, che cattura inevitabilmente l’attenzione. Segui Joshua su Instagram qui. 7 passi per superare la tua paura della street photography. Questo articolo è stato scritto da James Maher, autore de I fondamenti della street photography.

7 passi per superare la tua paura della street photography

I fondamenti della street photography, E-Book e Conversazioni sulla street photography. I fondamenti della street photography (e-book) Magnum Photos e la fotografia di strada. TIME Picks the Top 100 Photos of 2017. 17 foto incredibili di Street Photography - Blog di Behance. 23 trucchi per la fotografia di strada. Rapidi suggerimenti per migliorare la tua street photography. Sulla street photography e sulla fotografia umanista – Experience Pro Photography blog. Don’t be afraid of being afraid, non aver paura di essere spaventato.

Sulla street photography e sulla fotografia umanista – Experience Pro Photography blog

Questa frase del mio maestro Anders Petersen, racchiude forse il senso di ciò che io intendo per street photography e per fotografia umanista. Per proseguire nella riflessione è necessario, però, porsi alcune domande. Cosa spinge a fotografare? Fotolia IT » Volti da Fifth Avenue. Tra la 57esima strada e la 5a strada c’è il ritrovo del fotografo Daniel Featherstone, sin da quando si è trasferito a New York, ormai 23 anni fa.

Fotolia IT » Volti da Fifth Avenue

Durante la sua pausa pranzo come direttore creativo, Featherstone utilizza la sua ora per andare in giro a scattare foto a coloro che passano per strada. Questi scatti istantanei, mettono in luce i personaggi e la vita di New York, sempre piena di colore e di energia. Saul Leiter, il genio della street photography a colori.

L’innovativa e raffinata fotografia di Saul Leiter ha riscontrato il meritato riconoscimento internazionale solo negli ultimi anni.

Saul Leiter, il genio della street photography a colori

Reflections of New York - Photographs and text by François Van Bastelaer. New York is a wonderful place, so many times showed in pictures.

Reflections of New York - Photographs and text by François Van Bastelaer

I try to present the city from a different point of view. I developed a project that shows the reality as something unusual, different, sometimes almost surrealist. All these pictures are the exact reality. Robert Herman - The New Yorkers: Color Street Photography from the 1980s. Robert Herman has been a street photographer since his days as an NYU film student back in the late '70s.

Robert Herman - The New Yorkers: Color Street Photography from the 1980s

Using his father's Nikon F and a 50mm lens, he began by exploring the city as a means to connect with the people in his neighborhood and learn the craft of making images. His photos of New York City, shot between 1978-2005 on Kodachrome, are now collected in his first monograph: “The New Yorkers”. LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2015. Get a free Submission Review Enter a series in Street Photography Awards 2015 and get a free submission review!

LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2015

We believe that every photographer who enters deserves thoughtful feedback on their work. That's why we've recruited over a dozen top photo editors, portfolio reviewers, curators, and other industry professionals to give you constructive feedback on your photography plus recommendations for improving your practice. “That was so incredibly helpful and insightful. 'Taking My Time': Two New Books Full of Joel Meyerowitz's Masterful Street Photography. New York City, 1975 © Joel Meyerowitz.

'Taking My Time': Two New Books Full of Joel Meyerowitz's Masterful Street Photography

Courtesy Phaidon. Capturing the quintessential perfect moment in uncontrolled, public settings depends on a magical confluence of elements that suddenly, momentarily, match up so exquisitely they seem choreographed. Metro Station - Italian Street PhotographyItalian Street Photography. A Journey in the Streets of New-York. La photographe Jomeyra Texeira a capturé des photographies de la ville dans laquelle elle vit et travaille, New-York.

A Journey in the Streets of New-York

D’une beauté saisissante, ses clichés nous emmènent visiter les rues et les souterrains de la grosse pomme. À découvrir dans la suite et sur Visual Memories, site où la photographe a réuni tous ces instants mémorables. Street Photos of 1960s New York. En 1967, après avoir travaillé six ans pour un magazine japonais, le photographe Takayuki Ogawa a entrepris un long voyage à New-York. Pendant un an, il a arpenté et exploré les rues de la ville et en a capturé des clichés envoutants en noir et blanc, illustrant parfaitement l’ambiance captivante des sixties. À découvrir. The Circus - Italian Street PhotographyItalian Street Photography. Stories0By Andrea Scirè @andreascire · On April 21, 2015. Yale University Press - The World Atlas of Street Photography. There is no paternity test when it comes to pinning down street photography’s DNA.

As this book demonstrates so clearly, it is a genre that borrows from other forms—sculpture, theatre, video, installation and participatory art—and mingles their many presences into single frames. Clarissa Bonet - City Space: Street Photography as Psychological Art. The urban space is striking. 9 fotografie dell'Italia negli anni Ottanta. La casa editrice Damiani ha pubblicato il libro Dolce Via: Italy in the 1980s, la prima raccolta completa delle immagini scattate in Italia all’inizio degli anni Ottanta dal fotografo americano Charles H.

Traub. Le fotografie ritraggono con colori vivaci e brillanti scene di vita quotidiana a Napoli, Roma, Milano, Venezia, dipingendo un’Italia che non esiste più, o che forse è esistita soltanto in un mondo immaginario, creato dai film e dalle aspettative degli stranieri che venivano a visitarla. Moments of Detachment and Solitude Captured by Street Photographer Caspar Claasen. For the last few years, Amsterdam-based street photographer Caspar Claasen has been documenting the different sides of solitude, exploring the camera’s ability to isolate and express private moments of detachment experienced by subjects both young and old, human and nonhuman. Collectively, these individuals, animals, and inanimate objects form an ongoing series that teeters between the absurd and the melancholy. For Claasen, the interplay between these two attributes is a vital mechanism, “the tragicomical . . . something we can all recognize ourselves in – laugh, grin, but at the same time have a sense of empathy.”

Even his more urban landscapes, void of human life, succeed in anthropomorphizing their inanimate subjects to appear as sweetly solitary stand-ins for their human counterparts. Art & Photography: Alain Delorme. Photos Capture Street Life in Havana. As a child coming of age in Guatemala, New York-based photographer Jaime Permuth‘s perception of Cuba was shrouded in mystery and clouded by inescapable biases.

When he visited the country in November of 2014 to speak at Havana’s Month of Photography, organized by La Fototeca de Cuba, he left all his assumptions at home, choosing to immerse himself within the realities of Centro Habana. A short week after Permuth’s return to Manhattan, President Barack Obama announced his intention to repair US-Cuba relations after fifty-four years of estrangement. Street Photography in Paris. Yanidel Street Photography. Editors - LensCulture's 14 Favorite Street Photography Features from 2014.

Eamonn Doyle - i, Dublin street portraits. The photographs that form ‘i’ gestated as I started to feel my way back into photography following a long break. Around that time I was re-discovering the work of Samuel Beckett, specifically the ‘Trilogy’ comprising the novels ‘Molloy’, ‘Malone Dies’ and ‘The Unnameable’. I began to be drawn towards a number of solitary 'Beckettian' figures I saw on the streets of Dublin, people I had seen passing me every day who seemed to be treading the same ground, day in, day out. Mindful of the words that preface Wittgenstein’s ‘Tractatus’, ‘Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent,’ I wondered how I might approach the photographing of these people, who were after all (and who remain) near-total strangers to me.

Sarah Choi - Streets in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has so many colors in its streets: vibrant and faded; modern and traditional; bright and shaded. People, unknowingly, complete their own street scenes. These are the most beautiful. Yusuke Sakai - Point of View: Japanese Street Photography. The Streets of San Francisco. À la manière de Fan Ho qui a su retranscrire avec poésie le Hong Kong des années 50, le photographe Fred Lyon a dressé un portrait touchant de la ville de San Francisco des années 40 à 70, par une série de clichés en noir et blanc. Du pêcheur au simple passant, des buildings florissants aux néons par dizaines, le photographe illustre avec sensibilité l’aspect vintage de la ville californienne.

Joel Meyerowitz - Joel Meyerowitz Color Work, 1970-1980, Changing Time. This is the first European exhibition of the color photography of Joel Meyerowitz. The show offers a selection of photos taken between 1970 and 1980, a period of what the photographer saw as radical and decisive change. Shin Noguchi - Something Here. Tatsuo Suzuki - Train. Italian Street Photography - Italian Street PhotographyItalian Street Photography. Italian street photography - Photophique. 5 street photography projects every first-timer should try. In da city - Italian Street PhotographyItalian Street Photography. Editors - LensCulture's 14 Favorite Street Photography Features from 2014. Stephen Shames - Bronx Boys. Le fotografie di Garry Winogrand. Joel Meyerowitz and Twelve Other Street Photographers on Their Best Photographs 

Le foto di Roman Vishniac, ad Amsterdam. Una giornata con Vivian Maier. Craig Semetko. Elio Grazioli. Larry Fink. Social Graces.