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Apache Solr 4 Cookbook eBook: $26.99 Formats: $22.94 save 15%! Print + free eBook + free PacktLib access to the book: $71.98 Print cover: $44.99 $44.99 save 37%! Aurelia vs AngularJS - Round One: FIGHT! - I Like Kill Nerds Things just got real in the front-end framework space. Durandal developer Rob Eisenberg and once upon a time short-term core Angular 2.0 developer has announced a new framework called Aurelia. A beautifully designed full-stack SPA framework with support for ECMAScript 6 syntax right out of the box and some clever design decisions. Not only does it allow you to build applications using ES6, but it supports all forms of alternative abstraction syntax out of the box like TypeScript, AtScript and even CoffeeScript. Alphabet arabe, Prononciation (avec le son), Ecriture des lettres LEXILOGOS Alphabet arabe voir aussi le test en ligne Certaines lettres n'ont pas la même graphie lorsqu'elles sont placée au début, au milieu ou à la fin d'un mot

Next-gen JavaScript Framework "Aurelia" Brings Adaptive Databinding Engine Rob Eisenberg, formerly of AngularJS, has released Aurelia: a next-generation JavaScript framework with a "a first of its kind 'adaptive' databinding engine." Eisenberg announced his departure from Angular last November, saying "After almost ten months with the Angular 2.0 team, I've come to the conclusion that it's time to part ways." He clarified that he was not saying Angular 2.0 was going to be bad, simply that it was "no longer fundamentally the same thing" he had originally been hired to help build, and that it was not compatible with his vision for the future with Durandal. Eisenberg's vision for the future with Durandal is already taking shape with early previews of Aurelia.

Installer Mac OS X dans VirtualBox (AMD) Pour des besoins de tests avant une installation client, j’avais besoin d’un Ordinateur Mac avec OS X Lion. Acheter un mac pour justes quelques tests n’étant pas dans les moyens du client (ni de mes propres moyens), j’ai donc décidé d’installer le système d’exploitation sur une image virtuelle dans VirtualBox. Malheureusement, tous les tutoriaux disponibles pour cette version affirme que cela ne marche pas sur un ordinateur avec processeur AMD ce qui est mon cas. et pourtant… Creating a Next Gen JavaScript Application with Aurelia 2015 brings with it the finalization of the ECMAScript 6 specification and with that the confidence to build modern, superior applications in JavaScript. The current landscape of JavaScript frameworks is dominated by the recognizable giants AngularJS and React both of which are aiming in some way, shape or form, to incorporate new ES6 features into their paradigms. There is however, another player that while new and relatively secretive, looks elegant in its use of modern JavaScript features.

os-x-mavericks-10-9-retail-vmware-image-t7981468 Full release notes can be found here: First version of the OS X Mavericks Retail VMware Image. Contains OS X Mavericks GM, and is compiled entirely from stock. Boots on average around a minute although it can be in as little as 25 seconds sometimes., but make sure to give up to 10 just in case. How to change Bluestack App's Resolution in Windows Hey guys today we are gonna explore one trick. Everyone knows about Bluestacks right, Bluestacks is providing platform where you can play any android game or you can run any android application simply on your Desktop/PC. So we gonna mass up with BlueStacks Application. Mass up in the sense, Many of you have tried to change the Bluestacks resolution, nop its not possible to change resolution directly. we have found one way to change your Bluestacks App resolution. Yeah now you can resize the Bluestacks Resolution.

The Next Big Programming Language You’ve Never Heard Of Getty Andrei Alexandrescu didn’t stand much of a chance. And neither did Walter Bright. When the two men met for beers at a Seattle bar in 2005, each was in the midst of building a new programming language, trying to remake the way the world creates and runs its computer software. That’s something pretty close to a hopeless task, as Bright knew all too well. “Most languages never go anywhere,” he told Alexandrescu that night. Which Linux distros are the best? - Renewable PCs Ubuntu[1] - The flagship distro of Canonical, Ltd., Ubuntu (which is an ancient African word meaning "humanity to others") has the Unitydesktop shell that runs on top of GNOME 3 in its most recent version. Ubuntu is extremely user-friendly, which makes it an excellent choice for Linux beginners. Because it is based on Debian, Ubuntu shares the ability to run .deb files and has many of the same features. Like many other Linux distros, Ubuntu can be downloaded and burned to make a live DVD or live USB to run and test the operating system before installing.

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