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Load Balancing FAQ JobScheduler Documentation | Software- und Organisations-Service You may also find the following information sources useful Available Formats Documentation is available in the following formats: XML, uses XSLT for display with IE starting with 5.5, Mozilla Firefox and ChromePDF, preferably used for printer friendly layout Getting Started - 1 - Architecture We recommend you start by reading the following introduction: JobScheduler Architecture Guide in which the architecture of the JobScheduler and its mode of operation are explained. JID (JobScheduler Information Dashboard) Documentation Provides an overview of jobs planned and those that have successfully been completed. JobScheduler Information Dashboard (PDF) Describes the installation, configuration & use of JID together with the SOS Security Server.SOS Security Server (PDF) Introduced with JobScheduler version 1.7, brings authentication and authorization to the JID interface.

DS Scheduler – ordonnanceur libre Posted By Pierre-Yves Dubreucq on Sep 24, 2012 | 2 comments DS Scheduler est un ordonnanceur centralisé libre. Il dispose d’une interface web pour la gestion, le suivi, la planification des tâches et des commandes dans un environnement multi-hôte. Je vous avez déjà parler de Ortro par le passé, en voici un nouveau, ce qui ne fera pas de mal étant donné le nombre de solution disponible dans la sphère libre. Voici une liste de fonctionnalités : Peut être utilisé comme une solution de remplacement de cronPeut exécuter des jobs basés sur l’apparition d’événementsCommunications sécurisées entre le serveur maître et les clients« Cluster-able » : Le maître peut basculer automatiquement vers un certain nombre de maîtres secondairesInterface web en ajaxReprésentation graphique / Rapports: Visualisez la durée d’exécution et la planification des jobs Voici quelques captures d’écran : Liens utiles : Site officiel de DS Scheduler

The Foreman :: Learn More What is Foreman? Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage servers throughout their lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring. Using Puppet, Chef, Salt, and Foreman's smart proxy architecture, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy applications, and proactively manage change, both on-premise with VMs and bare-metal or in the cloud. Foreman provides comprehensive, interaction facilities including a web frontend, CLI and RESTful API which enables you to build higher level business logic on top of a solid foundation. Foreman is 4+ years old, and deployed in many organizations, managing from 10s to 1000s of servers. With Foreman you could: The following operating systems are known to install successfully from Foreman: CentOS Fedora Ubuntu Debian Solaris 8, 10 OpenSUSE Oracle Linux Foreman can provision on bare metal as well as the following cloud providers: Amazon EC2 Google Compute Engine Libvirt OpenStack Rackspace

NOSQL Patterns Over the last couple years, we see an emerging data storage mechanism for storing large scale of data. These storage solution differs quite significantly with the RDBMS model and is also known as the NOSQL. Some of the key players include ...GoogleBigTable, HBase, HypertableAmazonDynamo, Voldemort, Cassendra, RiakRedisCouchDB, MongoDB These solutions has a number of characteristics in commonKey value storeRun on large number of commodity machinesData are partitioned and replicated among these machinesRelax the data consistency requirement. (because the CAP theorem proves that you cannot get Consistency, Availability and Partitioning at the the same time)The aim of this blog is to extract the underlying technologies that these solutions have in common, and get a deeper understanding on the implication to your application's design. I am not intending to compare the features of these solutions, nor to suggest which one to use. API model The basic form of API access is Data replication

Getting Started This chapter helps new users get started with Rundeck. We will begin by explaining a few essential Rundeck concepts and terminology and then discuss installation, project setup and introduce you to the top level navigation of the interface. Essential Concepts Several fundamental concepts underly and drive the Rundeck system. Role-based Access Control Policies: A Rundeck access control policy grants users and user groups certain privileges to perform actions against rundeck resources like projects, jobs, nodes, commands and API.Projects: A project is a place to separate management activity. Download and Installation If a running Rundeck instance isn't already available to you, there are a couple ways you can try it. You can download and install the Rundeck software. The default port for the web interface is 4440. Login Rundeck requires every user to login. Login form Project setup A new installation will not contain any projects so Rundeck will present you with a dialog to create one. Jobs User

Home - Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework Enterprise - Logiciel d'intelligence opérationnelle - Collecte de données machine | Splunk Vos systèmes informatiques et votre infrastructure technologique – sites web, applications, serveurs, réseaux, capteurs, appareils mobiles et autres – génèrent des quantités massives de données machine. En surveillant et en analysant toutes ces informations, des flux de clics des clients aux enregistrements d'appels en passant par les transactions et l'activité réseau, Splunk Enterprise transforme vos données machine en précieux renseignements. Résolvez les problèmes et explorez les incidents de sécurité en quelques minutes et non plus en quelques heures ou jours. Lancez-vous - Essayez Splunk dès aujourd'hui Splunk Enterprise est disponible en téléchargement gratuit. Toutes les données, toutes les sources Recueillez et indexez les données machine de toutes les sources ou presque en temps réel. Recueillez les données de sources distantes Les Splunk Forwarders permettent de recueillir en temps réel les données de dizaines de milliers de sources de façon fiable et sécurisée.

Srinath's Blog :My views of the World: List of Known Scalable Architecture Templates For most Architects, "Scale" is the most illusive aspect of software architectures. Not surprisingly, it is also one of the most sort-out goals of todays software design. However, computer scientists do not yet know of a single architecture that can scale for all scenarios. We learn art by learning masterpieces, and scale should not be different! LB (Load Balancers) + Shared nothing Units - This model includes a set of units that does not share anything with each other fronted with a load balancer that routes incoming messages to a unit based on some criteria (round-robin, based on load etc.). However, combining them to create a scalable architecture is not at all trivial undertaking.
