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Collaborative Learning Homepage

Introduction to professional skills tests All current teacher trainees are required to pass skills tests in numeracy and literacy before they can be recommended for the award of qualified teacher status (QTS). All applicants to ITT training are required to pass the skills tests before starting their course. This includes all entrants beginning the Early Years ITT on or after 1 August 2014. The numeracy and literacy skills tests: cover the core skills that teachers need to fulfil their professional role in schools, rather than the subject knowledge required for teaching. Quality assurance The tests and the questions within them go through a stringent quality assurance procedure involving external panels of representatives from ITT providers, teachers and subject experts. Guidance, support and special arrangements The Department for Education has developed guidance and support materials to help candidates pass the tests; candidates are strongly advised to review the support material before attempting the skills tests.

PrimaryWall – Web-based Sticky Notes for Collaborative Classroom Activity Primary Wall from the good people at Primary Technology is an online sticky wall space where your pupils can post small sticky notes with a title, their text and their name. This makes it great for rapidly gathering ideas, collaborating, sharing and quickly posting pieces of information when working in a group or collaborative environment. Primary Wall is aimed specifically at use in education settings and for educators only. Click on the video below for an introduction to PrimaryWall When you create a Primary Wall it has a unique address which can be shared with others (by email, or on a webpage or blog). Ian Addison has created an introductory video here The video below also shows the way PrimaryWall links directly to Wordle to create a wordcloud of words used in the sticky notes in PrimaryWall, all with just the click of a button in Primary Wall. Other features of Primary Wall include the facility to search for text anywhere on the wall.

Future Classroom Lab en France | Concevoir la Classe du 21ème Siècle Volet 1 – Tour d’Europe des Réalisations Future Classroom Lab La rencontre bi-annuelle des Lead Ambassadeurs du projet Future Classroom Lab s’est tenue les 31/03 et 1/04 au Lab de European Schoolnet (EUN) dans un contexte très particulier suite aux attentats perpétrés dans la station de métro Maelbeek située à quelques mètres de là. Le choix avait été fait de maintenir la rencontre, en partie pour rappeler que la vie et particulièrement ses projets tournés vers l’avenir et porteurs d’espoir comme le FCL, doivent continuer. La fermeture partielle de l’aéroport a cependant contraint certains ambassadeurs de renoncer à venir. Dans le Laboratoire de la classe du futur, trois nouveaux pays rejoignent le réseau : la Hongrie, la Turquie et la Slovaquie. NDLR : Si le lecteur connait une initiative de ce type, qu’il n’hésite pas à contacter le projet FCL en France ( Rapports d’activité des ambassadeurs Le travail effectué dans ce pays est faramineux.

50 Fine Motor Skills Activities for Children - Love, Play, Learn If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Fine motor skills are small muscle movements that are usually coordinated with the eyes. 1. 2. 3.Fine Motor Practice with Rocks from Famiglia & Seoul 4.Bottle Array- Practicing Fine Motor Skills from Famiglia & Seoul 5.Using Empty Paint Bottles for Sensory from Train Up a Child 6.Painting with Playdough from Train Up a Child 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 30 Kids Activities & Materials for Promoting Fine Motor Skills from Hands On: As We Grow 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 10 Activities for Developing Your Preschooler’s Fine Motor Skills from Smiling Like Sunshine 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 7 Fun Ways to Practice Pincer Grip from Royal Baloo and Logi Bear Too 48. 49.Foam Bead Threading & Sorting from Glittering Muffins 50.Play Dough Hedgehogs (Porcupines) from Glittering Muffins What activities would you add to this list?

It's All About Learning The Primary Pad Buzz After hearing about one of our teacher’s experience and witnessing the excitement of the students, I knew I wanted to give PrimaryPad a try with my own classes. It went really well, for the most part. The second class I tried it with went much better than the first class though. I think that my being pretty sick with bronchitis when I first tried PrimaryPad with my students, probably wasn’t the best decision because I still wasn’t thinking as clearly as I should have been. Let me tell you a little about PrimaryPad first and then tell you a few things to keep in mind if you decide to use this tool with our classes. PrimaryPad can have many users typing all at once (I had 9 groups of three students typing together). PrimaryPad has a backchannel that the students can use to chat as well. A few things to consider and/or remember when using PrimaryPad… One of my students made me giggle out loud when he wrote, “HACE is epic and raad!” Like this: Like Loading... About T.

Utiliser pronote : cours en ligne <div role="alert" class="ic-flash-static ic-flash-error"><div class="ic-flash__icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="icon-warning"></i></div><h1>You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site.</h1></div> Your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. Your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. Close Enroll in Utiliser pronote au lycee de Cali You are enrolling in Utiliser pronote au lycee de Cali. Please enter your Email: View Privacy Policy

Origami Folding Instructions - How to make a Simple Origami boat The origami boat is easy to make, and is also a fun action toy. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! All over the world, the rainy season will see many kids building boats. These actually float! They can also be waterproofed to last longer. Begin with a rectangular piece of paper. Fold it in half as shown. Here you can see the crease in the photo below left. Now fold each edge of the paper upwards as shown. Bring the corners of the hat brim towards each other. Now take one lower corner of the square and fold it upwards. You now have a folded triangle. ...again, "squash" the triangle into a square (below middle photo). Now pull the outer corners of the square, one in each hand. Keep pulling to unfold your boat. We like to turn the boat over and expand the hole in the bottom. Now we just need some water to float our origami boat! Here is a video showing the folding of this origami boat.

Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming - MindMeister tache-complexe-svt Ce site est réalisé par et pour des professeurs de SVT. Il recueille des tâches complexes et se veut collaboratif. A ce jour, le site comprend 200 tâches complexes réparties sur les différents niveaux. Pour en déposer, merci de les envoyer (sous format .pdf) à l'adresse suivante : Dernière Maj : 02/03/2017 Comme un peer-to-peer pédagogique, ce site d’hébergement fonctionne selon certaines conditions : - Si vous publiez ici, vous acceptez que votre document soit réutilisé, modifié, dans les conditions de la licence CC-BY-NC-SA sauf mention contraire sur les documents. - Les lois relatives au droit d'auteur s'appliquent sur ce site (Article L 111-1 du code de la propriété intellectuelle) : il est interdit de diffuser et/ou modifier un oeuvre sans autorisation de l'auteur.

Scribbler Utiliser Sacoche pour suivre l'acquisition des compétences : cours en ligne <div role="alert" class="ic-flash-static ic-flash-error"><div class="ic-flash__icon" aria-hidden="true"><i class="icon-warning"></i></div><h1>You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site.</h1></div> Your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. Please visit the Canvas Community for a complete list of supported browsers. Your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. Please visit the Canvas Community for a complete list of supported browsers. Close Enroll in Utiliser Sacoche pour suivre l'acquisition des compétences You are enrolling in Utiliser Sacoche pour suivre l'acquisition des compétences. Please enter your Email: View Privacy Policy
