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WPMU DEV's premiere WordPress blog -

How To Make An eBook Advertisement Making an eBook is easy, regardless of your coding experience. This is good, because 99.9% of your time should be spent on writing and getting your book out there, rather than on technology. EPUB And Kindle Any electronic book can be called an eBook, but because over 90% of all eBooks are read on Amazon’s Kindle, Apple’s iOS devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod) and the Barnes & Noble Nook, I’ll focus on the formats for those platforms: EPUB This is an open standard adopted by Apple (iOS), Barnes & Noble (Nook) and many other makers of eBook readers (such as Sony).

Themes Let’s face it – even though they often contain vital information, footers generally don’t get much respect. Unless someone is looking for information that might typically be found in the footer area, many people won’t give footers a second look. To readers, typically footers mean “the end,” “time to move on,” “that’s enough,” “how do I get out of here?” But if you have a footer that surprises in some way, something that offers a little more, something that pops out at the visitor, then you just may catch their attention enough to engage them a little more. Read more

120 Free WordPress Themes from Premium Theme Developers Everyone familiar with WordPress knows the tactic of giving away free themes in order to build a name or attract customers to your paid offerings. It’s pretty much a win-win for everyone. If you’re happy with the free theme, then carry on with it. How to Start a Classroom Blog, Edublog or School Website Update #3 (Feb 2011): We’ve created a new website to help teachers make better looking class websites: Update #2 (Dec 2009): Why we’re thinking about leaving Bluehost. (We still love WordPress, mind you…) Update #1 (Sep 2009): We’re still using WordPress and BlueHost to run our classroom website.

A Glossary Of 15 Really Useful International Search Marketing Terms A conversation with a number of international search marketers recently showed that their range of experience ranged from expert to beginner, despite their influential career positions. By the way, this doesn’t mean they weren’t all highly talented people – their routes to their positions were just very different. The discussion did make me realise the importance of understanding the names of things – technical terms if you like.

How to create your own WordPress shortcodes In version 2.5 WordPress introduced shortcodes, and all of us have probably used them at one time or another. They usually come bundled with plugins, or even themes, and what they do is watch for when you insert something inside square brackets then replace that with some other content; it could be a simple sentence or it could be a massive PHP function, it all depends on what you instructed WordPress to do. Bundled shortcodes are great, and speed up things considerably, but wouldn’t it be great to know how to create shortcodes of your own? In this article I’ll take you through creating some simple WordPress shortcodes to help you create any functionality you like. A simple shortcode The shortcode API works very simply: first you need to create a callback function that will run anytime the shortcode is used; then you need to tie that function to a specific shortcode making it ready for use.

multisite When Edublogs Campus first started hosting WordPress Multisite networks for schools and universities 5+ years ago, it was pretty much exclusively for blog networks. But not so today. With easy to customize themes and the user friendliness of the publishing process, we see WordPress being leveraged to meet dozens of web and technology needs. And now with improved integration with popular Learning Management Systems, and the new data centers in Europe and Canada, this trend is poised to grow even more. Take a look at these 29 live sites, all hosted by Edublogs Campus, for inspiration and ideas! 1. 175+ Free Responsive WordPress Themes Free themes, especially, tend to have a greater disparity in quality from one another, with some being just as great as the best premium wordpress themes, and others being poorly designed or poorly coded (or both). Below, we’ve collected more than sixty of the best themes released since late month. Wordpress is a great and free content management system for blogger. A stylish design website always attract to users. There are lot of free wordpress themes on internet for blogger to make a stylish to their blogs, We collected few top quality free wordpress themes for download and preview.

14 key WordPress functions to jump-start theme development After a few years (or even months) of designing and developing WordPress themes, especially for clients, you start to realize that a lot of the functionality can be standardized or distilled down into a “starter theme or kit”. This helps get the development process started and moving along apace. The best first step in doing this, I’ve found, is to nail down most of the common functions and include them in the functions.php. This functions.php file will need to be extended to meet the particular theme’s needs as new projects arise, but it will provide a more than awesome starting point for development. A Beginner's Guide — Migrating A Website To WordPress Is Easier Than You Think Now powering over 17% of the Web, WordPress is increasingly becoming the content management system (CMS) of choice for the average user. But what about websites built with an outdated CMS or without a CMS at all? Does moving to WordPress mean starting over and losing all the time, energy and money put into the current website? Nope!

WordPress News at | Plugins, themes, how to, help and more by sirchamallow Jul 7

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