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6 Free easy online collaboration tools

6 Free easy online collaboration tools
Here at all collaboration happens online. We started the blog while living in 3 different countries, and all this time we have managed to work together perfectly, even without seeing each other for a long time. Since the initial launch of we had to get used to working together remotely, using only free online collaboration tools. Nowadays, more and more teams/companies are forced to work together remotely. Have you ever struggled to successfully collaborate online with your clients or suppliers? Which Collaboration Tools Should You Use? During the last 3+ years we have successfully managed to work on several projects using only free online collaboration software (we switched to some paid plans though over time). 1. Dropbox is probably one tool that we use most for collaboration. As we are all tech junkies, we own quite a few pieces of technology, including multiple laptops, tablets and smartphones. Dropbox, of course, also offers an enterprise solution. 2. 3.

CoP: Best Practices by Etienne Wenger [Published in the "Systems Thinker," June 1998] You are a claims processor working for a large insurance company. You are an engineer working on two projects within your business unit. You are a CEO and, of course, you are responsible for the company as a whole. We now recognize knowledge as a key source of competitive advantage in the business world, but we still have little understanding of how to create and leverage it in practice. We frequently say that people are an organization's most important resource. However, they are a company's most versatile and dynamic knowledge resource and form the basis of an organization's ability to know and learn. Defining Communities of Practice Communities of practice are everywhere. Members of a community are informally bound by what they do together–from engaging in lunchtime discussions to solving difficult problems–and by what they have learned through their mutual engagement in these activities. Legitimizing participation. Dr.

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