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Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid - Fondacija “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. Is This the World’s Oldest Star Map? By Steven & Evan Strong Contributing Writers for Wake Up World In both an amazing and tragic twist of fate, we recently came upon the somewhat fabled star chart – a collection of thousands of engraved star markers found almost directly above the controversial ‘Kariong hieroglyphs.’

Is This the World’s Oldest Star Map?

The authenticity of those ‘glyphs is hotly debated, but on this occasion those engravings were merely the backdrop and starting point to the story. The Star Chart The collection of Original engravings that exactly replicates the night sky over 4,600 years ago was not recognised by white fellas as being anything other than a series of engraved circles of varying diameter and depth.

Ancient Egyptian science. History of Egypt, by Maspero, Volume 2. Lost Underwater City Uncovered (PHOTOS) A lost city and vital port known as Heracleion to the ancient Greeks and Thonis to ancient Egyptians was thought to be nothing but a memory until a team from the European Institute for Underwater Archeology (IEASM) discovered the mystical city submerged in the Mediterranean Sea.

Lost Underwater City Uncovered (PHOTOS)

Traces of Thonis-Heracleion were found four miles off the coast of Egypt, 30 feet below the Aboukir Bay in 2000. The team, under French underwater archaeologist Dr. Frank Goddio’s direction, discovered many ruins, among them a monolithic chapel, a giant red granite statue of the god Hapi and the largest known concentration of ancient ships. Reportage Le secret caché des pyramides d' Egypte révelé. Egyptian Light bulb.

US alleged to be in possession of Iraq treasures. Facebook Tweet Email ShareThis Big News Saturday 13th April, 2013 Iraqi cultural treasures may have gone to the US illegally according to Ihsan Fathi, an archaeologist at the National Museum of Iraq.

US alleged to be in possession of Iraq treasures

The Pyramid Code - EP3- Sacred Cosmology. Archaeologists discovered world’s oldest harbor, hieroglyphic papyri. A team of archaeologists in Egypt has unearthed what are believed to be the world’s most ancient harbour and a set of hieroglyphic papyri dating to the third millennium B.C.

Archaeologists discovered world’s oldest harbor, hieroglyphic papyri

“The port of Wadi el-Jarf located on the Red Sea, 180 km south of Suez, dates to around 2,600 B.C. and the reign of King Khufu,” Minister for Antiquities Mohammed Ibrahim said. It is considered one of the most important ancient Egyptian ports because it was used to transport copper and other minerals from the Sinai peninsula, Ibrahim said. Egypt Giza Great Pyramids. Pyramids. Dimensions of ancient Egypt.

A virtual tour of the Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak, one of the largest archaeological sites in Egypt.

Dimensions of ancient Egypt

Photos by Katherine Taylor/Harvard Staff Photographer The Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak isn’t the most famous ancient site in Egypt — that honor goes to the Pyramids at Giza — but newly developed reconstructions using 3-D virtual reality modeling make clear its architectural importance and rich history. Elaine Sullivan, a visiting assistant professor, worked with her colleagues from the University of California, Los Angeles, to digitize 100 years of analyses and excavation records to create an interactive historical document of the architectural phases of the Karnak temple. Sullivan presented her work Wednesday in a Science Center lecture titled “The Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: 2000 Years of Rituals and Renovations in 3-D.”

“You can’t go back in time,” Sullivan said. The Amun-Ra temple, which was active for more than 1,500 years, is a mega-temple, Sullivan said. India writting pre sancrit... Vidéo Egypte découverte des Temples du site archéologique de Abou Simbel. The Mystery Of The Sphinx. Pakhet. In Egyptian mythology, Pakhet, Egyptian Pḫ.t, meaning she who scratches (also spelt Pachet, Pehkhet, Phastet, and Pasht) is a lioness goddess of war.


Origin and mythology[edit] Khéops révélé. Théorie de construction de la pyramide de Khéops par Jean-Pierre Houdin. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Théorie de construction de la pyramide de Khéops par Jean-Pierre Houdin

L'architecte français Jean-Pierre Houdin et l'égyptologue américain Bob Brier défendent une théorie de construction de la pyramide de Khéops basée sur l'utilisation d'une rampe extérieure frontale et d'une rampe intérieure. Proposée en 1999[réf. nécessaire], cette thèse fait partie des nombreuses théories sur la méthode de construction des pyramides égyptiennes. Explications[modifier | modifier le code] L'équipe va plus loin en 2006 en démontrant — grâce aux logiciels de simulation par éléments finis utilisés notamment dans la simulation de crash tests dans l'industrie automobile — comment les poutres de la chambre du roi se sont fissurées. Selon cette étude, ces fissures ne se seraient pas produites au moment de la construction de la chambre du roi mais plus tard, à cause de la conjonction de deux facteurs, à savoir la présence de 80 mètres minimum de pierres au-dessus des plafonds et l'affaissement de trois centimètres du mur sud.

INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR: "SEARCHING FOR HIGH TECHNOLOGY TRACES OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS" Cairo, Egypt, December 13-20, 2011. - Fondacija “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. Промо-ролик на английском языке. Energie des pyramides. Amentet Neferet – Egyptian Religion. Introduction: The myth of the conflicts between Horus and Seth occupies a large part of the egyptian mythology (and many are the religious feasts dedicated to the celebration of this myth), as it is the core of the essence of the God Horus Himself.

Amentet Neferet – Egyptian Religion

With the rebellion of Seth against Osiris, “isefet”(the opposite of Maat), translated as “unrighteousness” and “untruthfulness”, enters the world: Horus is He Who destroys isefet and He Who restores Maat, cyclically. This is the basis and the foundation of the Egyptian Kingship: every rightful and righteous King of the Two Lands is a manifestation of the son of Osiris on Earth, He Who upholds Righteousness and Truth, Horus. The Conflicts between Horus and Seth from the Chester Beatty papyrus I: