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MSNBC - How to Think About the Mind

MSNBC - How to Think About the Mind
How to Think About the MindNeuroscience shows that the 'soul' is the activity of the brain Sept. 27 issue - Every evening our eyes tell us that the sun sets, while we know that, in fact, the Earth is turning us away from it. Astronomy taught us centuries ago that common sense is not a reliable guide to reality. Today it is neuroscience that is forcing us to readjust our intuitions. People naturally believe in the Ghost in the Machine: that we have bodies made of matter and spirits made of an ethereal something. Yes, people acknowledge that the brain is involved in mental life. Modern neuroscience has shown that there is no user. This resistance is not surprising. The disconnect between our common sense and our best science is not an academic curiosity. Prozac shouldn't be dispensed like mints, of course, but the reason is not that it undermines the will. To many, the scariest prospect is medication that can make us better than well by enhancing mood, memory and attention.

An Unforgettable Act of Kindness I was sitting in a bookstore engrossed in writing when I noticed an elderly man, (in his early 80's), sit down with his coffee drink, at a nearby table. I smiled at him and he nodded, as I went back to work. Within seconds, I witnessed him spill his coffee all over his pants and onto the floor. Why is it a cup of something, looks like a gallon, once it has been knocked over? A young woman,at another table jumped up and grabbed some paper napkins for him. I observed the man get up very slowly and begin to wipe himself off. His stiff body wouldn't cooperate. I went over to him and said "Please allow me to help you," and proceeded to wipe the floor clean. It was like the entire scene played out in slow motion. He thanked me. I'm not sure if he was more embarrassed, frustrated or sad. Aging isn't easy. There are three groups of old: the 'young old,' 'the old,' and 'the old, old.' At 57, I consider myself to be in the 'young old,' group. Aging is a part of life. The older you get the more you lose.

Table of contents (With last update date) Cover Foreword (August 13, 2009) Part 1. Preface to part 1 (April 12, 2000) Chapter 1. 1.1. 1.6. 1.7. Chapter 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Chapter 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Chapter 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Chapter 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 5.12. 5.13. 5.14. 5.15. 5.16. Chapter 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.12. Part 2. Preface to part 2 (October 17, 2010) Chapter 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.9. 7.10. Chapter 8. 8.1. 8.2. Chapter 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.6. Chapter 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. Chapter 11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7.The victim/victimizer polar pair 11.8. 11.9. 11.10. Chapter 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. Chapter 13. 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.5. 13.6. 13.7. 13.8. 13.9. 13.10. 13.11. 13.12. 13.13. Chapter 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 14.7. 14.8. Chapter 15. Chapter 16. 16.3. 16.4. 16.5. Part 3. Preface to part 3 (November 18, 2009) Chapter 17. 17.1.

Personal and Historical Perspectives of Hans Bethe - StumbleUpon George Carlin – comedian – could write something so very eloquent. | Smile O Smile This is a masterpiece. If you have not read it, take the time to read it now. GEORGE CARLIN (His wife died a short time ago …..and George followed her, dying July 2008) George Carlin - comedian Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin – comedian of the 70′s and 80′s – could write something so very eloquent…and so very appropriate. A Message by George Carlin: The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. George Carlin Like this: Related

Where is the Mind? The Mind Exists Without the Brain | Imagine a TV or a radio. The television does not create the images it shows and the radio does not create the music it plays – they are just machines projected to capture the waves that are passing through the air. If you destroy the radio device, you won't be able to listen to music, but you haven't destroyed the music, it exists independently from the machine that captures it, right? According to some schools of thought of the eastern world, believing that the human brain creates the thoughts is the same as believing that the TV or the radio create the waves. The Seven Levels of Consciousness Ancient eastern philosophy divides the human experience into seven levels of consciousness. The three most subtle levels, correspond to the world of ideas, where all archetypes, all truth and all knowledge is. Philosophy of Mind – Is the Brain a Data Processor? From this perspective, the brain is a data processor, it does not create anything new, it just captures something that already exists.

Chapter 1 1.1. The assumption of objective reality, a necessity for survival and for science? The assumption of an external reality is the assumption that there is a real world that is external to our mind and senses, and that it exists whether or not we as observers exist, and whether or not we are observing it. The assumption of external reality is necessary for science to function and to flourish. In addition to the assumption of an external reality, we also make the assumption that this reality is objective. As we have said, science assumes that objective reality is "external" to the minds that observe it. The concept of objective reality is also applied to the study of history, which is thought to be a more-or-less accurate record of past events. What about the person who observes his/her own thoughts, feelings, and sensory experiences? In fact, all observations of so-called "external" reality are really observations of our own sensory experiences. To leap or not to leap? 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit!

Nobel winner ties mental illness to immune defect A Nobel Prize-winning University of Utah geneticist discovered that bone marrow transplants cure mutant mice who pull out their hair compulsively. The study provides the first cause-and-effect link between immune system cells and mental illness, and points toward eventual new psychiatric treatments. "We're showing there is a direct relationship between a psychiatric disorder and the immune system, specifically cells named microglia that are derived from bone marrow" and are found in the brain, says Mario Capecchi, a distinguished professor of human genetics at the University of Utah School of Medicine. The findings - published in the Friday, May 28 issue of the journal Cell - should inspire researchers "to think about potential new immune-based therapies for psychiatric disorders," says Capecchi, a 2007 Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine. "A lot of people are going to find it amazing," says Capecchi. "We think it's a very good model for obsessive-compulsive disorder," he says.

Global Warming Uncovers Corpses Frozen in Time Photo via Last Days of the Incas Five hundred years ago, three Inca children were left to freeze high in the cold Argentinian Andes as a religious sacrifice. In time, their bodies mummified, having been swallowed in snow and entombed within the glacier, lost to time. But centuries later, in a warmer world, their perfectly-preserved corpses were discovered beneath the melting snow -- an increasingly common sight. When the three Inca children were discovered thanks to melting in the Andes, their well-preserved, mummified remains helped advance archeological knowledge of their rather mysterious civilization. For example, the frozen body of 24-year-old pilot, Benjamin Rafael Pabón, was discovered by hikers in Peru -- over 20 years after his plane crashed in the Andes. "It took me a very long time to acknowledge he might be dead," said the pilot's mother. Photo: Noah Friedman-Rudovsky for The New York Times

The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen - StumbleUpon Authoritarian followers Mind Control Subliminals By Dick Sutphen Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques 1. keeping agreements 2.physical and mental fatigue 3. increase the tension 4. Uncertainty. 5. Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at the World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. In talking about this subject, I am talking about my own business. Charles J. Alright.
