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Mapping the Republic of Letters

Mapping the Republic of Letters
Exploring Correspondence and Intellectual Community in the Early Modern Period (1500-1800) When early modern scholars (from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment) described the broadest community to which they belonged, they most frequently called this international community of scholars the “Republic of Letters.” "Recent scholarship has established that intellectuals across Europe came to see themselves, in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as citizens of a transnational intellectual society—a Republic of Letters in which speech was free, rank depended on ability and achievement rather than birth, and scholars, philosophers and scientists could find common ground in intellectual inquiry even if they followed different faiths and belonged to different nations."

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manifeste flamandisation (Maeterlinck) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Maurice Maeterlinck Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck (/ma.tɛʁ.lɛ̃ːk/ en Belgique ; /mɛ.teʁ.lɛ̃ːk/ en France[1]), né le 29 août 1862 à Gand (Belgique) et mort le 6 mai 1949 à Nice (France), est un écrivain francophone belge, prix Nobel de littérature en 1911. Articles table of contents methods All images in this article were created with Circos (v0.49) and the tableviewer utility tool.

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