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Twitter Makes Hires to Boost Advertising Model - Digits. Full Details On Twitter’s Long-Awaited Ad Platform: Promoted Twe. Earlier this evening, we broke the news that Twitter was about to launch its new ad platform.

Full Details On Twitter’s Long-Awaited Ad Platform: Promoted Twe

The news has just been confirmed: moments ago, the New York Times published a report detailing the new platform, which is officially being called “Promoted Tweets”. Update: AdAge has published a report as well. Here are the details outlined in the articles: As we previously described, the new system serves up ads based on keywords in Twitter search queries.Promoted Tweets will appear at the top of the search results page, with small text indicating they were sponsored. The Times piece notes that companies could use this to combat negative tweets (they can place a positive tweet at the top of the page)A Promoted Tweet isn’t guaranteed to stay afloat for a long time — if the tweet isn’t tracking well in terms of replies, clicks, and a number of other metrics Twitter is calling “resonance”, it will be pulled, and the advertiser won’t pay for it.One ad will be shown at a time Image via AdAge.

Twitter Has a Plan to Make Money With Ads. Twitter Has a Business Model: 'Promoted Tweets' - Advertising Ag. Twitter's Advertising Scheme is Delightfully Boring - Just As It. Why do people care how Twitter will make money?

Twitter's Advertising Scheme is Delightfully Boring - Just As It

"We won't know where we, the users, fit in -- until they tell us how they're going to make money," Dave Winer wrote a year ago this week, "And when they tell us, we may not like it. " That's one reason why people care how Twitter makes money. Whether you're a person concerned that the popular social network you're investing your time and energy in might monetize in an anti-social way, or you're a skeptic who refuses to believe that the world-changing potential of Twitter is real until it proves itself economically viable - you probably heard that Twitter announced tonight it's got a plan for advertisements.

You can breathe a sigh of relief; the plan is downright boring, just as it should be. Advertisements will begin in search, with keywords being bid on and a single advertisement appearing with frequency dependent on its performance. This is great: it's relatively non-invasive, nothing too crazy, nothing terribly exploitive. The Twitter Ad Model Revealed (What Were You Expecting, a Pony?) If you don’t care about Twitter news, you may as well rejoin us next week.

The Twitter Ad Model Revealed (What Were You Expecting, a Pony?)

Over the next few days, Twitter is going to dominate the airwaves — and it starts tonight. In advance of his keynote at the Ad Age conference on Tuesday (not to mention Twitter’s own Chirp conference on Wednesday), COO Dick Costolo shared details of the company’s highly anticipated new ad platform, Promoted Tweets, with a couple of news outlets. In the most basic implementation, advertisers will be able to bid on keywords to have their tweets featured in search results. But Twitter says it may also include paid tweets in users’ regular tweet streams too, something that will surely be more controversial. Costolo said the company expects to decide whether to take that step before the end of the year.

Hello World. Although our services extend beyond the Web, Twitter ranks as one of the most popular sites on the Internet.

Hello World

Over the years, we’ve resisted introducing a traditional Web advertising model because we wanted to optimize for value before profit. The open exchange of information creates opportunities for individuals, organizations, and businesses alike. We recognized value in this exchange and planned to amplify it in a meaningful and relevant manner. Stubborn insistence on a slow and thoughtful approach to monetization—one which puts users first, amplifies existing value, and generates profit has frustrated some Twitter watchers. Believe me, when your name is Biz and you’re a co-founder of Twitter, it also means putting yourself at the mercy of folks like Stephen Colbert who hit home runs with lines like, “So, I assume that ‘Biz’ in ‘Biz Stone’ does not stand for ‘Business Model’.” The agency perspective. Twitter Ads Test Billion-Dollar Valuation. Twitter, the net’s largest micro-publishing service, launched an advertising service Tuesday that will let advertisers — beginning with some of the world’s top brands such as Starbucks — have their tweets show up in the top of search results.

Twitter Ads Test Billion-Dollar Valuation

It’s a first attempt by the service to make money from its users. Twitter’s ad model should sound familiar to net users, because it’s not unlike Google’s search ads — which let advertisers have links to their services and products show up above and beside search results. It’s not a bad model to work off, given those tiny ads propelled Google into one of the world’s top tech companies with enough global clout to even take on Microsoft and the Chinese government. Twitter is moving tentatively, however: Only one “sponsored tweet” will be displayed alongside search results, and the ad has to be something the advertiser already tweeted.

That’s exactly why Starbucks likes the program, according to spokesman Chris Buzzo. The potential irony is clear.