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21st Century School Libraries

21st Century School Libraries

Related:  Libraries, Research and AdvocacyFRIT 7331FRIT 7332 Part 3

The Learning Commons Mindset February 12, 2015 by cultureofyes Students at West Bay Elementary School I walk into almost all of our schools in West Vancouver and very often the first thing people want to show me or talk to me about is the changes happening around the library. Or more specifically, schools are taking great pride in their learning commons spaces that are developing. While the physical spaces are exciting, the changes to our mindsets are far more powerful. LIS-6455 Syllabus SYLLABUS AND CLASS SCHEDULE LIS 6455, Organization and Administration of the School Library Media Center Spring Semester, 2011 By Internet Course Instructor: Course Description: This class is offered as part of the sequence of course requirements for preparation for certification as a school media specialist.

What School Librarians Do The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states on their website that “Information and media literacy enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right. The following resources may be used to guide parents through the maze of information about information literacy and help to facilitate acquisition of these 21st century skills. Communications in Information Literacy Communications in Information Literacy (CIL) is an independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge, theory, and research in the area of information literacy. The journal is committed to the principles of information literacy as set forth by the Association of College and Research Libraries. CIL is also committed to the principles of open access for academic research.

The Future for Teaching and Learning What does the future hold for librarians’ participation in teaching and learning in colleges and universities? Many are already taking advantage of the opportunities pro­vided by the emergence of new technologies and faculty interest in giving students assignments that will engage them in their learning. I believe that the greatest oppor­tunities for librarians lie in deeper connections to the curriculum, adapting to new modes of pedagogy, linking technology-rich and collaborative spaces in libraries to learning, and ensuring that individuals who enrich the library’s role in teaching and learning are on staff. Over­all, the trajectory is for the increasing integration of librarians and libraries into the teaching and learning program of the college or university.

Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries Who do you think “Librarians of the Future” are? How would they behave and what would they look like? In my imagination they are like a space hero, a Flash Gordon-like figure with almost magical cyber librarian skills nobody ever had heard of. Strategic Planning Assignment Task: To analyze the strategic plan of Seattle Public Library. This analysis provides the essential elements of the plan (mission, vision, values, goals, strategies), describes who developed the plan, analyze the strategy underlying the plan (how well will it generate the necessary resources and achieve the goals), and how well it guides the organization (leadership, decision-making, collection development, technology planning, etc). According to Erica Olsen’s Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies, “Strategy is the ‘what’ part of the equation and helps you answer the question, ‘What are we trying to accomplish?’” This question is just as important for libraries and information centers as it is for any other type of organization or corporation. As the Seattle Public Library points out in its 2011-2015 strategic plan, the question is even more important now than ever, with the future of libraries up in the air.

SC Study Shows Link Between School Librarians and Higher Test Scores The members of the South Carolina Association of School Librarians (SCASL) have always known how important school librarians and library programs are to student achievement in their state; however, they needed a way to prove it to administrators, teachers, parents, and legislators who were yet to be convinced. To develop their case, in 2013, the SCASL board commissioned a study conducted by Keith Curry Lance, consulting with RSL Research Group president Marcia J. Rodney and vice president Bill Schwarz. The group had previously conducted 17 school library impact studies in 14 states.

The New Librarian: Leaders in the Digital Age Part of a series of case studies produced by Digital Promise examining the work of members in our League of Innovative Schools. Click here for more info on the League. To stay up to date on future case studies, sign up for our email newsletter. Location: Vancouver, WA Enrollment: 22,192 students Superintendent: Steven Webb

RDA new cataloguing rules Why new rules, and what has it got to do with me? Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the cataloguing standard being introduced to replace Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition (AACR2). National Library of Australia has announced that it will implement RDA in early 2013 (Australian Committee on Cataloguing n.d.). RDA will initially impact on cataloguers, and in the longer term will shape how end users of catalogues and discovery systems find the information they require. Therefore it is important for all people working in the library and information industry to have some understanding of the purpose of RDA and its implications for the library catalogue.

EOY Reporting, Especially During COVID-19 Whether you are a teacher-librarian like me (a.k.a. school media specialist, school library media specialist, media and educational technology instructor) or an instructional support person (technology, curriculum, etc.), you are often tasked with summing up your year’s worth of work. It’s not very easy at all. Who is this for? And what do they want? Am I justifying my whole career?! [Warning: This is a long blog with examples embedded.] School Libraries Cultivate Digital Literacy As school libraries lose funding and staff, they're looking for ways to help people understand what they do and how it impacts student learning. And in an age where digital literacy and information access skills reign, the librarian plays an important role, said Mary Barbee, coordinator of media services and technology training at Gwinnett County Public Schools in Suwanee, Ga. Each school in the district has certified librarians and paraprofessionals in the media center.
