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Projet liens Economy is in crisis and society is looking for its meaning: in this context, LIENS wants to put man and new technology at the center in order to promote a sustainable solution for social problems. Permettre à tous de prendre part efficacement à des projets de société durables. Donateurs & Bénévoles LIENS vous garantit le bon emploi de vos dons et de votre implication. Pierre André Fontaine developpement d'affaires by twitterman on 19 avril 2011 Twitter Twitter débute les hostilités en suspendant des applications d’Ubermédia qui auraient violé les conditions générales d’utilisation de l’API Twitter, obligeant même ubermédia à changer le nom de son application UberTwitter en Ubersocial. Cette première salve est en fait lié à la part que représente aujourd’hui UberMédia dans l’écosystème Twitter.

Sustainable Table Sustainable Agriculture - The Basics Sustainable agriculture provides healthy food for consumers while protecting the environment and human health, safeguarding animal welfare and supporting local communities. Questions to Ask Sustania 100 Het is weer zover. Innovatieplatform Sustainia heeft opnieuw de Sustainia100 gelanceerd. Deze jaarlijkse gids bundelt 100 concrete initiatieven, projecten en technologieën over de hele wereld die aan het pad richting duurzaamheid timmeren. Sustainia ontving meer dan 500 inzendingen uit 79 landen. De 100 geselecteerde oplossingen worden ingezet in twee derde van de wereld - waaronder Kenia, India, Mexico en Zuid-Afrika.

Voisin-age L’écosystème numérique de demain est en train de se construire avec Google, Apple et Amazon Cette semaine se tenait l’édition 2011 de Google I/O, la grand-messe annuelle du géant californien. Beaucoup de nouveautés ont été présentées lors de cette édition, des nouveautés qui confirment l’ambition de Google ainsi que l’architecture de leur stratégie de diversification. Les revenus colossaux de Google sont en effet très majoritairement générés par le moteur de recherche, mais cette vache à lait ne durera pas éternellement. Amnesty International Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion, and are funded mainly by our membership and public donations. After more than 50 years of groundbreaking achievements, Amnesty International is now embarking on a major process of evolution, to adapt to the dramatic changes in the world we operate in, and to increase the impact of our human rights work. We are introducing a new, global way of working -- with a distributed centre and Regional Hubs of research, campaigns and communications -- because we owe it to the people we work for to be the most effective force for freedom and justice that we can, globally.

Slimweg Sint-Jansbergklooster Slimweg! Geraak je vlot op je bestemming of is het aanschuiven geblazen? Controleer voor je vertrekt de verkeerssituatie op de snelwegen of bekijk geplande wegenwerken dankzij de nieuwsberichten van het Verkeerscentrum Vlaanderen. Carpoolen Waarom niet de wagen volladen met reislustigen? Rijd samen met vrienden, buren, je schoonouders,… en kom goedkoper (deel de prijs van je benzine en eventueel je parkeerplaats door 5), milieuvriendelijker en gezelliger ter plaatse. No logo dieci anni dopo Naomi Klein, The Guardian, Gran Bretagna La cultura delle multinazionali non governa solo i centri commerciali. Detta legge a Washington e alla Casa Bianca. E ha creato un presidente-marchio che produce gadget e false speranze. Il cambiamento deve venire dal basso.

Appropedia What A Detroit Supper Club Teaches Us About Co-Creativity A social movement is underway in downtown Detroit. Each month, 100 or so individuals pay $5 for admission to a loft, where they eat a dinner of organic soup (and other foods) prepared by volunteers. Diners share ideas and connections, hear presentations from artists who are working on projects aimed at improving the city, and then vote on which project will receive proceeds from the evening's dinner. Detroit SOUP organizers call the gathering "a democratic experiment in micro-funding," but it’s much more than that: It’s an example of the power of co-creativity, and it represents the way forward for organizations that want to remain relevant and reach consumers in an authentic way. In recent years, crowdsourcing has become a trendy tactic for soliciting input and engaging consumers, but in reality this approach is nothing more than an open call for submissions. Yesterday, businesses succeeded through industrial or technological expertise, with little need to converse with consumers.

The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard [Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a series of seven posts on running your own Google Ventures design sprint. Read the first part here, the second here, and the third here.] At the Google Ventures Design Studio, we have a five-day process for taking a product or feature from design through prototyping and testing. We call it a product design sprint. In the first two days of the sprint, we’ve learned about the problem, shared a lot of knowledge, and chosen the challenge we want to tackle in this sprint. It’s time to start cranking out solutions. In the Collaborative Economy, the Crowd Has Built a Car What if I told you the next affordable, long-range, fuel-efficient vehicle might be assembled in your garage or built by your neighbors? That's what I was surprised to hear when I learned about the Wikispeed auto project. Above Image: The orange Wikispeed SGT01 Roadster: crowd-funded, crowd-designed, crowd-produced, hitting the streets in small batches now for $25k, oh, and it gets 100 miles per gallon. Wikispeed is a business that crowdsourced designs, production, development, and has created a SAE-registered, road-legal-approved car, the Wikispeed SGT01 Car, now on sale in limited quantities.

IdeaPaint Buy Now We exist for one simple reason: to fundamentally improve the way people work. IdeaPaint was born from this very notion, a frustration with the way ideas were shared and coworkers collaborated. How can you think big when you write small? How can you harness the collective intelligence when it's awkward to share what's inside your own head? How can you think on your feet when you're sitting on your hands?
