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Everyone likes instructions, right? Just think up a city name and declare yourself Mayor. Check out what other great leaders have built and rate them. If you’re a school teacher, you can to register so your students’ cities can be registered to and searched for by your school name. Load saved game Top 5 Towns

Related:  Science Game Based Learning

Doctor Know Game Bibliographic details: Article: Doctor KnowAuthor(s): Dr. BiologyPublisher: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Ask A BiologistSite name: ASU - Ask A BiologistDate published: April 29, 2014Date accessed: October 31, 2018Link: APA Style Dr. Physica - Monde virtuel dédié aux sciences et technologies sur SCIENCE EN JEU - Accueil Une situation d’une gravité incontestable! Une nouvelle île est maintenant accessible via le système de transports de SCIENCE EN JEU : Physica. C’est un endroit où ta compréhension des lois de la physique sera mise à l’épreuve! L’usine est supervisée par l’Aspir-o-matic 412, un robot issu de la toute dernière génération d’automates dotés d’intelligence artificielle. L’Aspir-o-matic 412 dirige les opérations de recyclage, commandant des centaines de petits robots-recycleurs.

Muzzy Lane - MiddWorld Online Muzzy Lane is partnering with Middlebury Interactive Languages (MIL) to create an innovative 3D language learning role-play game as part of MIL's online world language courses. The MIL courses will adapt the highly successful full-immersion formula modeled on the Middlebury College Language Schools for online delivery. Initially, Muzzy Lane will produce versions of the game to support French and Spanish languages, and each version will include a rich 3D environment specific to that culture. Students will interact with computer characters and each other in the plaza of a small French (or Spanish) city, and will be able to exercise their language skills in a variety of real-life situations and interesting game challenges. Students will collaborate with others to obtain and share clues to complete quests and advance in the game, all while reinforcing their developing foreign language knowledge.

Rana - Monde virtuel dédié aux sciences et technologies sur SCIENCE EN JEU - Accueil Il y a quelques décennies, une étrange colonie de grenouilles, menacée par la pollution, le réchauffement climatique et la destruction des milieux naturels, est partie à la recherche d’un endroit pour échapper à l’extinction qui les menace. Les grenouilles sont sensibles aux modifications de l’environnement. Leur fine peau perméable les rend très vulnérables aux agents polluants. C’est dans le vaste monde de SCIENCE EN JEU qu’elles se sont réfugiées sur l’île de RANA dans l’archipel ENVIRONIUM, où le respect de l’environnement est au coeur des préoccupations de ses habitants.

Science Games for Teens Animal Games Games about ocean animals, watch web cams and more. Earth and Environment Games NetworKing <center><div class="site_errors"><div class="floatType_site_error_top"></div><div class="floatType_site_error"><table summary="layout table"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#ffffff"><h2><img src="/templateimages/redesign/modules/overlay/site_error.gif" title="Site Error" alt="Site Error"/>There's a problem with your browser or settings. </h2></font><font color="#ffffff"><p>Your browser or your browser's settings are not supported. To get the best experience possible, please download a compatible browser.

How To Gamify Your Classroom In my last post, Following the Oregon Trail: Why Gaming Prevails in Education, I discussed the rationale for including games in pedagogy. Games are engaging, promote retention, and provide students with a fail-safe environment in which to learn and grow, to name a few benefits. It is becoming common knowledge that games are an effective instructional tool. Still, many educators are intimidated. Morse Code Translator Text to Morse Just type letters, numbers and punctuation into the top box and the Morse code will appear in the bottom box with a "#" if the character cannot be translated. If you want to translate prosigns, enter them as for instance and tick the "Use prosigns" checkbox in the advanced controls. This is not a great tool for learning Morse code as looking at the dots and dashes does not help. Instead, try the CWOps Morse Trainer. Morse to Text

Free Flash Jeopardy Review Game The Instant Jeopardy Review Game has been designed and dramatically improved to make it the perfect review game for a wide variety of classroom uses. This tool is a fun and interactive way to review content in your classroom, meeting, conference, or other group setting. The new and improved version of the Jeopardy Review Game includes the following features: Morphy Note: The Unity plugin is needed to play this game which is no longer compatible with Google Chrome or Chromebooks. We recommend using another browser, such as Firefox, or downloading to a mobile device with the links below. Morphy and his fellow alien crew have crash-landed on a foreign planet!

Phylo DNA Puzzle What's Phylo all about? The comparison of the genomes from various species is one of the most fundamental and powerful technique in molecular Biology. It helps us to decipher our DNA and identify new genes. Though it may appear to be just a game, Phylo is actually a framework for harnessing the computing power of mankind to solve the Multiple Sequence Alignment problem. What is a Multiple Sequence Alignment? A sequence alignment is a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA or protein to identify regions of similarity. Quest description generator This description generator will generate a fairly random quest. Some aspects of the descriptions will remain the same, this is done to keep the general structure the same, while still randomizing the details. I've separated the quests into two types, battle and gathering. The battle quests are more serious, they involve war, death, revenge and other themes you'd find in many fantasy games. The gathering quests are very light, often humorous and involve gathering objects, hunting for food and finding lost items. Like always, this is a random description generator, so not all generated results will fit together well all the time.

Make your own Dobble / Spot It game with Google Slides and Apps Script This tutorial will guide you into creating your own Dobble card deck with Google Slides, which you can easily print for use in your day to day life. Gameplay: any two cards always share one, and only one, matching symbol. The object of the game is to be the first to announce the drawing in common between two given cards (Wikipedia). To build your card game, you will need at least 13 images / symbols, to create a deck of 13 cards with 4 different symbols. To create cards with 6 different symbols, you will need at least 27 images but this will only give you a deck of 15 different cards. Best is to provide 31 images, generating a deck of 31 cards with 6 different symbols on each card and, as always, only one matching symbol between any 2 cards (and if you want 8 symbols / card, provide 57 images).
