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Writing History in the Digital Age

Writing History in the Digital Age

Springing Into Digital Research Projects Over the last 18 months in Media 21, students have created a variety of learning products: traditional research papers, collaboratively written research papers, digital learning portfolios (which included multigenre elements), and information dashboards (Netvibes). In thinking about this spring’s research project on veterans’ issues and how to meet our students are their point of need while pushing their thinking, Susan Lester (my co-teacher) and I decided to go focus on students creating a digital research project (see details above in the embedded project document). After engaging in presearch for three days this week, students will choose a topic and then be grouped by common research interests. This concept of a digital research project is inspired by our own previous efforts, Jim Burke’s musings on digital essays, and the wikified research project at Learning and Laptops. Here are a few other changes to our spring project from previous research endeavors in Media 21: Like this:

ProfHacker Many of us have favorite tools that suit our workflows well, helping us accomplish our tasks and keep track of needed bits of information. Below you’ll find a list of applications, services, and utilities that I use almost daily. Workflow. I know I know. Let’s backtrack a minute. A few weeks ago, coincidentally during Day of DH 2016, it was brought to my attention that Voyant, a web-based text analysis tool, had upgraded to Version 2.0. This has been a popular tool with ProfHackers (I’ve written about using it as has Brian), and the new version is a great improvement. a cleaner, crisper appearance better cross-platform and mobile device support (all tools in HTML5, no Flash or Java Applets) advanced search capabilities, including wil… My assignments are often inspired by things I learn about from my Personal Learning Network (PLN), and this particular assignment is inspired by several people. On March 30th, the American University in Cairo held its first Research Day.

Obcy język polski Learning Through Digital Media Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web This book provides a plainspoken and thorough introduction to the web for historians—teachers and students, archivists and museum curators, professors as well as amateur enthusiasts—who wish to produce online historical work, or to build upon and improve the projects they have already started in this important new medium. It begins with an overview of the different genres of history websites, surveying a range of digital history work that has been created since the beginning of the web. The book then takes the reader step-by-step through planning a project, understanding the technologies involved and how to choose the appropriate ones, designing a site that is both easy-to-use and scholarly, digitizing materials in a way that makes them web-friendly while preserving their historical integrity, and how to reach and respond to an intended audience effectively. On this website, we present a free online version of the text. , Barnes and Noble, or U. of Penn. Press.

Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog - Pale Moon The Digital Essay « If you haven’t seen it already, you should have a look at this Digital Essay by Will Self. Not because you are a fan of Will Self or necessarily interested in Kafka’s Wound, but because you are interested in the way the essay can be brought to life through embedded references. I spent a good portion of a very interesting hackday at the National Archives in March, Talking to Helen Jeffrey from the London Review of Books. We talked about Linked Data and how these concepts when applied to something like an essay might make it a different experience. In the outcome of the hackday, I used a graph to illustrate the connections between letter writers in the ancient correspondence of Henry III (and others) between 1175-1538. Connections between people and graphs are natural bedfellows. In the digital essay a graph is used to illustrate connections between references to external sources. My one criticism is that I cannot seem to work out why things in the table of contents are connected.

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Exploring the digital humanities Wiadomości | - historia, kultura, muzea, matura, rekonstrukcje i recenzje historyczne - Pale Moon Legio XXI Rapax w Grodzisku W weekend 26-27 kwietnia 2014 r. Grodzisko Owidz będzie gościł Legio XXI Rapax - grupę rekonstrukcyjną zrzeszającą blisko 80 pasjonatów z kilku krajów, zainteresowanych historią starożytnego Rzymu. O „żonie Jezusa” dociekań ciąg dalszy 18 września 2012 roku w środowisku nie tylko historyków, ale również teologów, religioznawców i chrześcijan zawrzało: profesor Karen L. Tradycyjne Święto Rękawki na Kopcu Krakusa 2014 Święto Rękawki na Kopcu Krakusa w Krakowie rozpocznie się tradycyjnie trzeciego dnia Wielkanocy. Noc Muzeów 2014 w Krakowie [program] Tegoroczna krakowska Noc Muzeów odbędzie się w nocy z 16 na 17 maja 2014 r. Na ilu wzgórzach piętrzy się Rzym? Tytułowe zdanie o wzgórzach rzymskich jest zabawnym sposobem na nauczenie młodzieży szkolnej daty powstania Rzymu: na siedmiu wzgórzach piętrzy się Rzym - 753 r. p.n.e. Europa Nostra Awards dla województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego

Teaching Writing in a Digital Age | exploring pedagogies of new media and literacies in composition Digital Humanities Now
