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Brain food for the thinking teacher

Brain food for the thinking teacher

Career Test Center - Discover your ideal career English — Teaching and Learning at Cardiff High School “But is that the right answer Miss?” June 10, 2012 — English, Main Activities, Tools, Uncategorized ‘If only we talked and taught a little less how infinitely better our students might learn a little more.’ Ok so I’m slightly paraphrasing Charles Dickens here, but when our approach to teaching and learning ( Candles to be lit, not bottles to be filled) also derives from Hard Times it seems appropriate. Blogging, Tweeting and Learning June 1, 2012 — English, Technology, Websites Our students are supposedly ‘digital natives’ raised in a technological world we can only hope to imagine- before it becomes outdated, outmoded and obsolete.

Pragmatic Education | *Ideas are the currency of the 21st century* goodbyemisterhunter | Robert Peal on education and reform The Big Five Personality Test Directions: The following statements concern your perception about yourself in a variety of situations. Your task is to indicate the strength of your agreement with each statement, utilizing a scale in which 1 denotes strong disagreement, 5 denotes strong agreement, and 2, 3, and 4 represent intermediate judgments. In the boxes after each statement, click a number from 1 to 5 from the following scale: Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither disagree nor agreeAgreeStrongly agree There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, so select the number that most closely reflects you on each statement.

iPads in Primary Education imaginative-inquiry How to Design an Infographic for Maximum Success The best infographics can be an incredibly useful tool for designers and marketers. They draw the reader’s attention more effectively than boring old grayscale text, and they allow for much more creativity than a straightforward breakdown using words. Infographics offer users a way to combine the best parts of illustration and narrative: Something to catch the eye, hold the attention and drive home a point. Data visualizations, as infographics are also referred to, are not difficult to produce, but to produce an effective one, you’ll have to put some effort into it. Before you start assembling your graphic, you should have a clear idea of what you want it to convey and what its purpose is. Choosing a Topic There must be adequate dataYour first task is to pick a topic. Seeking Out the Best Data Once you’ve determined your topic, your next order of business is coming up with the data to support your argument. Make sure that you source all data either within the graphic or at the bottom.

Tools for plugging ICT into any lesson: my top five resources | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional ICT shouldn't just be utilised within ICT lessons. There are many applications out there that allow teachers to dazzle their students with their ICT skills. There are so many, in fact, that its very difficult to know where to start. Furthermore, you don't want to be using your time and effort investigating something which might not be of any use to you. So here's a list of my top five, free, ICT applications. Edmodo What is it? Where can it be used? Cost: Free Socrative What is it? Prezi What is it? Where can it be used? Cost: Education Enjoy licence is free and is the one I have always used, there is the Education Pro licence and that is $5 a month. Wallwisher What is it? Where can it be used? Popplet What is it? Where can it be used? Cost: The basic five Popplet subscription is free.

logicalincrementalism | systems in everyday life Ahead of the Pack: 11 Amazing Career Tips for Young Pros After our college career has ended, we enter a new chapter in our lives… we begin a career. And the faster graduates get serious about finding work in the post-collegiate world, and learning how to thrive there, the better. You have skills and experiences to share, so it’s time to up your career game and distinguish yourself from the pack. Here are a few tips for doing just that: 1. Know Your First Job Won’t Be Your Last Research shows that adults change careers (not just jobs) five to seven times throughout their working lives. 2. You know it’s important to build your professional community and connect with people to tap the hidden job market. 3. It’s easy to go into the job search focusing on what you want. 4. In addition to the graduation well-wishers, your friends and family are probably asking how they can help. Share your strengths in story form so your network has an easy-to-remember conversation to share with others that illustrates what makes you unique and employable. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Victorian Policing | Bottom-up history: what happened at street level Be Prepared: Can You Answer These Common Job Interview Questions? In any job interview, recruiters will measure you against other applicants based on both what you say, and how you answer questions. You’ll likely be a bit nervous during the interview, yet will have to confidently present answers articulately and without hesitation. How can you give yourself an advantage to do this better than the candidates you’re competing against? Begin today by preparing answers to interview questions. I found the questions below to be some of the most basic and best ones. They cover the full range of everything you will need to be able to talk about. Be prepared to form your answer using STAR stories. Situation – what was going on (Briefly stated)Task – what was it that had to happenActions – step by step, what did YOU doResults – what happened because you did what you did You should practice these answers out loud. Practice answers to the following questions, and you’ll be well prepared for many very common job interview questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
