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Women's rights country by country - interactive

Women's rights country by country - interactive
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extreme-heat-exposure-up-4-to-6-times-by-mid-century Heat kills. Vulnerable populations, like the elderly and children, are highly affected -- but the hazard extends to workplaces too, where heat has significant economic costs in addition to costing otherwise healthy workers their lives each year. I came across a new study by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) on the same day I found the usual late Spring reminder on the issue of heat hazards in the workplace in my email. The folks at Industrial Safety and Hygiene News (ISHN) succinctly highlight the risk: "If the body cannot rid itself of excess heat, it will store it. UCAR predicts "the average annual exposure to extreme heat in the United States during the study period (2041-2070) is expected to be between 10 and 14 billion person-days, compared to an annual average of 2.3 billion person-days between 1971 and 2000." They found that increased exposures to extreme heat due to climate change alone account for only about a third of the projected trend.

Prison - Iceweasel memoire traumatique et victimologie Définition de l'OMS La violence a été définie en 2002 par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé en 2002 :"La menace ou l'utilisation intentionnelle de la force physique ou du pouvoir contre soi-même ou contre autrui, contre un groupe ou une communauté qui entraîne ou risque d'entraîner un traumatisme ou un décès, des dommages psychologiques, un maldéveloppement ou des privations." Cette définition est complète et adaptée à une analyse de ses causes et de ses conséquences. Les incidents accidentels en sont donc exclus. En revanche les négligences et les actes d'omissions y sont inclus en plus des violences verbales, physiques, psychologiques et sexuelles. Pour reprendre la typologie de l'OMS, la violence peut-être divisée en violence auto-infligée, et en violence interpersonnelle et violence collective. la violence auto-infligée comprend les comportements suicidaires et les sévices auto-infligés. haut de page Les violences faites aux femmes et aux filles Les maltraitances faites aux enfants

Gates Is Funding USDOE Conferences and “Innovations” What corporate reformers manage to devise continues to amaze me. I know. It shouldn’t. But it does. During my perusal of the latest Gates grants, I stumbled across a find that makes me tilt my head slightly to the right in contemplation of its creepy import: The US Department of Education is taking Gates money. Yep. The first grant, for $300,000, was paid in April 2012: U.S. Date: April 2012 Purpose: to support a national labor-management collaboration conference Amount: $300,000 But there’s more … Gates paid the USDOE a nearly identical grant in December 2013: Date: December 2013 Purpose: to support a conference on labor-management collaboration to help implementation of the Common Core State Standards [Emphasis added.] Amount: $300,000 So, here we have two “labor management collaborations” financed by Gates– with the second focused on CCSS implementation– Bill’s favorite song of late. Here is a May 2012 USDOE white paper on the first such “collaboration.” This U.S. Moving on. Date: September 2013

Princesse chez Disney ? Sois belle, trouve un mari, mais surtout ne dis rien Les princesses du monde merveilleux de Disney exercent une fascination sur les jeunes générations. Deux linguistes, Carmen Fought et Karen Eisenhauer, se sont intéressées aux dialogues de ces personnages, pour analyser la représentation des femmes qu’elles véhiculent. Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est qu’il y aurait pas mal de choses à changer... Depuis la Belle au bois dormant, jusqu’à la Reine des neiges, en passant par Cendrillon ou toutes les autres, les princesses Disney accumulent les raisons de se faire houspiller. Certes, du premier film de 1937, Blanche-Neige, jusqu’aux dernières productions contemporaines, on constate un certain fossé. En 1989, apparaît pourtant un nouveau type de protagoniste : Ariel, la petite sirène, rompt avec la tradition. Mieux, indiquent les chercheuses : en moyenne, dans les cinq films qui ont suivi Ariel, les hommes ont trois fois plus de texte que les femmes. Trouver l'origine de ce qui fait les filles "Les hommes sont la norme" et nous le croyons

Global Peace Index Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - Iceweasel Haut Conseil à l'Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes Inside 'Billionaires Row': London's rotting, derelict mansions worth £350m | Society A third of the mansions on the most expensive stretch of London's "Billionaires Row" are standing empty, including several huge houses that have fallen into ruin after standing almost completely vacant for a quarter of a century. A Guardian investigation has revealed there are an estimated £350m worth of vacant properties on the most prestigious stretch of The Bishops Avenue in north London, which last year was ranked as the second most expensive street in Britain. One property owner, the developer Anil Varma, has complained that the address has become "one of the most expensive wastelands in the world". At least 120 bedrooms are empty in the vacant properties. The empty buildings include a row of 10 mansions worth £73m which have stood largely unused since they were bought between 1989 and 1993, it is believed on behalf of members of the Saudi royal family. Homes are on the market for up to £65m but there are also 16 unoccupied mansions. Other houses show signs of limited habitation.
