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The Inquisitr

The Inquisitr

The Cool Hunter Contextually it’s pivotal, an artistic exploration of the metaphysical, developed in the digital; all rhymes aside, Los Angeles based artist Anthony Gargasz,’s new collection ‘Metallic Faces’ simply cannot be ignored for these three reasons. Fifteen years ago there was no such thing as ‘Photoshop art’. The thought that art could be generated on computers would have made traditionalists cringe. However, what Anthony has managed to achieve by using his background in digital design is breathtaking and its art in the finest sense of the word. His work is far more than simply ‘generated’, instead it’s an array of elaborate details carefully constructed, layer upon layer to create clean and unique imagery. Anthony follows the exact same artistic progression as somebody who paints, sculpts or draws yet the main point of difference is that his tools are a keyboard, mouse and drawing tablet.

Imagining White House 2.0 - 3dna This is the full-text of my "Imagining White House 2.0" presentation for the Personal Democracy Forum conference. that was just one of the marijuana questions that ranked highly on all three of obama's online forums. much of the dialogue since then has been about how to prevent this "gaming" of the system. well, gaming the system is nothing new. it's been happening for decades. they're called lobbyists. pundits. 501c4s. political consultants. campaign ads. Découverte de la 1ère exoplanète habitable de même taille que la Terre Jeudi 17 avril 2014, 21h39Une équipe internationale d’astronomes a découvert la première planète hors du système solaire d'une taille comparable à la Terre et sur laquelle les températures permettent à l'eau d'exister à l'état liquide et d'être ainsi propice à la vie. Cette découverte grâce au télescope spatial américain Kepler, conforte la probabilité de trouver des planètes soeurs de la Terre dans notre galaxie, la Voie Lactée, estiment ces scientifiques dirigés par une astronome de la Nasa et dont les travaux paraissent jeudi dans la revue américaine Science. "C'est la première exoplanète de la taille de la Terre trouvée dans la zone habitable d'une autre étoile", souligne Elisa Quintana, astronome du SETI Institute au centre de recherche Ames de la Nasa, qui a mené cette recherche. Cette zone est dite habitable car la vie telle que nous la connaissons et qui dépend de l'eau, a la plus grande probabilité de s'y développer, relèvent ces chercheurs.

Blogging Twilight: Index Page We know you love Dan. We love him, too! And now, for your greater reading convenience, we're going to collect all of his Blogging Twilight posts here, in one place. We'll update this page every time a new post goes up. Of course, you are invited to join the lovely Amanda's Facebook group, Dan Bergstein's "Blogging Twilight" is AMAZING.

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