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Follow the Frog
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Rethink the way we run charities: A useful reading list Dan Pallotta has an unconventional view of nonprofits: To innovate and really make an impact, he thinks they should function with business-minded acumen. Says Pallotta (TED Talk: The way we think about charity is dead wrong), “You want to make $50 million selling violent video games to kids, go for it. We’ll put you on the cover of Wired magazine. But if you want to make half a million dollars trying to cure kids of malaria, you’re considered a parasite yourself.” Bringing principles of the corporate world into the nonprofit sector can be a tough sell. 1. “Leaders of two of the most successful nonprofit organizations argue that the sector needs to shift its attention from modest goals that provide short-term relief to bold goals that, while harder to achieve, provide long-term solutions by tackling the root of social problems.” 2. “A great piece on the dangers of overlooking the contributions that business entrepreneurs make to society.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Featured image: iStock.

Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices? | US news Cecilia Mo thought she knew all about growing up poor when she began teaching at Thomas Jefferson senior high school in south Los Angeles. As a child, she remembered standing in line, holding a free lunch ticket. But it turned out that Mo could still be shocked by poverty and violence – especially after a 13-year-old student called her in obvious panic. For Mo, hard work and a good education took her to Harvard and Stanford. Now, as an assistant professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University, Mo studies how to get upper-class Americans to recognize the advantages they have. It all starts with the psychology concept known as the “fundamental attribution error”. For example, if an unexpected medical emergency bankrupts you, you view yourself as a victim of bad fortune – while seeing other bankruptcy court clients as spendthrifts who carelessly had too many lattes. As the dream has faded, however, its effects have not.

25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watch Sans Soleil This is not your average documentary. It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. We follow the eyes of a world traveller who makes sharp observations and tries to convey them to his friend. The Corporation Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics. Watch The Corporation for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Cosmos: A Personal Voyage This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High This is a must watch for everyone. Watch The Union on YouTube. The Century of the Self If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it. Life in a Day 1 day, 80.000 clips worth 4.500 hours of video, 192 nations and these three questions. Watch Life in a Day on YouTube. Food Inc. Where does your food come from? Watch Food Inc. for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Inside LSD Watch Inside LSD on YouTube. Taxi to the Dark Side

Quand musique rime avec éthique En termes d’équité, de solidarité, et de développement durable, l’industrie musicale peut mieux faire. 70% l’économie du disque est entre les mains de trois majors. Les petits artistes et intermittents du spectacle peinent à joindre les deux bouts et l’écologie est rarement au centre de l’organisation des événements. Dans ce contexte, initiatives et associations émergent pour tenter de repenser les pratiques sur un modèle plus social et responsable. C’est le cas notamment de l’association Fairplaylist, créée en 2003 par Gilles Mordant. Son but : organiser des événements musicaux et promouvoir des artistes en intégrant pleinement les valeurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Rémunération équitable et transparente, autonomie de l’artiste et développement durable sont autant d’éléments qui composent la charte «Musique éthique», qu’elle a établie en 2007 avec l’association iséroise Dyade-Art et Développement et la structure de production Utica. S’inspirer des coopératives agricoles

87 Deeply Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo By Films For Action / Jul 19, 2017 Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be that entry point. It is our attempt to curate the kind of crash-course curriculum on the state of the world we wish we had all got growing up, especially during high school and college, but didn't. Sadly, you are not likely to see these documentaries in school, broadcast on television, or available on Netflix. Enjoy the knowledge swim! Economics Education Ecology Media Literacy Empire & Government War Drug Prohibition and Prisons Community Food Democracy & Politics Culture Consumerism The Big Picture Wisdom Designing The Future Explore Films For Action's complete library via the Explore menu.

7 fascinating TED Talks on the benefits of gaming This weekend, hundreds of video games enthusiasts lined up in the cold, waiting 12 hours-plus to be the first to get their hands on Nintendo’s new console, the Wii U. And when the game Call of Duty: Black Ops was released in 2010, gamers around the world played it for more than 600 million hours in just the first 45 days. That is the equivalent of 68 years. While some people worry about the popularity of video games, in today’s talk, brain scientist Daphne Bavelier suggests that gaming may be far more beneficial than we think (in moderation) — even if the game is all about shooting up the enemy. “Most of you have thought, ‘Come on, can’t you do something more productive than shooting zombies?’ In the lab, Bavelier and her team measure the impact of gameplay on the brain. It’s another common trope that gaming causes attention problems. Initial studies suggest that these benefits may be trainable. To hear more about Bavelier’s studies, watch her talk.

La revanche de l’épargne solidaire LE MONDE ARGENT | • Mis à jour le | Par Eric Leroux L’épargne solidaire se démarque des autres placements par les objectifs à forte valeur ajoutée sociale ou environnementale qu’elle génère. En effet, plutôt que d’être dirigée uniquement vers la recherche du profit financier, elle irrigue des associations ou des entreprises engagées dans l’insertion, l’habitat très social, la défense de l’environnement… Pendant longtemps, l’épargne solidaire était l’apanage d’une minorité de « militants » convaincus, car ses performances financières étaient bien inférieures à celles des autres placements conventionnels. Mais, avec la baisse générale des rendements financiers et en raison de l’avantage fiscal qu’elle procure, elle commence à devenir concurrentielle pour tous les épargnants. Elle tend aussi à sortir du seul cercle des initiés, de nombreux établissements traditionnels en proposant sous une forme ou une autre. Lire aussi : Placements : cherche rendement désespérément

'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia | Technology Justin Rosenstein had tweaked his laptop’s operating system to block Reddit, banned himself from Snapchat, which he compares to heroin, and imposed limits on his use of Facebook. But even that wasn’t enough. In August, the 34-year-old tech executive took a more radical step to restrict his use of social media and other addictive technologies. Rosenstein purchased a new iPhone and instructed his assistant to set up a parental-control feature to prevent him from downloading any apps. He was particularly aware of the allure of Facebook “likes”, which he describes as “bright dings of pseudo-pleasure” that can be as hollow as they are seductive. And Rosenstein should know: he was the Facebook engineer who created the “like” button in the first place. These refuseniks are rarely founders or chief executives, who have little incentive to deviate from the mantra that their companies are making the world a better place. Finally, Eyal confided the lengths he goes to protect his own family.

Attraction Britains Got Talent 2013 Audition Charity Arcade in Swedish Airports Pour la Croix-Rouge, l’agence suédoise åkestam.holst s’est demandée comment inciter les passants des aéroports aux dons. Aux Stockholm Arlanda Airport et Göteborg Landvetter Airport, ils ont eu l’idée ludique d’installer des jeux d’arcade payants, tels que Pac Man ou Space Invaders, qui serviront à faire patienter les voyageurs avant d’embarquer. L’argent revient directement à la Croix-Rouge. Google’s Project Loon Gets Green Light to Deploy Over Puerto Rico This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. A little over four years ago, Google started talking about what it called Project Loon–an ambitious plan to deploy balloons roughly 11 miles up to create an aerial wireless network. The name itself reflects how far-out (or far up) the idea was, but there was a solid concept behind the crazy network. Just as cellular phones have brought the internet to millions of people in Asia and Africa who will likely never own a conventional desktop or laptop, Google was looking for ideas it could use to provide internet access over even greater distances than those provided by a conventional cell tower. Google’s Project Loon balloons being inflated. The FCC announced it has granted Google permission to deploy 30 balloons over Puerto Rico to provide emergency LTE service in that US territory, where an estimated 83 percent of cellular towers remain offline nearly three weeks after Hurricane Maria struck the island.
