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Pearltrees as collaborative curational mindmapping tool

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The Cronicle: pearltrees as tool comment. By Dan Berrett Academics have become frequent visitors to Zuccotti Park, the 33,000-square-foot pedestrian plaza in the heart of New York City's financial district that is now the site of a nearly monthlong protest, Occupy Wall Street.

The Cronicle: pearltrees as tool comment

Famous scholars like Cornel West, Slavoj Zizek, and Frances Fox Piven have spoken to the crowd, with their remarks dispersed, word-for-word, from one cluster of people to the next through a "human megaphone. " Many others, such as Lawrence Lessig, have lent their support from farther away, as the demonstrations have spread to cities and college campuses nationwide. The movement has repeatedly been described as too diffuse and decentralized to accomplish real change, and some observers have seen the appearances by academic luminaries as an attempt to lend the protest intellectual heft and direction.

Certainly, its intellectual underpinnings and signature method of operating are easier to identify than its goals. Three days after the protests began, Mr. Mr. Colleges Occupy Boston. Harvard. The Occupied Times of London. The Occupied Times sur Twitter : "Copies of the Occupied Times are now available from #Maagdenhuis @hetMaagdenhuis @rethinkUvA. TheOccupiedTimes. Email Share 27 Email Share “OLSX is anti-capitalist” The fact is that there are a variety of views within the camp on capitalism. Many dislike the system and wish to see an alternative; many more wish to see the current model reformed. The initial statement released by the camp, which was agreed upon by consensus, makes no mention of overthrowing capitalism, yet many media outlets have taken to describing the camp as anti-capitalist.

This is either lazy journalism, or it is by design. “The movement chose to occupy St. It was never our intention to target St Pauls. “The forced the church to shut down” The decision taken by St Pauls to shut its doors for the first time since World War II was baffling and has ultimately led to the resignation of Dean Graham Knowles. “Most tents are unoccupied” There has been much debate over the science of thermal imaging the occupier’s tents by a newspaper reporter, which appeared to show many empty.

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Douglas Rushkoff: *not a Protest but a Prototype. The more familiar something looks, the less threatening it seems.

Douglas Rushkoff: *not a Protest but a Prototype

This is why images of funny-looking college students marching up Broadway or shirtless boys banging on drums comprise the bulk of the imagery we see of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Stock brokers look on, police man the barricades, and what appears to be a traditional protest movement carries on another day, week, or month. But “Occupy” is anything but a protest movement. That’s why it has been so hard for news agencies to express or even discern the “demands” of the growing legions of Occupy participants around the nation, and even the world.

Just like pretty much everyone else on the planet, occupiers may want many things to happen and other things to stop, but the occupation is not about making demands. Now don’t get me wrong. The occupiers are actually forging a robust micro-society of working groups, each one developing new approaches - or reviving old approaches - to long running problems. Ondertussen in de Verenigde Staten. Eind augustus berichtten we al over de extreem hoge schulden van studenten in de Verenigde Staten.

Ondertussen in de Verenigde Staten

Het schuldenbedrag van studenten is hoger dan het totale bedrag aan creditcardleningen en economen vrezen voor een nieuwe bubbel. Ook bij de Occupybeweging op Wall Street zitten veel studenten die na hun studie te kampen hebben met een torenhoge schuld, maar geen baan kunnen vinden. Volgens onderzoek van The College Board, een non-profit organisatie ter bevordering van excellentie en redelijkheid in het onderwijs, komen studenten van publieke scholen met een schuld van ruim 22.000 te zitten na hun studie.

De kans op een baan slinkt echter nog steeds. Obama en de zijnen hebben nu een plan om iets aan deze problematiek te doen. #Occupy Colleges: Studenten steunen Occupy Wall Street « Kritische Studenten Utrecht. Posted by kritischestudentenutrecht under Acties[3] Comments Studenten van zo’n 150 colleges in de VS namen deel aan het tweede grote solidariteitsprotest met de Occupy Wall Street beweging.

#Occupy Colleges: Studenten steunen Occupy Wall Street « Kritische Studenten Utrecht

Studenten zijn onderdeel van de groeiende groep “over educated & under employed” in die protesteren tegen astronomische studieschulden, uit het dak schietende collegegeld, en gebrek aan werkgelegenheid na het afstuderen. “Nederland”, over niet al te lang zeg maar – als de huidige trend niet wordt teruggedraaid althans. Hoog tijd om ons als studenten in Nederland dus aan te sluiten bij de nieuwe beweging die op gang aan het komen is.

Deze zaterdag, be there. 15 oktober, bezet: Als aanvulling een mooi manifest dat op internet verscheen een aantal dagen geleden: De Naamloze Vennootschap roept iedereen op die ook woedend is om naar Occupy Amsterdam te komen. Wie zijn wij? Wat hebben wij gemeen met mensen die kamperen op Wall Street, in Griekenland en in Spanje? Example #OWS pearltrees embeddable J'aime le pearltree de l'équipe #OccupyWallStreet.