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Data Visualization Demo

Data Visualization Demo

Diff This module adds a tab for sufficiently permissioned users. The tab shows all revisions like standard Drupal but it also allows pretty viewing of all added/changed/deleted words between revisions. Active maintainer/s Brian Gilbert (realityloop)Alan Davison (Alan D.)Lucian Hangea (lhangea) - Drupal 8 Port Inactive maintainer/s Young Hahn (yhahn)Tim Altman (Junyor)Derek Wright (dww)rötzi Previous maintainers Moshe Weitzman (moshe) Refer to the readme.txt for configuration options. Crack My PDF - Unlock PDF files online for free. Remove PDF Restrictions

Online Charts Builder Hohli Online Charts Builder New version: Try new version of Charts Builder, it based on new Google Charts API Load From Image URL: Chart Data can't equal to original, but very similar to it. Only for images on Chart Type: 3D Pie charts Lines Bar charts Pie charts For Pie Charts with labels choose 1000x300 or 800x375 size Venn diagrams Scatter plots Radar charts Chart Size: 320x240 Horizontal 1000x300 800x375 600x500 320x240 Vertical 300x1000 375x800 500x600 240x320 Square 546x546 400x400 300x300 200x200 Chart Ads: Data: Should be consists only positive numbers, use minus one (-1) for missing value, separated by coma, space or semi(,; ), e.g.: 23, 432, 456, 341 For Lines (pairs): Input data as x-axis and y-axis coordinates, e.g.: x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 Title: Use a pipe character (|) to force a line break in title. Background: Chart is ready you can save it as image Right click on the chart Select "Save image as" Save the image to your computer © 2011 Charts Builder. Developed by Anton Shevchuk

Family Tree Please note: This module currently has no way of outputting GEDCOM compliant data. The Family Tree module is for recording, displaying and analyzing genealogical data. It allows for the creation of things (nodes), such as Individual peopleFamily "groups" (marriages, unions, parents, children, etc.)Customized locations (e.g. place of union, etc.), events (e.g. divorce, etc.), artifact data records and linkingA lot more Dependencies: 6.x-1.x is the current new feature branch of Family Tree. Here is a more in-depth feature list: Node types for individuals, family groups, and locations.Views integration and Token support.Relationship assignment.Link users to individualsGraphs for ascendancy and descendancy.Full support for access control by Drupal roles and permissions.GED file import. Proposed future feature additions in no particular order: The Family Tree module is now maintained by jerdiggity, and was previously maintained by Pyutaros' with extensive co-maintainership by Microbe.

Intelligence Software Boost decision making efficiency by 25% and information sharing by 60%* Developed by a team of market intelligence specialists and software specialists, Intelligence Plaza® is a competitive intelligence software that automates routines and organizes your data in one storage repository, while enabling efficient information sharing and delivery to end-users. Choose from multichannel intelligence delivery options, from RSS feeds, emails and mobile alerts to an easy-to-use web interface. You can choose to run the Intelligence Plaza as a web based SaaS application or as a SharePoint application installed into your own IT environment. Visit the Intelligence Plaza website. View Intelligence Plaza cases. Companies that rely on the Intelligence Plaza® include: BASF • Bosch Chassis Systems Brakes • Brady • Cargotec • DHL • Fortum Power and Heat • Henkel Adhesives Technologies • Johnson Controls • KONE Corporation • Navistar • Philips • Shell Why Intelligence Plaza® is the CI software of choice

Drupal Charting I needed to find a way to create nice charts from Views data so that end users could adapt them to selected date ranges or categories, but I found that this is not as easy as it ought to be. It took quite a bit of time just to figure out what the options were, let alone decide which were the most promising solutions for my situation. Since this turned into such a time-consuming project, I've documented the steps I took and what I found to make things easier for anyone else looking for solutions like this. I investigated several Drupal 6x modules to see which ones might be ready for prime time. Many of the modules have alpha releases or less and/or have dependencies on other modules that are alpha or beta (i.e. I checked a few statistics to evaluate how useful, popular, and well maintained each module is. The names and dependencies are especially confusing. The end result in Google Charts looked like the following: Charts Chart

Welcome - Flickr Sync The Flickr Sync module downloads new photos from Flickr and creates Drupal nodes from them. The sync includes the title, description, tags (as Drupal taxonomy terms), and of course the image as a CCK imagefield upload. This module does NOT provide any image gallery view or other theming. This modules requires Flickr API module. Note: #1869164: Upgrade Flickrsync to support latest version of flickrapi module Differences between flickrsync and flickrrippr The major difference is that flickrsync uses the CCK Imagefield, where Flickr Rippr doesn't. Versions Drupal 5 Drupal 5 version of this module will no longer be supported. Drupal 6 Drupal 6 version is currently stable and under active development. Drupal 7 Drupal 7 version is currently not under active development. Credit Current Maintainers gclicon: Initial development of 7.x versiondago.aceves: Initial development of 7.x version Previous Maintainer benshell: Initial development of 5.x & 6.x version

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Media The Media module provides an extensible framework for managing files and multimedia assets, regardless of whether they are hosted on your own site or a 3rd party site - it is commonly referred to as a 'file browser to the internet'. Media is a drop-in replacement for the Drupal core upload field with a unified User Interface where editors and administrators can upload, manage, and reuse files and multimedia assets. Any files uploaded before Media was enabled will automatically take advantage of the many of the features it comes with. Media's aim is to solve Drupal's long standing media handling problem. Drupal 7 installation Quick install: Follow this recipe, or see online installation documentation. Drupal 8 Media for Drupal 8 is undergoing a re-architecture to individual components. Thank you Aaron Without his kindness, generosity, humility, and dedication, this module and many many others would not have been possible. You will be missed, friend. What is the difference between 1.x and 2.x?

BatchGeo | Map Multiple Locations From an Address List Location Module maintainer @podarok The Location module allows real-world geographic locations to be associated with Drupal nodes, including people, places, and other content. The Location module allows admins to collect addresses, geocode them (translate addresses to lattitude/longitude), and associate locations with Drupal nodes and users. Location data is automatically used to generate GeoRSS within your existing RSS feeds. We need help from developers with #1931088: [META] Fixing tests #1940818: [META] Location 7.x-3.2 release roadmap#2127933: [META][SPRINT][Location] Documentation sprint At present, it is the only module that provides the views integration necessary for implementing location-based searches and is designed for the purpose of finding points on a map within a vicinity of a user-supplied location. If updating from earlier versions and using location search, make sure to check these permissions. We need help from developers with #1931088: [META] Fixing tests Drupal 8 porting Drupal 7
