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Social Media Search Tool. Storify · Don't get lost in the noise. Discover the voices worth sharing. Free Advertising on Google. It may surprise some, but many small businesses new to inbound marketing are unaware that you can get some free advertising on Google through Google My Business (formerly known as Google Places) instead of paying for pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google.

Free Advertising on Google

And because Google is always looking to increase the value of its local search results -- as well as its Google Maps application -- the search engine giant has a simple way for you to provide them with that valuable information about your business, which it infuses straight into its search engine results. The benefit? 3 Ways You're Not Using Marketing Automation (But Should Be) Customer Relationships - Humanizing the Web With Personalization 2.0: Three Tips to Get Started. Social networks may seem the ultimate way to humanize the Web.

Customer Relationships - Humanizing the Web With Personalization 2.0: Three Tips to Get Started

After all, they connect people across time, distance, and interests. But despite Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and all the rest, the Web is becoming more dehumanized than ever. Perception and Expectations Perhaps the Web, per se, isn't the issue. Maybe it's a matter of perception and expectations. But users expect more now. And it's not just the mobility of the experience that has changed. We have quickly evolved from multi-channel to omni-channel.

Such an explosion of channels and experiences may sound at first like a good thing both for consumers and for brands. But there is a downside. More Personalization, Greater Relevancy The only factor that mitigates this mass-market attention deficient is relevancy. In a humanized Web, the interaction between user and content is relevant and engaging.

Sales - From Content to Lead to Handoff: Inbound Marketing in Six Steps. Technological innovations have had a dramatic impact on how buyers find, evaluate, and purchase goods and services.

Sales - From Content to Lead to Handoff: Inbound Marketing in Six Steps

Today, consumers readily look online, often via their mobile devices, when seeking information and advice. And just as readily they tune out advertising and other interruption-based messaging. As a result, marketers need to be more attuned to where, when, and how people want to receive messages. Sales - The B2B Lead Generation Manifesto [Slide Show] Advertising - PEAR, or Why a .3% Click-Through Rate for a Banner Ad Is Perfectly Acceptable.

Back in 2007, Ford ran a banner ad that was a simple yet attractive photograph of the inside of an Explorer.

Advertising - PEAR, or Why a .3% Click-Through Rate for a Banner Ad Is Perfectly Acceptable

Web Sites - Three Steps for Stopping Checkout Abandonment. You've gotten your customer on your site, and even to the checkout page, but (as you well know) your efforts don't end at the "Add To Basket" button.

Web Sites - Three Steps for Stopping Checkout Abandonment

If you want to encourage your website visitors to complete their purchases, you need to double-check your checkout process. Any e-commerce site owner knows the frustration resulting from the abandonment of a full shopping basket; all online shops suffer from a certain amount of checkout abandonment. But the most likely causes of a high rate of abandonment are few, and they're relatively simple to rectify. Here are three key areas that can generate improved conversions if you pay attention to them. A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] As extreme inbound marketing advocates, we love when we see businesses drink the inbound marketing Kool-Aid, eat the inbound marketing dog food, sip the inbound marketing champagne, or just, you know -- adopt the inbound marketing methodology.

A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

And we love it even more when they evangelize it, as HubSpot Partner The Whole Brain Group has recently done with its new infographic featured below. So if you're just catching on to the concept of inbound marketing and are looking for a super simple explanation of how it compares to a more traditional marketing strategy -- and how a really effective inbound marketing strategy works -- take a few minutes to check out The Whole Brain Group's rundown.

(Click infographic to enlarge.) Do you plan to incorporate inbound marketing tactics into your overall marketing strategy? The Broken Link Building Bible. Broken link building may perhaps be the most effective, white-hat link building strategy in years.

The Broken Link Building Bible

In particular, broken link building is appealing because the success of the campaign is directly proportional to how much good you do for the web. You profit only if you create good content to replace lost or abandoned content that webmasters still want to link to. This is the type of strategy that marries so many of the competing interests our industry: content vs. links, link earning vs link building, inbound vs. outbound, etc. Below, I attempt to organize as much as I know about broken link building tactics. Throughout the piece I mention tools that will help you make the broken link building process scalable and less monotonous. Table of Contents Overview. How to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages. Facebook business pages just went through quite a change with the release of the new page design that includes the addition of Timeline.

How to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages

Take Twitter campaigns to the next level with SEO data. You drive amazing amounts of traffic to your sites, grow conversions and engage with thousands of users over social media.

Take Twitter campaigns to the next level with SEO data

Want to take your search and social efforts to the next level? Try forming a Social-SEO super group to exploit synergies, foster collaboration and deliver better results across Social and SEO. Integrating your online marketing efforts is all about breaking down silos and delivering amazing results for brands and agencies. Social and SEO marketers can be a big part of this. As marketers, our ultimate aim is to have one marketing super group with PPC, SEO, Social and Display working together seamlessly.