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Training Teachers to Teach Critical Thinking

Training Teachers to Teach Critical Thinking
How KIPP educators instruct their colleagues to enhance their classroom practice. KIPP King Collegiate High School principal Jason Singer trains his teachers to lead Socratic discussions (above); Katie Kirkpatrick (right), dean of instruction, developed a step-by-step framework -- described below -- for teaching students basic critical-thinking skills. Credit: Zachary Fink Thinking critically is one thing, but being able to teach it can be quite another. Katie Kirkpatrick, dean of instruction at KIPP King Collegiate High School, developed the school's Speech & Composition class, a requirement for all students. Define what critical thinking in the classroom is. It's an approach to teaching that allows students to make sense of the content. How is your training session structured? It's a three-hour training on the frameworks that I use in my own course, which I generated from the Toulmin Model of Argumentation. What are the right kinds of questions to ask? That's just a first step.

11 Ways to Make an Inquiry based Classroom You became a teacher not to pontificate to trusting minds, but to teach children how to succeed as adults. That idealism infused every class in your credential program and only took a slight bump during your student teacher days. That educator, you figured, was a dinosaur. You’d never teach to the test or lecture for forty minutes of a forty-five minute class. Then you got a job and reality struck. Until the inquiry-based classroom arrived where teaching’s goal was not the solution to a problem, but the path followed. One step at a time, and here are fifteen you can take. Flip the classroom The night prior to the lesson, have students read the lecture materials so you can spend class time in hands-on discovery. Don’t answer student questions–show them how to do it themselves. When students have questions, you guide them toward answers. Listen when students speak It’s tempting to think you know what students are going to ask/say. Encourage questions. That’s OK. “Tell me and I’ll forget.

Why Should You Care About Badges? Jump to Navigation Why Should You Care About Badges? How are we using badges to enable a complex, robust ecology of learning to support more just & equitable social futures? About The Speaker(s) Cathy N. Resources Video: What Is a Badge? Ways to Participate Back to top Part of a Series: Opening New Pathways to Opportunities Add to my calendar Live Sep Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our monthly newsletter Share related resources Catch all our webinars Discover valuable news Hear from DML experts Connect to the DML field Give us feedback Who Is Behind This Site > Community Guidelines Terms of Use Supported by the MacArthur Foundation

The Inquiry Approach to Learning - Early Learning 1. systematic instruction in skills students need to learn2. investigative approach to USE these skills in another context. The inquiry approach really focuses on the HOW we learn/find out rather then just focusing on content. It is concerned with acquiring the skills of learning. The approach is centred around finding possible solutions to a problem. Often the teacher is the questioner. How do you know this? An adventure with the Inquiry approach in Year 1 Year 1 at Regents Park investigated life cycles by following the progress of chickens hatching in their classroom. This topic evolved from the HSIE/Science focus which was on investigating "Living Things" and lifecycles. The Year 1 teachers began this real world investigations approach by using EKWQ... E is for EXPERIENCE K is for KNOWLEDGE W is for WONDER Q is for QUESTIONS Firstly the teachers wanted to find out about the experiences of the students - what they already knew about the topic. Defining the topic Investigating the topic

How To Teach Critical Thinking Using Bloom's Taxonomy The various levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are well known to teachers, students, and the rest of the education world at this point. You need to slowly ascend the pyramid in order to effectively reach your goal(s). That’s great. But what happens when you try to apply other time-tested methodologies to the famous taxonomy? This happens. The visual guide you see below is from Flickr via Kris McElroy’s Pinterest board (she shares a lot of fabulous resources so check ‘em out!). Level One From the base knowledge level of the taxonomy you can see that you start with the usual ‘who’ ‘what’ ‘where’ and other questions. Level Two You’re asked to re-tell and dive in a bit deeper into the topic you’re researching or discussing. Level Three How do you actually apply the skills you’re learning? Level Four Like a good scientist (this is close to the Scientific Method after all), we must analyze the results that are now coming forth. Level Five Time to remix and synthesize some new ideas or formulations. Boom.

The Inquiry Process Explained Visually for Teachers Learning is all about being curious and inquisitive. It is a process in which learners explore the unknown through their senses using both sensory and motor skills. Being involved and engaged in the learning task is the key to a successful learning journey and to elicit this kind of engagement from learners, teachers need to nurture a learning environment where students take responsibility for their learning and 'where they are only shown where to look but not told what to see'. Such environment definitely requires a solid approach and an informed strategy to learning one that is dubbed: inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning is essential in developing the most solicited 21st century skills : problem solving and critical thinking.As a teacher, you might be wondering about ways to inculcate the precepts of strategy into your teaching and lesson planning.

Resources and Lesson Plans for Social and Emotional Learning Kentucky's Jefferson County school district shares details about administration, school culture, professional development, and curriculum -- materials that you may adapt for your class or school. Click on any of the titles below to download a PDF of one of Jefferson County Public Schools' resources for success. PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Resources On This Page: Elementary School - Professional Training Documents CARE for Kids elementary-school professional development plan 640K Expectations of CARE for Kids schools 244K CARE for Kids implementation calendar, grades K-1 460K CARE for Kids implementation calendar, grades 2-5 260K CARE for Kids general implementation calendar 452K First steps: Implementing CARE for Kids 220K CARE for Kids implementation goals, year 2 240K Elementary School - Classroom Tools/Activities Worksheet: How to build relationships 216K Reading List

Inquiry, Innovation and ICT Inquiry is process whereby learners wonder about and explore the world around them, investigate personally meaningful problems, issues or situations, construct new understandings and reflect on and share what they have learned with others. As Kuhlthau succinctly puts it, "[Inquiry] espouses investigation, exploration, search, quest, research, pursuit, and study." (Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century by Carol C. Kuhlthau, Leslie K. Maniotes and Ann K. This web site was developed to support a session at ECOO 2012. What do teachers, teacher-librarians and students need to do to implement an inquiry-oriented program? When looking at the use of technology in the area of inquiry there are a number of ways in which it can be used. as a channel though which learners find and explore informationas a tool to facilitate the development new understandingsas a means of communication amongst learnersas a platform for sharing new understandings

Know Your Digital Instruction Techniques: Defining the Big Three Individualized Instruction, Differentiated Instruction, and Personalized Learning are big buzz terms in today’s digital education world. Unfortunately, these three digital instruction techniques all-to-often seem to be thrown around as a single, interchangeable idea. The problem is, these terms do not mean the SAME thing. In fact, the three actually have significantly different definitions, execution methods, and learning outcomes. Individualized Instruction Definition: “instruction that is paced to the learning needs of different learners. The simple breakdown of this definition is that when individualizing instruction, educators assign standard goals for their entire group of students, but must also allow each individual student to progress at his or her own pace/understanding while meeting learning needs and goals. Differentiated Instruction Definition: “instruction that is tailored to the learning preferences of different learners. Personalized Learning The More You Know...
