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Newton Project

Newton Project
The Newton Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing in full an online edition of all of Sir Isaac Newton’s (1642–1727) writings — whether they were printed or not. The edition presents a full (diplomatic) rendition of all the amendments Newton made to his own texts, but also offers more readable (normalized) version. We also make available translations of his most important religious and scientific texts. Although Newton is best known for his theory of universal gravitation and discovery of calculus, his interests were much broader than is usually appreciated. In addition to his celebrated scientific writings and mathematical works, Newton also wrote many religious texts and alchemical tracts. We have published over four million words of text since January 2008, and have created a special section for reviewers working for the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF).

Museo de Historia Natural del IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto Origen del proyecto de Museo Virtual El Museo de Historia Natural del IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto, cuenta desde 2006 con una versión electrónica (Museo virtual). Esta versión digital consta de un catálogo y una exposición virtual que se pueden consultar y visualizar a través de Internet. HyperPhysics About HyperPhysics Rationale for Development HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation. For the most part, it is laid out in small segments or "cards", true to its original development in HyperCard. The entire environment is interconnected with thousands of links, reminiscent of a neural network. The bottom bar of each card contains links to major concept maps for divisions of physics, plus a "go back" feature to allow you to retrace the path of an exploration.

Ampère et l'histoire de l'électricité Hjemmesidens ejer og kontaktoplysningerDenne hjemmeside er drevet og ejet af:Danmarks Medie- og JournalisthøjskoleCarl Jacobsens Vej 16, opg. 16, 2. sal2500 ValbyCVR-nr: 31111048Tlf: 70 70 17 88 CookiesCookies er små tekstfiler, der indeholder bogstaver og tal som sættes på din computer eller anden enhed. Cookies sættes, når du besøger et websted, der bruger cookies og de kan bruges til at holde styr på hvilke sider du har besøgt, de kan hjælpe dig til at fortsætte, hvor du slap eller de kan huske dine sprogindstillinger eller andre præferencer. Cookies er vigtige for os for de hjælper til at gøre vores online-tjenester lettere at bruge, til at følge med i hvordan vores website bruges og til at hjælpe os med at levere den bedste service til dig.For at gøre det lettere for dig at overskue den måde hjemmesiden bruger cookies på, har vi grupperet vores cookies i nogle let-forståelige kategorier. Man kan se hver kategori og hver cookie i cookiedeklarationen.

Albert Einstein - articles et essais FYSIKbasen Vis alle forsøg Knus en sodavandsdåse Forsøg nr.: 1 Formål: At demonstrere luftens tryk. Resume: En sodavandsdåse kan knuses ved hjælp af lidt vand og en kogeplade. Nøgleord: Kræfter, damptryk, idealgaslov, termodynamik, tryk. Vision - Tidskrift for Fysik og Astronomi Sciences de l'Information - SCI Royal Institute of British Architects - The APS Archive of Teaching Resources

MathDoc Darwin Manuscripts MediHAL
