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14 Ways K–12 Librarians Can Teach Social Media by Joyce Valenza

14 Ways K–12 Librarians Can Teach Social Media by Joyce Valenza
Related:  School Libraries make a difference

The Librarian Who Doesn't Say Shhh! Media in the Middle | Empowering learners through creative inquiry, lifelong reading, purposeful research, and ethical use of information. learning. happens. here. — The MHMS Daring School Library Blog Corporate Policies on Web 2.0 One of the barriers commonly cited during my presentations around eLearning 2.0 (use of Web 2.0 / social media for work and learning) is that organizations often have not established their policies or guidelines around the use of these tools. Unfortunately, companies sticking their head in the sand doesn't do any good. Employees are using these things in some way. Companies need a policy. I think IBM's policy is a pretty good starting point: IBM Social Computing Guidelines Updated 6/2/2009. Other company policies or discussions of guidelines I've seen around blogging, social media, web 2.0: However, I'm not really sure how many organizations have these kinds of policies and who in most organizations establishes them. If you have good articles, posts, etc. on how to get these established in your organization or stats on how common it is among different kinds of organizations, please point me to them. In some ways, the question we face is -

The Library Voice writing-a-social-media-policy An office worker was fired after her employer discovered her sex blog. A waitress was fired for venting about a customer on Facebook. A woman lost a job offer at Cisco because of something she said on Twitter. These incidents illustrate why it might be wise to create a social media policy for your employees. "I would say it is absolutely crucial for any size business with employees to have a social media policy," said Vivienne Storey, general manager of BlandsLaw, a boutique law firm outside of Sydney, Australia, that specializes in employment law. Storey also writes for the firm's blog on social-media policy issues. A social media policy outlines for employees the corporate guidelines or principles of communicating in the online world. Writing a Social Media Policy: Deciding When to Create a Social Media Policy A social media policy can be a company's first line of defense to mitigate risk for both employer and employee. There are two approaches to creating a social media policy. 1. 2.

Makerspace Resources and Programming ideas | Create, Collaborate, Innovate (Updated post from my Podbean Site) Summer 2014 I was asked to present a webinar to Ohio School Librarians for InfOhio. The recording is available here. I also created a resource list (adapted from a collaborative presentation with LISD librarian, Leah Mann) and year long programming ideas that I will continue to update on this page. WEBINAR RECORDING: Invent to Learn by Sylvia Martinez and Gary StagerScript Changers: Digital Storytelling with Scratch by Kylie PepplerSoft Circuits by Kylie PepplerShort Circuits by Kylie PepplerArt of Tinkering by Karen Wilkinson and Mike PetrichMakerspace Playbook by Maker MediaWorlds of Making by Laura Fleming Diana Rendina has a great post and pinterest board on this topic! Good for Upper ES- HS Good for Lower ES Makedo Kit: Build anything with cardboard (smash this with Hummingbird robotics to build cool stuff!) from kodokids.comlibrary mobile mag wall and play podium9Colleen GravesSXSWedu *What if I can’t get it all? Maze Game Challenge:

How to Write a Social Media Policy Why is having a social media policy in place so critical? Because virtually 100% of companies are now involved in social media—whether they acknowledge it or not. Even without any formal plan to use social media, every organization with more than a handful of employees (and many under that benchmark) is present in social media because people are talking about them. If no one else is discussing a company, its employees almost certainly are. Even one offhanded remark about a coworker, customer, product or financial situation can damage a company’s reputation. As a guide to crafting an effective social media policy, you can emulate or combine ideas from one or more of the many social media policy examples now posted online, including the 57 social media policy examples from Dave Fleet or the more than 100 examples posted by Ralph Paglia. Essential Topics for an Organizational Social Media Policy Introduction and Definitions • Social networking sites (e.g. Social Media Objectives Connect:

New School Libraries and Student Achievement Skip to content Stephen's Lighthouse Stephen Abram's Posts About Library Land Sign In School Libraries and Student Achievement School Libraries and Student Achievement (Via LRS) Stephen Posted on: November 10, 2014, 6:38 amCategory: Uncategorized Comments Off on School Libraries and Student Achievement 0 Responses Stay in touch with the conversation, subscribe to the RSS feed for comments on this post. Subscribe Site RSS feed About The Author Stephen Abram is a librarian and principal with Lighthouse Consulting Inc., and executive director of the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. Recent Comments Categories Archives Tags

Neil Gaiman: Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming It’s important for people to tell you what side they are on and why, and whether they might be biased. A declaration of members’ interests, of a sort. So, I am going to be talking to you about reading. I’m going to tell you that libraries are important. I’m going to suggest that reading fiction, that reading for pleasure, is one of the most important things one can do. I’m going to make an impassioned plea for people to understand what libraries and librarians are, and to preserve both of these things. And I am biased, obviously and enormously: I’m an author, often an author of fiction. So I’m biased as a writer. And I’m here giving this talk tonight, under the auspices of the Reading Agency: a charity whose mission is to give everyone an equal chance in life by helping people become confident and enthusiastic readers. And it’s that change, and that act of reading that I’m here to talk about tonight. It’s not one to one: you can’t say that a literate society has no criminality.

What does a school library look like in the digital age? | Teacher Network The concept of a school library in a digital age is challenging. With the capacity to download books onto a range of digital devices there is every possibility the library could look superfluous to youngsters growing up today. Why would you want to visit a room which is essentially about storage and distribution? We are in the middle of redesigning our school library. So, this question has exercised the mind of my school because senior school students are already equipped with iPads. We had to consider what for many teachers is the unthinkable – is the library an anachronism? If we view the library as purely a function of lending books this is indeed the case. The Renaissance witnessed the exponential growth in libraries with the invention of printing. So what does this mean for a school? The design brief for the libraries in our junior and senior schools is premised on inspiration. The senior school library continues the journey.
