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Long Term Duplicate Image Ranking Experiment. Contents: 1.

Long Term Duplicate Image Ranking Experiment

Hypothesis2. Method3. Precautions4. Results5. Introduction: Content has always been one of the pillars of SEO. But have you ever considered whether stock images, which are often duplicated across hundreds of other sites, could also be treated as duplicate content and therefore cause a ranking issue? Numerous case studies have shown that the level of duplication across your site will have a clearly correlated effect on the ranking of the site.

Ecommerce sites have always inherently suffered from duplicate content issues. As Google continues to experiment with ways of reducing its algorithm’s dependence on links as a ranking signal, content has clearly taken a more central stage. The Machine Learning Revolution: How it Works and its Impact on SEO. Machine learning is already a very big deal.

The Machine Learning Revolution: How it Works and its Impact on SEO

It's here, and it's in use in far more businesses than you might suspect. A few months back, I decided to take a deep dive into this topic to learn more about it. In today's post, I'll dive into a certain amount of technical detail about how it works, but I also plan to discuss its practical impact on SEO and digital marketing. For reference, check out Rand Fishkin's presentation about how we've entered into a two-algorithm world. Rand addresses the impact of machine learning on search and SEO in detail in that presentation, and how it influences SEO. For fun, I'll also include a tool that allows you to predict your chances of getting a retweet based on a number of things: your Followerwonk Social Authority, whether you include images, hashtags, and several other similar factors. How To Get A Good Pagerank. Small Business SEO - 7 Essential Tips for Success - Online Marke. When it comes to marketing in the current economy, small businesses need all the help they can get.

Small Business SEO - 7 Essential Tips for Success - Online Marke

They don’t have the ad budgets, the personnel or the time that the bigger competition has. But none of those factors really matter to search engines, and SEO is a great way to both level the playing field and steal marketshare. Here are a few tips that small businesses can use to improve their SEO and user experience. 1. Turn everything into content. Real Time Search & SEO for Your Online Marketing Mix - Online Ma. Since late 2009 when Google introduced real time search, the concept has gained a lot of attention.

Real Time Search & SEO for Your Online Marketing Mix - Online Ma

Today, real time search is at the top of the priority lists for all the major search engines – Google, Bing and Yahoo!. As part of the new technology, Google is combining live updates from sites like Twitter with the latest news headlines and blog posts in search results. For web searchers, real time search means the ability to discover breaking news the minute it’s happening. For marketers, it presents a whole host of opportunities to increase online visibility. Here, we’ve provided five ways to leverage real time search in your online marketing efforts. 1. With real time search, frequently publishing online content becomes a must. Tweets and Facebook fan page updates: Micro content from social sites now has the ability to appear in search results. 2.

10 Ugly SEO Tools that Actually Rock. SEO is easy.

10 Ugly SEO Tools that Actually Rock

Graphic Design is hard. At SEOmoz we take pride in making SEO tools that shine with beauty, often with great success. To be fair, we haven't always hit the mark. You can’t judge a book by its cover. 9 Best Practices Title Tag Search Engine Optimization - SEO. When I do an SEO audit on a webpage, one of the first things I check is the <title> tag.

9 Best Practices Title Tag Search Engine Optimization - SEO

Why? Well, I have several reasons. Best Practices for Title Tags in SEO In my book, the It has the most SEO power of any tag on the page for establishing keyword relevanceIts contents are the source for the blue-link text shown in the search engine results pages (SERPs)It’s the best place to get a concise description of the content on the page (well, that’s the theory) In an optimal world, the last bullet above would always be true. Given the theory that the <title> tag’s text is supposed to describe the page, search engines ascribe a huge amount of SEO value to the tag’s content – but only if it’s well-formed, contains page-relevant text, and reflects in the limited space available what the page is about (there’s not much SEO power in “Page 1″).

When you are reviewing the code of your webpages, look for the <title> tag. 1. 2. Your <title> tag is the place to put your page’s best keywords. Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization for SEO. (Last Updated: October 24, 2014 by Rand) How do I build the perfectly optimized page?

Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization for SEO

This is a challenging question for many in the SEO and web marketing fields. There are hundreds of "best practices" lists for where to place keywords and how to do "on-page optimization," but as search engines have evolved and as other sources of traffic — social networks, referring links, email, blogs, etc. — have become more important and interconnected, the very nature of what's "optimal" is up for debate. My perspective is certainly not gospel, but it's informed by years of experience, testing, failure, and learning alongside a lot of metrics from Moz's phenomenal data science team. 10 Ugly SEO Tools that Actually Rock. 12 Strong proofs to debunk SEO myths and educate clients about SEO. Build Keyword Density the Right Way. 50 changes for March. 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors.