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Learning games: Geography of Europe

Related:  Humanities Resources - Cornerstone College (Mt Barker, SA)

Three Easy Ways to Visually Compare the Sizes of States and Countries One of the ways that I like to help students understand the size of a country or state is by showing them comparisons to states and countries with which they are familiar. For example, if I want my students to get a better sense of how big Utah is, I compare it Maine. The following three websites all make it easy for students to quickly compare the size of countries, states, and provinces. offers a simple way to compare the size of countries, states, provinces, and cities. To make a comparison just choose two places from the drop-down menus on the right hand side of the screen.

9 Key Components of the Shift to Higher Consciousness This article originally appeared in Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow our ignorance, as it has become a fearful master, goading us into war, pollution, waste and exploitation. The social problems and entrenched patterns at the source of global issues are too vast and complex to be solved at the personal level, yet, paradoxically, the personal transformation of the individual offers a lonesome opportunity to avert the catastrophes we are engineering for ourselves. The shift.

Four Corners 50 Years - Home Welcome to a celebration of 50 years of ABC Television’s premier News and Current Affairs program, Four Corners. This website is a celebration of our history, which is not only TV programs, it is the successful collaboration of people: executive producers, reporters, researchers, editors, producers, crews and administrators, all of whom have played a significant role in the program’s history, identity and success, from 1961 to the present day. Four Corners’ reports have explored cultural and social change, political upheaval, conflicts, disasters and terrorism, with an eye on national and international events. This website will showcase the key stories, people and events we have covered over the past 50 years, and will stand as a living archive to five decades of vigorous reporting on ABC TV. You can explore our vast archive of programs by decade or by theme. The website also presents extended interviews with reporters, executive reporters, researchers and cameramen.

About This page includes information about the aims and scope of BMC Bioinformatics, editorial policies, open access and article-processing charges, the peer review process and other information. For details of how to prepare and submit a manuscript through the online submission system, please see the instructions for authors. Scope What Makes a Parent Love a Teacher Guest post by Jennifer Gonzalez The note from Mrs. F. came home two weeks into the school year:I’d like to talk with you about how we can make reading time more challenging for Ruby. When can we meet?

First 3D Map of the Brain’s Connections We knew anatomy could be gorgeous, but this is beyond anything else we’ve ever seen, and it’s guaranteed to be something you haven’t seen, being the first 3D image of a brain’s connections. Van Wedeen, a Harvard radiology professor, is awestruck: “We’ve never really seen the brain – it’s been hiding in plain sight.” Conventional scanning has offered us a crude glimpse, but scientists such as Wedeen aim to produce the first ever three-dimensional map of all its neurons. They call this circuit diagram the “connectome”, and it could help us better understand everything from imagination and language to the miswirings that cause mental illness. But with 100 billion neurons hooked together by more connections than there are stars in the MilkyWay, the brain is a challenge that represents petabyte-level data.

Age of Distraction: Why It’s Crucial for Students to Learn to Focus Digital classroom tools like computers, tablets and smartphones offer exciting opportunities to deepen learning through creativity, collaboration and connection, but those very devices can also be distracting to students. Similarly, parents complain that when students are required to complete homework assignments online, it’s a challenge for students to remain on task. The ubiquity of digital technology in all realms of life isn’t going away, but if students don’t learn how to concentrate and shut out distractions, research shows they’ll have a much harder time succeeding in almost every area. “The real message is because attention is under siege more than it has ever been in human history, we have more distractions than ever before, we have to be more focused on cultivating the skills of attention,” said Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence and other books about social and emotional learning on KQED’s Forum program.

The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 'Royal' Families Excerpts from Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation The leader of the Earth's Illumi... Excerpts from Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation The leader of the Earth's Illuminati is called the "Pindar". 26 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi, one of the many beautiful souls that has inspired and continues to inspire so many of us taught me so many valuable and life changing lessons. And in today’s post, I have gathered some of his most inspiring quotes and compiled them into the 26 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Mahatma Gandhi. Enjoy! 1.

New Obama Advisor John Podesta An Advocate For UFO Disclosure For all of you who hope the U.S. government will lift the veil on its alleged stockpile of evidence that Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials -- take heart. This week, former Clinton chief of staff and UFO advocate John Podesta was named as President Obama's newest advisor. Podesta, 64, has more than once publicly urged the U.S. government to release any UFO files that could help scientists determine "the real nature of this phenomenon." Podesta's stance on UFOs can be seen in the following video clip from the 2009 James Fox film, "I Know What I Saw."

How to teach history There is no single 'best' way to teach history. Research suggests that good history teachers know the content, use a variety of approaches, explicitly teach the skills of historical inquiry and analysis, tailor learning opportunities to suit their students' stage of development, and encourage deep understanding. Activities There is room for a range of teaching and learning activities in the history classroom: a story well-told by the teacher, a museum display (actual or digital), model-making, the construction of timelines, comprehension and source analysis activities, oral history interviews, site studies, simulated excavations, problem-solving exercises, role plays and debates.

50 Essential Resources for ESL Students Learning a new language is always daunting, especially when that language is as full of weird rules and contradictions as English. Even native speakers sometimes have trouble mastering the nuances of tense and grammar. Fortunately, if you’re originally a non-English speaker, there are a fantastic amount of resources online to help you master the English language. 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About It's time to update the entries in your browser's links toolbar. But with recent estimates putting the size of the internet at well more than 100 million distinct websites, it's getting harder and harder to get a handle on all the great stuff that's out there. That's why we've compiled this list. And unlike some lists you may have seen, which try to name the very "best" websites, but end up just telling you a lot of stuff you already know, we've chosen instead to highlight 50 of our favorite sites that fly under most people's radar. Think of it as the Maximum PC blog roll (remember those?).
