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18 remarkable tricks to make your food last longer

18 remarkable tricks to make your food last longer
Saving money on your food shop doesn't stop at the supermarket. Allow your hard earned pennies to go even further by reading up on these simple yet effective tips that'll extend the life of your grub for longer. That way, your keeping money in your pocket AND saving trips to the supermarket. What's not to love? Sign up to for free brownies, popcorn and flapjacks - and that's just the start... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Once something goes rotten in your fridge or cupboard, bin it. 8. 9. 10. Swirl berries in a mixture of one part vinegar to 10 parts water. 11. 12. Take advantage of reductions at the supermarket by sticking them in the freezer. 13. 14.Reduce unpopped kernels by cooking popcorn in a bowl topped with a plate. 15. 16. 17. 18. Best before dates are about quality, not safety.

10 More Transformational and Spiritual Aphorisms Recently, I posted an article showcasing 10 Transformational and Spiritual Aphorisms where sages, thinkers, luminaries, and awakened individuals put into words thought-patterns that resonate with the truth of a more objective Reality than that which is constructed by the cultures in which we grow up in and are influenced by. Looking around us, we can see that there is a lack of true leadership (or very little authentic leadership, in more realistic terms) within the forefront of societies and cultures we all find ourselves in. When there is a lack of true motivational and inspirational leadership, we have to look to those profound visionaries and awakened individuals of times past to gather growth-encouraging insights that will help us in our self-growth and enlightenment. Aphorism 1

43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life Post written by Sherri Kruger. Follow me on Twitter. Simplicity. How can we make things simpler, more streamlined, or more efficient? Useful and Handy Info You Must Know Useful and handy information that you probably don't know Ants Problem : Ants hate cucumbers. Keep the skin of cucumbers near the place or ant hole. To get pure and clean ice : Boil water first before freezing. To make the mirror shine : Clean with spirit To remove chewing gum from clothes : Keep the cloth in the freezer for an hour. Photography Quotes: 44 Awesome Quotes by Photographers If you love photography, then you’re going to love these quotes. They are all by famous photographers, except a couple, but they are all about photography. I didn’t want to just post the text so I turned them into something more visually appealing. Anyway, hope you enjoy these them!

25 Homemade Beauty Tips 1. Old Buttons Repurpose spare buttons by using them to keep pairs of earrings together: Most buttons have at least two holes in them, so simply place an earring in each opening to neatly store when not wearing. Photo: Jupiter Images 21 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping IdeasArs Spiritus I’ve always loved camping and being in the outdoors. Living in the middle of nowhere for half of my life, I developed various skills and learnt many things to help me not only survive, but be comfortable in the wild. But as much as I thought I knew, I stumbled upon a collection of exciting ideas which I thought was ingenious and mind-blowing at the same time. The creativity and simpleness of these ideas are what made it that much more genius.

Earthscapes: Sand Drawings by Andres Amador Earthscapes: Sand Drawings by Andres Amador Large-scale ephemeral drawings on sand that disappears when the tide rises. Nothing else is on my mind when I’m doing my artwork. You can’t hear the cars. 50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making As a society, we have become over-reliant on “ready made” products. We have lost the ability to make things from scratch. Rather than blend up some peanuts to make delicious, tasty and fresh peanut butter, we’ll spend many dollars on a jar from the store that contains artificial preservatives, unnecessary packaging and that simply lines the pockets of huge, unethical multinational corporations. THE BANGKOK GLOBE 1. Remove avocado stems to gauge its ripeness. 4. Cup bacon and eggs together for convenient breakfast bites. If you love bacon and eggs for breakfast, try out this little hack for bite-size portions. 5.

Anxiety and Avoidance Anxiety: We worry. A gallery of contributors count the ways. Shortly after 9/11, I wrote an editorial in the American Journal of Psychiatry with Jack Gorman, a psychiatrist with whom I was collaborating. Many people seemed to be coping with the extraordinary events of the terror attacks by staying close to home and avoiding going back out in the world. The Simple, Sweet LifeThe Simple, Sweet ... For my husband’s birthday this year, I threw him a superhero themed party. But I didn’t want to throw just any ol’ superhero party, I wanted to make it an old school comic book superhero party. I decided way in advance that I was going to make cookies that looked like comic panels, and I picked out a few images that I liked and thought would look good on the cookies. However, all of the images were fairly detailed and I didn’t have a ton of time or cookies to get the images right. I tried multiple methods to transfer my images onto the cookies, everything from Sweet Ambs’ method of tracing over tissue paper versions of the images with an edible pen (I couldn’t seem to get it to bleed through) to trying to building my own projector out of boxes and a flashlight (I was getting a little desperate… can you tell?).

No Conflict: Transparency and Morals Consider this scenario: You have been sick for some time, more debilitated by the month, and doctors are scratching their heads. Finally, in pain and exhausted, you find a specialist who figures it out. Your ailment is very serious, but the good news is that it can be treated with a new drug. The doctor writes a prescription, but as he hands it to you, he says: “Just so you know, the company that makes this drug also funds a research project of mine.” Voices - Therese J. Borchard - Beyond Blue “Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered am I” wrote US songwriter Lorenz Hart about the feeling of infatuation. It’s blissful and euphoric, as we all know. But it’s also addicting, messy and blinding. Without careful monitoring, its wild wind can rage through your life leaving you much like the lyrics of a country song: without a wife, job and truck. So how do you reign in this powerful beast? Here are a few suggestions.
