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Discovering Ancient Egypt

Discovering Ancient Egypt
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Carnegie Museum of Natural History: Life in Ancient Egypt Life in Ancient Egypt Welcome to Life in Ancient Egypt, a companion online exhibition to Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Carnegie Museum of Natural History has acquired Egyptian artifacts since its founding and now holds about twenty-five-hundred ancient Egyptian artifacts. The most significant of these objects, over six hundred of them, are displayed in Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt. In the hall the artifacts are displayed in relation to the daily life and traditions of the people who made them, so that the objects are seen in the context of the culture. You may choose from the links to the left or follow the suggested path by clicking the Next button on each screen. History - Ancient History in depth: Pyramid Challenge

Ancient Egyptian History for Kids: Pharaohs Back to Ancient Egypt for Kids The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were the supreme leaders of the land. They were like kings or emperors. They ruled both upper and lower Egypt and were both the political and religious leader. The name Pharaoh comes from a word meaning "great house" describing a palace or kingdom. Historians divide up the timeline of Ancient Egyptian history by the dynasties of the Pharaohs. There were many great Pharaohs throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Akhenaten - Akhenaten was famous for saying there was only one god, the sun god. Hatshepsut - A lady Pharaoh, Hatshepsut was originally regent for her son, but she took on the power of Pharaoh. Amenhotep III - Amenhotep III ruled for 39 years of great prosperity. Ramses II - Often called Ramses the Great, he ruled Egypt for 67 years. Fun Facts about Pharaohs Pepy II became Pharaoh at the age of 6. Take a ten question quiz at the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs questions page. Back to History for Kids

Ancient Egypt - Ancient History Under Ahmose I, the first king of the 18th dynasty, Egypt was once again reunited. During the 18th dynasty, Egypt restored its control over Nubia and began military campaigns in Palestine, clashing with other powers in the area such as the Mitannians and the Hittites. The country went on to establish the world’s first great empire, stretching from Nubia to the Euphrates River in Asia. The controversial Amenhotep IV (c. 1379-1362), of the late 18th dynasty, undertook a religious revolution, disbanding the priesthoods dedicated to Amon-Re (a combination of the local Theban god Amon and the sun god Re) and forcing the exclusive worship of another sun-god, Aton. All of the New Kingdom rulers (with the exception of Akhenaton) were laid to rest in deep, rock-cut tombs (not pyramids) in the Valley of the Kings, a burial site on the west bank of the Nile opposite Thebes.

Sairas egyptiläinen haki apua eläimiltä | Jos egyptiläinen kuuli huonosti, vaivan saattoi parantaa gasellin korvalla. Ebersin papyruksen mukaan lääkärin oli leikattava gasellilta korva ja tehtävä siitä, annek-kasvista, kilpikonnankuorilastuista ja päästäisen päästä tahna. Sitä paineltiin korvaan, minkä jälkeen potilaan pään ympäri kiedottiin liina. Sitten lääkärin piti kutsua ilmanjumala Shuta, jotta tämä lähettäisi parantavia voimia maan päälle. Possun silmät: Possun silmät palauttivat näön Ebersin papyruksessa kerrotaan lyijystä,hunajasta ja siansilmistä sekoitetun tahnan parantavan sokeuden. Otetaan kaksi kuivattua sian­silmää, murskataan ne ja sekoitetaan murska punaisen lyijymönjän ja hunajan kanssa, niin saadaan lääke, joka karkottaa sokeuden. Kun lääkäri oli sekoittanut tahnan, hän siveli sitä potilaan silmiin. Egyptiläiset uskoivat, että sokeus oli jumalien rangaistus ihmiselle.

Meaning of colour in ancient Egypt; Black The colour black represented death and the afterlife to the ancient Egyptians. Osiris was given the epithet "the black one" because he was the king of the netherworld and both he and Anubis (the god of embalming) were portrayed with black faces. However, the Egyptians also associated black with fertility and resurrection because much of their agriculture was dependant on the rich dark silt deposited on the river banks by the Nile during the inundation. When used to represent resurrection, black and green were interchangeable. Egypt was known as Kemet, "the black land" and it is though that this was a reference to the Nile not a description of ethnicity. Black could also be associated with chaos and outsiders. Black paint was made from soot or charcoal and occasionally from an ore of manganese. Buy beautiful black onyx jewellery from Kemet Design copyright J Hill 2010

NOVA | Explore Ancient Egypt Explore Ancient Egypt With 360-degree and other imagery, walk around the Sphinx, enter the Great Pyramid, visit tombs and temples, and more. Want to walk around the Sphinx? Clamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and seek out the pharaoh's burial chamber? Visit the magnificent tombs and temples of ancient Thebes? In this multi-layered, highly visual interactive, view 360° panoramas, "walkaround" photos, and other breathtaking imagery shot throughout the Giza Plateau and ancient Thebes (modern-day Luxor), often with special permission. View From Top You are now standing atop Khufuí­s Pyramid, 45 stories above the Giza Plateau. Other things to look for as you navigate around the summit are the Sphinx, Khufu's three Queens' Pyramids, greater Cairo, and—hard to miss—Khafre's Pyramid. Descending Passage Subterranean Chamber Do you see the small grated opening across the room from the entrance? Ascending Passage Okay, let's begin. Grand Gallery (Lower) "Queen's Chamber" Grand Gallery (Upper) Sphinx

Muumioiden kapina: Egyptiläiset tekivät 70 päivän matkan manalaan | Päivät 45-55: Säilöntä Kuivatuksen jälkeen ruumis peitettiin suojaavalla pihkakerroksella. Kun ruumis oli maannut 40 päivää natronsuolassa, sen iho oli tummunut ja kuivunut ja raajat olivat kuihtuneet tikuiksi ja se painoi vain noin neljänneksen alkuperäisestä painostaan. Nyt palsamoijien piti entisöidä kuivunut ruumis näyttämään taas ihmiseltä. Ensiksi ruumis pestiin alkoholilla, jotta viimeisetkin bakteerit saatiin hengiltä. Sen jälkeen ruumis voideltiin tuoksuvilla, kassiakanelilla ja mirhalla hajustetuilla voiteilla ja öljyillä. Voitelun jälkeen ruumis peitettiin kauttaaltaan lämpimällä seoksella, joka sisälsi muun muassa mirhaa, kamferiöljyä ja katajan pihkaa. Myöhemmin egyptiläiset alkoivat panna aikaisemmin kanooppiastioihin säilötyt sisäelimet takaisin ruumiin sisään.

Ancient Egypt Painting, Minor Arts and Music Plus Minor Arts and Music In Egypt, except during the reign of the Ptolemies and under the influence of Greece, ancient Egypt painting never rose to the status of an independent art. Painting remained an accessory to architecture, sculpture and relief, the painter filled in the outlines carved by the cutting tool. But though subordinate, it was ubiquitous; most statues were painted, all surfaces were colored. It is an art perilously subject to time, and lacking the persistence of statuary and building. Very little remains to us of Old Kingdom painting beyond a remarkable picture of six geese from a tomb at Medum; but from this alone we are justified in believing that already in the early dynasties this art, too, had come near to perfection. Ancient Egypt Painting, Minor Arts and Music Under the Empire the tombs became a riot of painting. Floors were painted to look like transparent pools, and ceilings sought to rival the jewelry of the sky. The minor arts were the major art of Egypt.

King Tut Revealed By A.R. Williams He was just a teenager when he died. The last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries, he was laid to rest laden with gold and eventually forgotten. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922, the modern world has speculated about what happened to him, with murder the most extreme possibility. Inside King Tut’s subterranean burial chamber, against a backdrop of sacred murals, Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, removes padding to reveal the young pharaoh’s remains. Clues From Top ... Did the young pharaoh die from a blow to the head? As evidence, they cite an x-ray taken in 1968, which shows a fragment of bone in the skull cavity—emptied by embalmers, according to custom. The maturity of the skeleton and wisdom teeth confirms that Tut was about 19 years old when he died. ... to Bottom Supporters of such possibilities point to Tut’s mangled chest, with its breastbone missing and much of the front rib cage cut out.

1922: The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb — in color In 1907, Egyptologist and archaeologist Howard Carter was hired by George Herbert, the 5th Earl of Carnarvon to oversee excavations in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Carter had built a reputation for scrupulously recording and preserving discoveries. Carter searched the valley for years with little to show for it, which drew the ire of his employer. In 1922, Lord Carnarvon told Carter that he had only one more season of digging before his funding would be ended. Revisiting a previously abandoned dig site at a group of huts, Carter started digging again, desperate for a breakthrough. On Nov. 4, 1922, his crew discovered a step carved into the rock. On Nov. 26, with Carnarvon at his side, Carter chipped open a small breach in the corner of the doorway at the end of the stairs.

Ancient Egyptian Society The ancient Egyptian civilisation spanned thousands of years, and was both complex and fascinating. Diet The Egyptians had a varied diet including ; bread; meat and fish; fruit and vegetables; nuts, seeds and beans; and numerous herbs and spices. Clothing, Crowns and Regalia The ancient Egyptians generally wore white linen clothing, well suited to the heat of the desert. The pharaoh carried many additional items which acted as emblems of royal power and had a number of different crowns for different occasions. Jewellery, Perfume and Incense As life in an ancient city could be rather smelly, they also developed beautiful incense and perfume which was thought to have medicinal qualities and was associated with the gods. All Egyptians wore jewellery, and some beautiful pieces have been recovered from burial sites. The ancient Egyptians used beautiful pigments and colours to enhance their art and jewellery. Administration The Egyptians were skilled administrators. Military copyright J Hill 2010

History - Ancient History in depth: The Story of the Nile Facts about the River Nile for Kids The River Nile is about 6,670 km (4,160 miles) in length and is the longest river in Africa and in the world. Although it is generally associated with Egypt, only 22% of the Nile’s course runs through Egypt. In Egypt, the River Nile creates a fertile green valley across the desert. It was by the banks of the river that one of the oldest civilizations in the world began. The ancient Egyptians lived and farmed along the Nile, using the soil to produce food for themselves and their animals. The River Nile is in Africa. Map of the River Nile from space Notice that the land is green on either side of the Nile. Lake Victoria, Africa's biggest lake, is generally thought of as the source of the River Nile. The true source of the River Nile Ripon Falls may be the starting-point of the river, but the many streams that flow into Lake Victoria could claim to be the true source. Much of Lake Victoria is surrounded by mountains with streams tumbling down into the lake. Back to the top Further Infomation
