The Learning Commons Mindset February 12, 2015 by cultureofyes Students at West Bay Elementary School I walk into almost all of our schools in West Vancouver and very often the first thing people want to show me or talk to me about is the changes happening around the library. Or more specifically, schools are taking great pride in their learning commons spaces that are developing. I like the library metaphor from Joan Frye Williams (shared in this blog from Joyce Valenza): Our libraries should transition to places to do stuff, not simply places to get stuff. The library as a kitchen – I love it. And just what does this look like? A couple weeks ago I was at West Bay Elementary for the opening of their new space. Our work in West Vancouver, both with spaces and mindsets is not happening in isolation. The photos below give a sense of some of the uses of the new space at West Bay, and what we are seeing across our district as we make these shifts. Individual and group work. Students working before school Like this:
Ten Read-Aloud Lessons from Preschoolers Ten Read-Aloud Lessons from Preschoolers by Susan Stephenson, Recently, I’ve been reading aloud once a week to a group of two- to four-year-olds at my local library. 1.There’s no point in being a book snob. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. If you're interested in children's reading, why not check out other articles by clicking Reading in my right sidebar? Study Finds Reading to Children of All Ages Grooms Them to Read More on Their Own Photo Cue the hand-wringing about digital distraction: Fewer children are reading books frequently for fun, according to a new report released Thursday by Scholastic, the children’s book publisher. In a 2014 survey of just over 1,000 children ages 6 to 17, only 31 percent said they read a book for fun almost daily, down from 37 percent four years ago. There were some consistent patterns among the heavier readers: For the younger children — ages 6 to 11 — being read aloud to regularly and having restricted online time were correlated with frequent reading; for the older children — ages 12 to 17 — one of the largest predictors was whether they had time to read on their own during the school day. The finding about reading aloud to children long after toddlerhood may come as a surprise to some parents who read books to children at bedtime when they were very young but then tapered off. But reading aloud through elementary school seemed to be connected to a love of reading generally.
Downloads | Kids and Family Reading Report | Scholastic Inc. Full Report Infographics Past Reports 2010 Kids & Family Reading Report (PDF) 2012 Kids & Family Reading Report (PDF) If we stop telling kids what to read, they might start reading again A rain shower sends Maynard Elementary School kindergarten student Maya Roby to shelter during a literacy program in Knoxville, Tenn. (AP/The Knoxville News Sentinel, Paul Efird) As a treat for Hanukkah last month, Sandra Stotsky took her grandchildren to the New England Mobile Book Fair in Newton, Mass. They were wandering around aimlessly. Stotsky, a self-described "professional Jewish grandmother," had plenty of suggestions. The book, Stotksy said, was too easy, and in any case, she didn't think it conveyed the values that she wanted her grandkids to grow up on. Stotsky's experience illustrates a broader debate among experts about childhood reading: whether students should be allowed to read what they like, or whether they should be encouraged to read specific books -- ones that are challenging and edifying, books that will make them into better readers. "For us, choice is key," said Kyle Good, a spokeswoman for Scholastic.
The WWW Virtual Library Being a Better Online Reader Soon after Maryanne Wolf published “Proust and the Squid,” a history of the science and the development of the reading brain from antiquity to the twenty-first century, she began to receive letters from readers. Hundreds of them. While the backgrounds of the writers varied, a theme began to emerge: the more reading moved online, the less students seemed to understand. There were the architects who wrote to her about students who relied so heavily on ready digital information that they were unprepared to address basic problems onsite. There were the neurosurgeons who worried about the “cut-and-paste chart mentality” that their students exhibited, missing crucial details because they failed to delve deeply enough into any one case. Certainly, as we turn to online reading, the physiology of the reading process itself shifts; we don’t read the same way online as we do on paper. The online world, too, tends to exhaust our resources more quickly than the page.
The Librarian of the Future | Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries Who do you think “Librarians of the Future” are? How would they behave and what would they look like? In my imagination they are like a space hero, a Flash Gordon-like figure with almost magical cyber librarian skills nobody ever had heard of. But hold on – many of us practice such skills already. Every time I listen to some of my colleagues from abroad I’m deeply astonished about the diversity of tasks they perform, the services they have invented, and the kind of non genuine library task they manage. (Maybe that’s the reason why every year I’m more content to be a librarian, and I cannot imagine a more powerful and amazing work.) Authority for tablet computers, e-book readers, and respective apps (medical as well as productive). The demand for such sophisticated tasks is extremely high and often faculty members regard librarians as skillful experts for many of these tasks, as the computer scientist Daniel Lemire noticed: References Foto: myfuturedotcom 6052488441 at
Building World Knowledge: Motivating Children to Read and Enjoy Informational Text Click the "References" link above to hide these references. Chall, J., Jacobs, V., & Baldwin, L. (1990). The reading crisis: Why poor children fall behind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Cooperative Children's Book Center (2006). Children's books by and about people of color. Duke, N., & Bennett-Armistead, V. Kagan, S. (2009). Marinak, B. & Mazzoni, S. (2009). McGinley, W. & Denner, P. (1987). Mohr, K. (2006). National Assessment of Education Progress. Pappas, C. (1993). Pearson, P.D. (2003). Schwartz, S. & Bone, M. (1995) Retelling, Relating, Reflecting: Beyond the 3R's. Snow, C., Burns, S., & Griffin, P. (1998).
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