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Eurozone debt web: Who owes what to whom?

Eurozone debt web: Who owes what to whom?
The circle below shows the gross external, or foreign, debt of some of the main players in the eurozone as well as other big world economies. The arrows show how much money is owed by each country to banks in other nations. The arrows point from the debtor to the creditor and are proportional to the money owed as of the end of June 2011. The colours attributed to countries are a rough guide to how much trouble each economy is in. Click on a country name to see who they owe Europe is struggling to find a way out of the eurozone crisis amid mounting debts, stalling growth and widespread market jitters. But, with global financial systems so interconnected, this is not just a eurozone problem and the repercussions extend beyond its borders. While lending between nations presents little problem during boom years, when a country can no longer handle its debts, those overseas banks and financial institutions that lent it money are exposed to losses. GDP: €1.8 tn Foreign debt: €4.2 tn

An Overview of the Euro Crisis - Interactive Graphic Arrows show imbalances of debt exposure between borrowers in one country and banks in another; arrows point from debtors to their bank creditors. Arrow widths are proportional to the balance of money owed. For example, French borrowers owe Italian banks $50.6 billion; Italian borrowers owe French banks $416.4 billion. The difference — their imbalance — shows France's banking system more exposed to Italian debtors by about $365.8 billion. The risk to countries’ debts and economies is indicated by color: More worrisome

Europe’s Periphery: A postmodern version of Britain in the 1930s? While it is quite correct to draw parallels between the Crashes of 1929 and 2008, it is important to distinguish not only between the two eras but also between the different experiences of different nations within the same era. The simple, but not insubstantial, point of this post is that Europe’s Periphery is not in the same boat as the United States, or Britain, today; just like Britain found itself in a different kind of pickle, after 1929, compared to that of the United States. Moreover, keeping in mind these differences is important in order to devise strategies for dealing with the Crisis. Take Britain in the post-Great War period, that eventually led to 1929 and the Great Depression. From the Great War’s end, Britain was experiencing diminishing investment and profitability.

Poll: Which methods/algorithms did you use for data analysis in 2011? Regional breakdown is US/Canada, 40.2% Europe, 37.6% Asia, 10.3% Latin America, 5.8% Africa/Middle East, 3.2% Australia/NZ 2.9% We grouped Industry/Gov in one group and Academic researchers/Students into a second group, and computed the "affinity" of the algorithm to Industry/Gov as N(Alg,Ind_Gov) / N(Alg,Aca_Stu) ---------------------------------- N(Ind_Gov) / N(Aca_Stu) Thus algorithm with affinity 1.5 is used 50% more in Industry/Government than by Academic Researchers or students, and the algorithm with affinity 0.6 is used only 60% as much in Industry. The most "industrial" algorithms ( with the highest Industry / Gov "affinity") are: Uplift modeling, INF (no academic users) Survival Analysis, 2.47 Regression, 2.00

Europäische Kommission : CORDIS : Deutschland : Startseite Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Informationen auf CORDIS in Englisch veröffentlicht werden. Wir übersetzen einige Informationen in andere Sprachen, trotzdem kann es vorkommen, dass manche Informationen nicht in diesen Sprachen verfügbar sind. Der nationale Dienst für Deutschland entwickelt sich zu einem kompletteren Seviceangebot mit Informationen aus der nationalen und europäischen Perspektive. Die aktuellen Informationen auf diesen Seiten liefern einen Überblick über die deutsche Beteiligung an europäischer Forschung und technologischer Entwicklung: neuste Nachrichten, EU-Projekte mit deutschen Koordinatoren oder Partnern, Projektergebnisse und technologische Angebote sowie die nächste Phase der europäischen Forschung und Entwicklung. Der CORDIS Country Service Deutschland wird vom EU-Büro des BMBF ( e-mail ) im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung betreut.

Le Blog d'Olivier Berruyer sur les crises actuelles Vous avez peut-être encore en tête le principal résultat proclamé de l’accord du 26 octobre 2011 : “La décote volontaire de 50 % de la dette grecque”, qui a été reprise par tous les médias, et qui est souvent qualifiée ainsi. Nous allons voir qu’en fait nous sommes bien loin des 50 %, et que la montagne a, comme d’habitude, accouché d’une souris naine… Pour bien comprendre, il faut savoir que la dette grecque représente environ 360 Md€ et ses principaux détenteurs sont les suivants :

Dummies Guide To Europe's Ever-Increasing Jumble Of Acronyms It seems every week there are new acronyms or catchy-phrases for Europe's Rescue and Fiscal Progress decisions. Goldman Sachs provides a quick primer on everything from ELA to EFSM and from Two-Pack (not Tupac) to the Four Presidents' Report. Rescue Programs EFSFEuropean Financial Stability Facility. A temporary special purpose vehicle financed by members of the euro area to address the European sovereign debt crisis by providing financial assistance to euro area states in economic difficulty. The ESFS can issue bonds or other debt instruments in the market to raise funds needed to provide loans to euro area countries under financial stress, recapitalize banks (through loans to governments) or buy sovereign debt; these bonds are guaranteed by the Euro area member states.

Game theory and the Cuban missile crisis January 2001 Theory of Moves "We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked" were the eerie words of Secretary of State Dean Rusk at the height of the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. He was referring to signals by the Soviet Union that it desired to defuse the most dangerous nuclear confrontation ever to occur between the superpowers, which many analysts have interpreted as a classic instance of nuclear "Chicken". Chicken is the usual game used to model conflicts in which the players are on a collision course.

IT Planungsrat - Koordinierungsprojekte - Entwicklung "Prozessdatenbeschleuniger" P23R Prozessdatenbeschleuniger P23R Ziel der Maßnahme Prozessdatenbeschleuniger, kurz P23R, ist die Entwicklung von Methoden und offenen Standards für eine einheitliche Schnittstelle zum vereinfachten Datenaustausch zwischen Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Informationspflichten sollen rechtssicher, einfach, transparent, medienbruchfrei und effizient erledigt werden können. Grundlage sind die systematische Vernetzung von Verwaltungsvorgängen zu Prozessketten sowie der Bereitstellung modularer Regelwerke zu Informationspflichten.

Satyajit Das: The European Debt Crisis Redux By Satyajit Das, derivatives expert and the author of Extreme Money: The Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives – Revised Edition (2006 and 2010). Jointly posted with Roubini Global Economics The half-life of solutions to Europe’s debt problem is getting ever shorter. Recent hopes have relied on the ostensible success of the European Central Bank’s (“ECB”) LTRO – Long Term Refinancing Operation, more appropriately termed the Lourdes Treatment and Resuscitation Option. In December 2011 and February 2012, the ECB offered unlimited financing to European banks at 1% for 3 years, replacing a previous 13-month program. Banks drew over Euro 1 trillion under the facility – €489 billion in the first round and €529.5 billion in the second.

Version 1.00 of the Core Business, Core Location and Core Person Vocabulary released today What is displayed in this page ? All news item information is available here as : - the title and content of the news - the author, email contact, its location
