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Sustainable Food Center - Austin, Texas

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Country Farm Lifestyles Blog SAFSF.ORG :. Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders International Dairy Federation Welcome The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) Hill Country Herbalist: Making Infused Oils One of the basic components in making natural homemade products that are good for you and nutrient rich is infused oils. Infused oils can be any one of your favorite carrier oils, i.e., extra virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, etc. I typically use extra virgin olive oil for it's long shelf life, but many people rely on grapeseed oil for its light texture and affordability. So, what's an infused oil? Here's a simple process you can follow so you can make wonderful infused oils at home. Here's a picture of the "marc" - basically depleated of it's plant powers and ready for composing. As you know, I grow lots of yummy herbs in the garden and here are some of the infused oils I've made just from what I've grown: Although I don't grow enough Calendula to harvest all I would need to make an infusion, I do buy it organically from Mountain Rose Herbs and let me tell you..

The Self Sufficient Blog The Self Sufficient Blog is my mini-journal about self sufficent farm living. It... -- keeps you up-to-date on new information and what others are doing to become more self sufficient. ---New methods and creative approaches to farm living. -- keeps you up-to-date with other postings or news about self sufficient farm living --Join my blog and become more self sufficent by clicking on the orange button to subscribe. Self Sufficient Living There is nothing like the feeling of self sufficient living. Continue reading "Self Sufficient Living" The "Ah ha" Moment Here I am, 54 years old. Continue reading "The "Ah ha" Moment" Aquaponics Systems Aquaponics systems, simply put, is an agriculture ecosystem where plants and animals co-habitat in a cultivated water environment. Continue reading "Aquaponics Systems" Homemade Solar Panels People are successfully making homemade solar panels that perform and look better than manufactured panels. Continue reading "Homemade Solar Panels" Farms R Us | Welcome: Sachamama Sachamama Center for BioCultural Regeneration (SCBR) is a non-profit organization in the Peruvian High Amazon in the town of Lamas, Department of San Martin, dedicated to the biocultural regeneration of the region in collaboration with the indigenous Kichwa-Lamistas, the descendants of pre-Columbian inhabitants, as well as with the local Education Board of the district of Lamas (Sp. acronym UGEL). SCBR was founded in 2009 by the anthropologist Frédérique Apffel-Marglin. SCBR shares a worldview in which the human, the non-human, as well as the community of spirits, are all kin to each other. SCBR is bringing together an expanding collective of scholars, activists, healers, artists, and shamans that cross the North-South divide. SCBR is an educational, research, and experimental center that regenerates the Amazonian pre-Colombian black earth with biochar to achieve food sovereignty for the small farmers as well as for improving the climate crisis.

International Dairy Foods Association | International Dairy Foods Association Eat The Weeds by Green Deane, the most watched forager in the world Reinvention of the Humble Tomato Tasting — Seed Savers Exchange On Labor Day weekend, Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) hosts its annual Tomato Tasting event, drawing upwards of 1,000 people to come and marvel at the incredible wealth of flavors, textures and form inherent with tomato diversity. Heritage varieties from SSE’s Collection are on experiential display, inviting visitors to interact with these rare fruits—many of which are openly available through the Online Seed Exchange. Due to the popularity of our on-site Tomato Tasting, and the wild success of last year’s Apple Tasting event in Des Moines, we had the idea to hit the road with our tomatoes. SSE partnered with Koby Jeschkeit-Hagan of Seed Sages, who rallied a group of participant growers and provided them season-long instruction on how to properly save seed from tomatoes. We were on our way to having extra tomatoes for our tomato tasting while also providing support for the training of new seed stewards working with varieties directly tied to their region.

Lehman's Country Life
