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A weekend in London!

A weekend in London!
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Digibooks Featured Digibooks Use these multimedia digibooks to engage students on a range of topics and to help with homework. view The White Australia Policy Brought to you by the ABC and National Archives of Australia (NAA) History Years: 9, 10 41 digibooks Sort by: view The wonders of Ancient Egypt History Year: 7 15 items Celebrations History Years: 2, 3 12 items Renewable energy Science, STEM Years: 9, 10 Earthquakes Science Years: 6, 7, 8 10 items James Cook - Finding Your Way Brought to you by the ABC and National Museum of Australia History, Geography Year: 4 6 items The Home Front Brought to you by the ABC and National Library of Australia History Year: 9 7 items Where's the best place to live? Geography Years: 7, 8 Remarkable animal and plant life cycles Science Years: 2, 3, 4 14 items Great Barrier Reef Science Years: 5, 6, 7, 8 Shakespeare Unbound Brought to you by the ABC and Bell Shakespeare The Arts|English Years: 9, 10 8 items Skin and scales, feathers and fur Science Years: F, 1 A robot future The power of speech - l'écriture collaborative n'a jamais été aussi facile! - La Tablette Pédagogique Avez-vous déjà fait de l’écriture collaborative avec vos élèves? Autrement dit, on écrit tous un article sur la guerre froide – par exemple – dans lequel chacun a la possibilité d’ajouter des éléments et de modifier ce qui a été précédemment fait… De nombreux outils numériques permettent de le faire. Nous citerons par exemple Moodle, Wikipedia ou encore Google. Cependant, aucun d’eux n’est aussi simple d’accès et efficace qu’, redoutable outil d’écriture collaborative et de bloguing (blogs de classes par exemple). Coup de projecteur sur ce produit libre créé par l’université de Genève. Direction, via navigateur internet, sur pour celui ou celle qui souhaite créer une nouvelle page. Une fois la page créée, il suffit de donner l’adresse à vos élèves pour que ceux-ci y ait accès directement et sans mot de passe via leur navigateur. Il est facile d’ajouter du texte, de le mettre en forme, de rajouter des images. C’est bien joli, mais on en fait quoi en classe???

Académie d'Orléans-Tours | Anglais en LP : Bac Pro A partir de la session de juin 2012, les compétences en langue vivantes sont évaluées de la façon suivante: Pour les candidats sous statut scolaire : - Langue Vivante 1 : Contrôle en Cours de Formation au cours du 2° semestre de la 3° année de formation (BO n° 21 du 27/05/2010 - 76Ko).Ce contrôle se déroule à l'oral, sur une durée de 15 minutes, en 3 parties: * 5 minutes de prise de parole en continu à partir d'une liste de 3 thèmes présentée par le candidat (voir quelques précisions sur les thèmes possibles - 20Ko; voir également quelques conseils de méthodologie - 1.43Mo à donner aux élèves) * 5 minutes de prise de parole en interaction entre l'examinateur et le candidat, dans le prolongement de la première partie, avec un élargissement possible * 5 minutes de compréhension de l'écrit, interrogation conduite en français à partir d'un document d'une quinzaine de lignes remis par l'examinateur (voir quelques exemples de documents possibles - 226Ko) Pour les candidats individuels

British Life and Culture in the UK - Woodlands Junior School London If you live in London, are visiting England's capital, or are studying London, why not bring... This is Activity Village's collection of original London colouring pages. Take a tour around... Here's a brand new collection of printable word search puzzles, mazes and word scrambles for... Use these fun London postcards - quick and easy to print onto paper, cut out and stick - as a... Just for fun, these simple illustrated posters for younger children feature some of London's... Our London I Spy booklets have lots of uses. Use our printable story paper for all sorts of writing activities, in the classroom or at home. Use these writing pages - available in colour or black and white - for writing about these famous... Kids can have fun with these printable step by step drawing tutorials for some of the best known...

Mes rituels d'Anglais sur l'année avec le TBI - supermaitre Durant l'année, toutes mes séances d'Anglais sont faites de la même manière : - greetings / rituels - activités variées de réinvestissement ou découverte - séquence en suivant la programmation de mon département. J'ai déjà proposé toutes mes activités quotidiennes de lecture / écriture / civilisation / compréhension orale et j'ai commencé récemment à mettre en ligne mes séquences sur TBI. Je propose aujourd'hui les rituels mis en place systématiquement à chaque début de journée ( 3 à 5 min) en Anglais. Tous les fichiers TBI ci-joints proposent des aides pour l'enseignant ou les élèves avec systématiquement les sons des questions /réponses. du navigateur Activinspire précise les différents travaux à faire. Périodes 1 et 2 : Warming up (très inspiré du travail du site LVE21) Galerie des pages du fichier TBI pour avoir une idée : Périodes 3 et 4: TV Show (carrément découvert grâce au site LVE21) Image du fichier TBI pour avoir une idée :

British Life and Culture in the UK Vandana Shiva: Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest Today, at a time of multiple crises, we need to move away from thinking of nature as dead matter to valuing her biodiversity, clean water, and seeds. For this, nature herself is the best teacher. My ecological journey started in the forests of the Himalaya. My father was a forest conservator, and my mother became a farmer after fleeing the tragic partition of India and Pakistan. It is from the Himalayan forests and ecosystems that I learned most of what I know about ecology. My involvement in the contemporary ecology movement began with “Chipko,” a nonviolent response to the large-scale deforestation that was taking place in the Himalayan region. In the 1970s, peasant women from my region in the Garhwal Himalaya had come out in defense of the forests. Logging had led to landslides and floods, and scarcity of water, fodder, and fuel. A folk song of that period said:These beautiful oaks and rhododendrons, They give us cool water Don’t cut these trees We have to keep them alive.

How British English and American English are Different | Grammarly Blog Many Americans who love tea would turn up their noses at the idea of adding milk to it. Brits, on the other hand, are known for lacing their strong tea with milk. With or without milk, tea is tea. It’s served one way in Britain and another way in the United States, but everyone can recognize it for what it is. The language that Americans and Brits share is a bit like that—spoken differently in the two locations, but understandable by both groups of speakers. According to the Legends of America website, inhabitants of the New World first noticed that their English was different about one hundred years after settling Jamestown. American English Words Missing from British English Along with groundhogs and woodchucks, other living things earned uniquely American monikers. British Words Missing from American English Put on your anorak. Vocabulary Differences Other words exist in both languages, but they mean different things. Spelling Grammar I’ve broken your vase. I broke your vase.

Weird museums | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC In this lesson students practise word building in preparation for part 3 of the Use of English test in the FCE exam. Through a series of activities students will become more aware of word ‘families’, enabling them to do the Use of English (part 3) more successfully. Topic: Weird museums - word building for FCE Use of English part 3 Level: B2 Aims: To remind students how to form new words from a ‘stem’ word.To familiarise students with part 3 of the Use of English test of the FCE exam.To extend students’ vocabulary by practising forming new words from stem words. Plan components Lesson plan: download Worksheets (1A, 1B, 2A+2B): downloadNote to teachers: cut worksheet 2A+2B in half in order to give the first half to students in group A and the second half to students in group B. By Katherine Bilsborough The plans and worksheets are downloadable and in pdf format - right click on the attachment and save it on your computer. Copyright - please read

7 ways for Modern Society to Reconnect with Nature I got a question recently which I spent a while pondering, and now am striving to try and put into words this idea that i’m having about the way that modern society and nature interact with each other. The question went something like – “If the Flower of Life is everything, then is stuff like traffic jams and office cubicles a representation of the Flower of Life too?” So far, the short answer that I have for that is “Yes and No”. There are parts of that which is true. At a very large fractal of our energetic field, as well as a very tiny fractal, all of the geometries at some point are connected with the Flower of Life pattern that we all know so well. What occurs to me however, is that around a certain point of that fractal, from the atoms to the molecules to the cells in your skin all the way to the clothes that you’re wearing, those geometric fundamentals break down in favor of man-made structures that are more removed from that original geometry. So what are we waiting for, here we go!
