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13 Secrets Personal Organizers Would Never Tell You for Free Industry experts reveal the dirty details to help keep your home organized and clean. By Michelle Crouch Also published in Reader's Digest Magazine March 2014 Loading Joshua Scott for Reader's Digest Create 5 piles. When you’re organizing, you should sort everything into five piles: move to another room, donate, give to a specific person, throw away, and, finally, the “marinating” pile. When you’re organizing, you should sort everything into five piles: move to another room, donate, give to a specific person… To make an organizing project go faster: Create rules about what you’re keeping and what you’re discarding. Create rules about what you’re keeping and what you’re discarding. It will always take you at least five times longer to sort through a box of personal papers than you think it will. Avoid lids... ...on laundry baskets, bins, and other containers. ...on laundry baskets, bins, and other containers. Digital Vision/Thinkstock The number one problem for all my clients? iStock/Thinkstock

40 Brilliant DIY Organization Hacks How’s that spring cleaning going? Avoiding it in favor of two back-to-back brunches? Sounds familiar. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. What’s the most clever organization hack you’ve ever seen? Lauren Weems is a stylist and floral designer for wedding, commercial, and editorial photo shoots. Artikel Do it yourself: die Dekowerkstatt Selbstgemachtes für zu Hause sieht gut aus und verleiht den eigenen vier Wänden ganz persönlichen Charme. In unserer Dekowerkstatt stellen wir jeden Monat ein neues DIY-Projekt zum Selbermachen vor – mit komplettem Einkaufszettel und Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung! Unsere Deko-ExpertinStylistin Katja Graumann präsentiert Monat für Monat eine neue, kreative DIY Ideen zum Selbermachen: Von der Bildersammlung über hübsche Etiketten bis zur Ast-Hängeleuchte zeigt sie uns ihre Ideen in praktischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Januar BildersammlungDeko mit Buchstaben und Zahlen verleiht unseren Räumen einen ganz besonders stylishen Look. Schriftbilder an der Wand:DIY: Bildersammlung Februar Kreatives RegalEin Regal aus alten Kisten und Dosen kann richtig toll aussehen! März HakenleisteEine selbst gestaltete Hakenleiste peppt den Flur auf und bietet ausreichend Platz für all die Dinge, die unterwegs nicht fehlen dürfen. April Mai Juni Juli Steine bemalen:DIY: Steine

50 Clever DIY Ways To Organize Your Entire Life It's the Little Things: 5 Ways to Spend Less & Reduce Clutter I was at Target the other day, and standing in front of me in line was a gentleman buying a plunger. That's it. A plunger. While I really should have been feeling bad for him, because after all, the poor guy was out on a plunger run, I found myself staring at him in wonder, dazzled by his ability to get out of Target with only one darn thing. You see, had I been on a plunger run, I would have somehow managed to also scoop up some ballet flats, random office supplies, a soy candle or two, a hand towel, a tank top, some Play Doh for the kids, an impractical scarf… aaaand my bill would have been $100 of weird little items + a plunger. Since my shopping tends to be rather unfocused, a lot like mindless snacking, I realized I first needed a clear plan to tackle my goal. Check out the following 5 steps and feel free to offer any additional suggestions. 1.Control "clutter cravings". 2. 3.Shop with a list. 4.Reward yourself with experiences instead of things. 5.Think before you buy.

Dekowerkstatt Do it yourself: die Dekowerkstatt Selbstgemachtes für zu Hause sieht gut aus und verleiht den eigenen vier Wänden ganz persönlichen Charme. In unserer Dekowerkstatt stellen wir jeden Monat ein neues DIY-Projekt zum Selbermachen vor – mit komplettem Einkaufszettel und Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung! Unsere Deko-ExpertinStylistin Katja Graumann präsentiert Monat für Monat eine neue, kreative DIY Ideen zum Selbermachen: Von der Bildersammlung über hübsche Etiketten bis zur Ast-Hängeleuchte zeigt sie uns ihre Ideen in praktischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Januar BildersammlungDeko mit Buchstaben und Zahlen verleiht unseren Räumen einen ganz besonders stylishen Look. Schriftbilder an der Wand:DIY: Bildersammlung Februar Kreatives RegalEin Regal aus alten Kisten und Dosen kann richtig toll aussehen! März HakenleisteEine selbst gestaltete Hakenleiste peppt den Flur auf und bietet ausreichend Platz für all die Dinge, die unterwegs nicht fehlen dürfen. April Mai Juni Juli Steine bemalen:DIY: Steine

10 House Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Life 10 Ways to Level Up Your Life in 5 Minutes or Less Getting in shape and leveling up your life can be a daunting task. Like Frodo setting out from the Shire and walking to Mordor, the end of this journey might seem like something that is years and years away. However, just like Frodo, we have seen time and time again that the most important thing to do is GET STARTED. Every tiny decision adds up, and these tiny decisions put together can build some serious progress towards reaching your goal. Around these parts, we like to call this the Optimus Prime Strategy: He transforms from a mac truck into a giant ass kicking robot…not with one movement, but rather hundreds and hundreds of tiny steps. So, how do we get started? Here are 10 of my favorite ways to level up life in 5 minutes or less, because sometimes five minutes is enough to start building momentum. 1) Complete a 5-minute workout. Only 5 minutes? So here it is, the five minute workout: Looking for more quick workouts? 2) Perform a house cleaning in your kitchen. 4) Work on handstands.

Over 50 FREE Cleaning and Organizing Printables Are you busy cleaning and organizing this month? I know I am. I use printable pages for many things in my home. I can always find free versions online of some really great printable organizers. Cleaning Organization Labels In the Kitchen Home Management For Health For Kids I am also joining in with a few other ladies today to bring y’all even more organizing fun (it is fun right?). Check out these awesome organizing posts for even more inspiration. I hope y’all enjoyed my list of printables. NEW! Just click on the button below to add this download to your cart. Just click the add to cart button above to download my complete guide to natural cleaning for just $1.99!!
