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Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth in Washington, DC On Thursday March 1st 2012, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth, the first report to the Club of Rome, a symposium entitled “Perspectives on Limits to Growth: Challenges to Building a Sustainable Planet” was hosted in Washington, DC by the Club of Rome and the Smithsonian Institution’s Consortium for Understanding and Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet. The joint symposium of Club of Rome and the Smithsonian Institution celebrated the 40th anniversary of the launching of Limits to Growth, the first report of the Club of Rome published in 1972. This book, which sold over ten million copies in various languages, was one of the earliest scholarly works to recognize that the world was fast approaching its sustainable limits. Forty years later, the planet continues to face many of the same economic, social, and environmental challenges as when the book was first published. Click here to download the full program

Collaborative Lab IRI - Institut de recherche et d’innovation du centre pompidou, Accueil « L’Education Populaire, monsieur, ils n’en ont pas voulu ! » Par Franck Lepage C’est ce qui m’est arrivé. Et c’est l’histoire que je vais vous raconter. Quand je dis : « J’ai arrêté de croire à la culture? La vidéo SILK For the past couple of years we've been working on the Kent Dementia Friendly Communities project. Covering the whole of Kent the project has inspired local community projects and dementia action alliances to form. The past few months we've been hard at work creating a website that captures all the activity that has happened under the Kent Dementia Friendly Communities project. The website quietly went live a few weeks ago and we wanted to share it on here: The site is not finished, in the future we hope it will be updated by the local alliances and project teams to continue to share the work they are doing, inspiring other communities along the way. We're still editing and adding to the site so if anyone has any comments please do get in touch.

Resilient Cities - ICLEI: Home 15 April 2014 Together with eight international organizations ICLEI joined a new urban resilience partnership which was announced at the World Urban Forum in Medellin, Colombia last week. “There has been a tremendous outpouring of support for urban resilience in recent years. This new collaboration represents a consolidation of those efforts as we prepare for an explosion of urbanization in the 21st century” said Margareta Wahlström, UNISDR Chief and Co-patron of the Resilient Cities congress 2012 and 2013. The partnership has been established by UN-Habitat, UNISDR, The World Bank Group, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the Rockefeller Foundation; the 100 Resilient Cities Centennial Challenge Programme, pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation; the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group; and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability.

Team For years, we saw passionate consumer entrepreneurs struggle to find the support they need to grow their brand—to hire more employees, produce more product, and share their dream with more consumers. Consumer companies were often forced to reach out to friends and family—a long and often awkward process. At the same time, we saw investors that were passionate about these innovative consumer product and retail companies, but didn't know how to get in touch with the entrepreneurs. We created CircleUp to make this process more efficient. Great entrepreneurs deserve funding from passionate investors. Zubin Beesla Business Development Analyst Zubin's professional experience includes previous roles in investment banking and investment management. Zubin earned his BS in Finance from Wake Forest University. Zubin Beesla on LinkedIn Ryan Caldbeck Founder and CEO Ryan received his MBA from Stanford and BA from Duke. Ryan Caldbeck on LinkedIn Wagner Camarao Engineer Wagner Camarao on LinkedIn Ethan Chan

Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information L'épopée du Social à l'épreuve de l'innovation “La maréee montante soulève tous les bateaux ; finie la pauvreté si tu as un bateau.” Lawrence Ferlinghetti L’assistanat à sens unique n’a jamais permis aux défavorisés de se construire le destin de leurs souhaits. “Vous voulez les pauvres secourus, moi je veux la pauvreté supprimée,” s’indignait en son temps l’auteur des Misérables. Ce ne fut qu’après la Libération que les pouvoirs publics mirent ce voeu à leur ordre du jour, avec l’institution d’un Etat providence, respectant la dynamique de la solidarité. Photo : Sculpture"La Foule illuminée" de Raymond Masson -1986 - Avenue McGill à Montréal (Canada) Les 65 personnages de la sculpture forment une société serrée avec ses couples, ses jeunes, ses vieux, ses rires, ses peurs,... L’esprit novateur de l’Etat providence La conjoncture sociale de ce siècle, de par les enjeux dont elle est porteuse, n’est pas sans ressemblance avec celle que nous avons connue au lendemain de la 2ème guerre mondiale. Le social, un nouveau “marché” ?

MetaLab 3D pour les CyberTerritoires The Democratic Society Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum The Internet Marketing Forum is dedicated to providing an online community and a place to meet, discuss and ask about questions, topics and trends related to internet marketing and your marketing objectives. You can easily find out and learn more about running an online business, latest trends and effective strategies and techniques for marketing your business, website or product. See more: search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, referral marketing, content marketing, native advertising, search engine marketing, pay per click, cost per impression, search analytics, web analytics, display advertising, contextual advertising, behavioral targeting, affiliate marketing, cost per action, revenue sharing, cost per mille, cost per click, cost per engagement, cost per view, list building

Fondation nationale des sciences politiques Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir FNSP. Elle joue depuis soixante ans un rôle important dans la constitution et la diffusion de la science politique en France. En août 2011, suite à la dissolution de l'association Soutien, solidarité et actions en faveur des émigrants approuvée en délibération le 2 février 2010, l'ensemble de son actif est dévolu à la Fondation[1]. Statut[modifier | modifier le code] La FNSP est une fondation de droit privé reconnue d’utilité publique, créée par ordonnance le 9 octobre 1945[2] et dont le fonctionnement est précisé par le décret du 22 mai 1946[3]. Son statut, sui generis, servira plus tard à la création de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, qui accueille notamment l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Elle est dirigée par un président et un administrateur, qui est traditionnellement le directeur de l'IEP de Paris. Conseil d'administration[modifier | modifier le code] Missions[modifier | modifier le code]

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