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10 Great Alternatives to the Google Keyword Research Tool. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles Keyword research is a fundamental part of content marketing.

10 Great Alternatives to the Google Keyword Research Tool

It is an indispensable tool for developing a potent inbound marketing strategy and improving SEO. Search engines favor compelling content, but you won’t generate much traffic if you don’t include the words and phrases people are most interested in and actively searching for. How to Build Links to Your Blog - A Case Study. I recently took some time out to do a bit of travelling across East Asia (which was incredible!)

How to Build Links to Your Blog - A Case Study

And decided that I would, along with a group of friends, set up a travel blog. How to Leverage Investment in Video to Build More Links. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

How to Leverage Investment in Video to Build More Links

Video can be an expensive and time-consuming investment. For small businesses especially, the cost of producing video will always have to be weighed against other marketing investments, and the sad truth is that video can be a tough sell — especially when the ROI from its significant expense is hard to predict or quantify. I think part of the problem is that most marketers (including SEOs) don’t have a very good understanding of the value that video can provide for them; they see virality, branding, and perhaps increasing conversion rates as the extent of it.

Video as a media type, however, has potential on which few people capitalise: the ability to secure fantastic, high quality links back to your site. 1. 100 Free SEO Tools & Resources for Every Challenge. At Moz, we love using premium SEO Tools (especially our own).

100 Free SEO Tools & Resources for Every Challenge

Paid tools are essential when you need advanced features, increased limits, historical features, or online support. For other tasks, a free tool does the trick. Below you'll find an interactive list of 100 best completely free tools, tools with both free and paid options, and free trials. Simply select the checkbox for the area you're working in, and view the tools forr that category. Free Tools 1. Link Research, Technical SEO Worried about Google's Penguin algorithm hitting you for over-optimized anchor text?

2. Tools Suite, Diagnostic Similar in function to Google Webmaster Tools, Bing offers a suite of interesting research tools and resources for webmasters. 3. Social, Analytics Most people use Bitly for URL shortening, but the real power of this platform comes from its analytics. 4. Email, Productivity. 2012 SEO Industry Survey. Link Building Survey 2013 - The Results [INFOGRAPHIC] Many of us faced a challenging 2012 and 2013 has been no different.

Link Building Survey 2013 - The Results [INFOGRAPHIC]

Rankings were won and lost, a lot of bad links were removed and quite frankly a lot of businesses and departments had to be re-designed. We all know it’s a pretty “interesting” time to be in the link-building and SEO space. 40+ Tools to Advance Your International SEO Process. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

40+ Tools to Advance Your International SEO Process

One of the most frequent questions I get is about the tools that I use for international SEO, and although I included most of them in my international SEO presentation at MozCon, since I didn't had the time to focus on them, I would like to share how I use them to support my international SEO activities. There are tools to support every part of your journey, including identifying the potential, targeting an international audience, optimizing and promoting the websites, earning international popularity, and measuring and achieving benefit with the international SEO process. Let's get started!

Your initial international search status Identify your initial international search visibility, from the volume and trends of queries to pages' impressions, clicks, and the CTR you get per country. Your international search potential Your international keyword ideas. How Search Engines Work - The Beginners Guide to SEO. Search engines have two major functions: crawling and building an index, and providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they've determined are the most relevant. Imagine the World Wide Web as a network of stops in a big city subway system. Each stop is a unique document (usually a web page, but sometimes a PDF, JPG, or other file).

The search engines need a way to “crawl” the entire city and find all the stops along the way, so they use the best path available—links. What is an Unnatural Link? An in-depth Look at the Google Quality Guidelines - YouMoz. Do you know how to recognize an unnatural link?

What is an Unnatural Link? An in-depth Look at the Google Quality Guidelines - YouMoz

Sometimes unnatural links are easy to spot. But, other times they are not. In this article we will take an in depth look at the link schemes section of the Google Quality Guidelines and discuss what this document says in regards to unnatural links. Along the way I will share some of my experiences in dealing with websites who have been given unnatural links penalties. You can find the link schemes portion of the Google Quality Guidelines here. Us_ranking_factors_2013.jpg (1600×2265)