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The bitter tears of the American Christian supermajority The most persecuted minority in the United States is not Muslims, African-Americans or immigrants. It’s our Christian supermajority that’s truly oppressed. Verily, consider three anecdotes from the past few weeks. Plant growing on Open Book stock vector. Illustration of intelligence - 30983682 Unlimited Seats (U-EL) This license extends our regular Royalty Free / Editorial license to an unlimited number of seats within the same organization. It is an additional license to the usage included within the regular Royalty-Free / Editorial license that awards rights for a single person within the same company. The U-EL license is applied only for the staff of the organization that holds the account. The number of copies allowed is unlimited for each designer/employee. Web Usage (W-EL)

The Myth of Persecution The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom is a 2013 book by Candida Moss, a professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of Notre Dame. Moss's thesis is that the traditional idea of the "Age of Martyrdom", when Christians suffered persecution from the Roman authorities and lived in fear of being thrown to the lions, is largely fictional. There was never sustained, targeted persecution of Christians by Imperial Roman authorities. Official persecution of Christians by order of the Roman Emperor lasted for at most twelve years of the first three hundred of the Church's history. Most of the stories of individual martyrs are pure invention, and even the oldest and most historically accurate stories of martyrs and their sufferings have been altered and re-written by later editors, so that it is impossible to know for sure what any of the martyrs actually thought, did or said.

Capitalism in Crisis Amid Slow Growth and Growing Inequality A new buzzword is circulating in the world's convention centers and auditoriums. It can be heard at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and at the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund. Bankers sprinkle it into the presentations; politicians use it leave an impression on discussion panels. The buzzword is "inclusion" and it refers to a trait that Western industrialized nations seem to be on the verge of losing: the ability to allow as many layers of society as possible to benefit from economic advancement and participate in political life. The term is now even being used at meetings of a more exclusive character, as was the case in London in May.

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