Pearltrees Pearltrees est un service web de curation qui permet d'organiser, d'explorer et de partager des contenus numériques. Son concept repose sur l'idée que la multiplication des contenus (pages web, images, vidéos, fichiers ou notes personnelles, etc.) rend nécessaire une organisation humaine du web. Le réseau d'utilisateurs de Pearltrees s'étend aujourd'hui à de nombreux pays : l'application a été remarquée en France[1], dans la Silicon Valley et est maintenant utilisée dans plus de 150 pays. Au-delà de sa version d’origine, Pearltrees propose une version éducation pour les établissements scolaires et une version entreprise pour toutes les autres organisations. Pearltrees a été lancé en 2009 par Patrice Lamothe, aujourd'hui président-directeur général de la société, Alain Cohen, directeur de la technologie, Nicolas Cynober, directeur technique, Samuel Tissier, responsable de l'ergonomie et des interfaces, et François Rocaboy, directeur marketing.
Content Curation versus Content Aggregation: A Velvet Mr. T Painting Two posts brought to my attention the discussion starting to take root about the worlds of content aggregation versus content curation. A post on the Poynter blog back in early October points to the work of journalists engaging in curation via Twitter as a way of “filtering the signal from the noise.” The phrase used was “curation is the new aggregation.” A more recent post on the blog by Roger Hart delves more into the world of content curation in a broader sense, stating that it is a bit of a flavor-of-the-month. My experience with curation is more specific. Daily, and sometimes twice daily, it is my job to draw from a set pool of content, radio programs’ arts and entertainment segments, and publish them into a CMS with text and audio. Over the past few years, publishing content in this manner makes me a curator of sorts. Curation goes one step beyond aggregation by adding an active, ongoing editorial component. Curation and aggregation are similar in but a few ways. So.
People’s Insights Volume 1, Issue 2: Pinterest | People’s Lab – Crowdsourcing Insights & Innovation Few people expected Pinterest to be the smash-hit social network of 2011. It had strong competition in the form of Tumblr, Twitter and the more recent Google +, but the image-based social curation tool was on fire, making it to the Top 10 most visited social networks of the year.Pinterest’s mission statement summed it up well: Our Mission Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests Pinterest allows users to organise and share things of interest found across the web in the form of ‘Pinboards’. People use Pinterest to bookmark things they like and share them with friends and followers. What really works for it, though, is the fact that it uses social bookmarking to aid ‘discovery’ through a collection of visuals. Rooshabh Doshi
Nouveauté Gmail : les correspondants ne sont plus automatiquement enregistrés dans les contacts | Presse-Citron Gmail vient de pratiquer un petit toilettage de son service et propose quelques nouveautés cosmétiques destinées à en alléger et faciliter l’usage. Parmi ces nouveautés on notera surtout une nouvelle option, qui permet de choisir maintenant si l’on souhaite que Gmail enregistre automatiquement tous ses correspondants dans les contacts pour une saisie semi-automatique ultérieure, ou si on souhaite le faire au cas par cas manuellement. Jusqu’à présent, toute personne à qui vous envoyiez un email était automatiquement enregistrée comme un contact. Une fonctionnalité très pratique mais qui pouvait conduire à une inflation très rapide et incontrôlée de votre liste de contacts, remplie partiellement de personnes avec qui vous n’avez échangé qu’une fois dans votre vie, et qui ne sont ni vos amis ni même des relations professionnelles intéressantes. Avec cette nouvelle option, Gmail permet donc de désactiver cette fonction parfois quelque peu envahissante. (source)
How Educators Use Pinterest for Curation Digital Tools Jody Strauch By A. Adam Glenn The phenomenal growth of Pinterest has sparked interest among millions of users. It’s also spread to journalism educators, who are increasingly experimenting with it in the classroom. The social network launched two years ago, but in recent months has drawn red-hot excitement for its unique visual, topic-based curation approach. Now journalism school faculty are increasingly in on the act. One early adopter was University of Southern California’s Andrew Lih, who last October, long before he and many others knew the site would become a blockbuster, introduced it to online students in an entrepreneurial class to gather what he called a “mood board” for a project on public art. Aggregating images to share with students is an increasingly common classroom use for the tool. Jody Strauch at Northwest Missouri State University has used Pinterest to show good design work to her media design classes. Pinterest is not without its drawbacks.
People's Insights Magazines | People’s Lab – Crowdsourcing Insights & Innovation Vol. 2 Issue 3 – The Future of Employee (Re)Engagement In this magazine, we start off with an overview on employee (re)engagement - 5 catalysts for change, 5 drivers of engagement and 5 trends for the future. Then, we share insights and best practices from MSLGROUP experts and planners, followed by thirteen inspiring projects that show how companies are engaging with their employees and potential recruits today. Featuring articles including: Foreword by Pascal Beucler, Chief Strategy Officer MSLGROUPGrowing Talent for the Future, by Sophie Martin-Chantepie, Chief Talent Officer MSLGROUPEssay: The Future of Employee (Re)Engagement+ 11 more from MSLGROUP experts & planners in Brazil, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Poland and the UK. People’s Insights case studies including:
2013's Top Android Apps In a year that saw Google Play finally pass the one million milestone in terms of live apps, it’s fair to say there’s a deluge of file-managers, smart calendars, funky cameras, games and more to sift through to get to the real gems. So here’s a quick snapshot of some of the more notable apps to launch for Android in 2013. For the most part, these are all available globally, though a handful are restricted to certain markets – these are clearly marked. F**k it, we'll do it live! Our biggest ever edition of TNW Conference is fast approaching! In no particular order… Cal To-do list startup Any.DO spun out a brand new smart calendar app called Cal this year, representing the “first in a suite” of standalone apps from the Israel-based company. It’s worth noting that although it is indeed a ‘standalone’ app, insofar as it’s a separate entity to Any.DO, there is actually a fairly tight integration between the two apps – so you will be asked to sign-in using your Any.DO credentials. ➤ Cal Simplenote
curator's ǝpoɔ Data Mashups • Web 2.0 and Beyond Blog de M@rcel : des technologies et des pédagogies qui travaillent ensemble Introduction : répondre ou débattre Ce billet portera sur la contribution de deux collègues, Alain Beitone et Margaux Osenda, qui ont publié « La pédagogie inversée : une pédagogie archaïque » (des extraits de cet article seront proposés en bleu ci-dessous) Il ne s’agit pas pour moi de « répondre » à leurs arguments ou de les démonter en tentant de démontrer combien le propos serait incorrect, inapproprié, fallacieux … Je l’ai souvent dit : en matière d’innovation (gardons ce concept pour le moment), il me paraît important de considérer tous les points de vue même ceux envers lesquels, personnellement et subjectivement, on ne peut d’emblée marquer son accord. En effet, les propos des thuriféraires et autres évangélistes doivent être considérés avec circonspection voire méfiance, ceux des « grognons » (comme je les appelle chaleureusement) avec attention en ce qui concerne les alarmes qu’ils nous envoient. La classe inversée n’a rien d’innovant ! Introduction I.1. I.2. I.3. Introduction
What is digital curation? The digital curation lifecycle Digital curation and data preservation are ongoing processes, requiring considerable thought and the investment of adequate time and resources. You must be aware of, and undertake, actions to promote curation and preservation throughout the data lifecycle. The digital curation lifecycle comprises the following steps: Conceptualise: conceive and plan the creation of digital objects, including data capture methods and storage options. Create: produce digital objects and assign administrative, descriptive, structural and technical archival metadata. Access and use: ensure that designated users can easily access digital objects on a day-to-day basis. Appraise and select: evaluate digital objects and select those requiring long-term curation and preservation. Dispose: rid systems of digital objects not selected for long-term curation and preservation. Reappraise: return digital objects that fail validation procedures for further appraisal and reselection.