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Education is a Team Sport Early childhood education is a team sport. It is most successful when parents, teachers, and children play and learn together. Research tells us it is important for children to speak, read, and write in their first language, first. For this reason, the Literacy Center Education Network has designed an integrated learning system that allows parents to teach home language skills before sending their children to school. Teachers can use the same method to teach English Language Learners (ELLs) in Kindergarten.

Related:  ESL Teaching Resources

Bubbles English This is a game for practicing English sentence formation. It is primarily aimed at ESL (English as a second language) students. To play, you select a set of content to play with, and then make sentences by clicking on word bubbles. As you make sentences, the bubbles disappear and slowly the board is cleared.

News - Inscriptions au BAC lancées ! Inscriptions au BAC lancées ! C'est avec beaucoup de retard -toutes nos excuses- que nous vous annonçons que les inscriptions au BAC viennt d'être lancées sur le site Les élèves ont ainsi jusqu'au 30 Octobre pour dument remplir le formulaire en ligne. Le retrait des convocations se fera quant à lui du 15 Avril au 15 Mai 2012.

English Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes This is a collection of English vocabulary word lists with online activities that use these word lists. Instead of studying the word list first, you can choose which game you want to play, then choose the set of words. Any Device - No Special Requirements Every Other Letter Game See a word with every other letter missing, guess what the word is, then see the answer. Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics Write Source - Writing Topics The best way to get into writing is simply to write . . . and write . . . and write . . . freely. This practice helps you develop a feel for writing. To get started, you’ll need a topic to write about. Below, you will find lists of ideas to serve as starting points for personal or journal writing. Click here for more information on Write One or Write Source 1

Dave's ESL Cafe: Free English Grammar Lessons Adjective Clauses #1 Adjective Clauses #2 Adjective Clauses #3 Adjective Clauses #4 Adjective Clauses #5 Adjective Clauses #6 Adjective Clauses #7 Adjective Clauses #8 Adjective Clauses #9 Adjective Clauses #10 Adjective Clauses #11 Adjective Clauses #12 Adjective Clauses #13 Conditional Sentences #1 Conditional Sentences #2 Conditional Sentences #3 Conditional Sentences #4 Conditional Sentences #5 Conditional Sentences #6 Conditional Sentences #7 Conditional Sentences #8 Conditional Sentences #9 Confusing Words: Bring and Take Confusing Words: Come and Go Confusing Words: Get #1 Confusing Words: Get #2 Confusing Words: Get #3 Confusing Words: Get #4 Confusing Words: Get #5 Confusing Words: Get #6 Confusing Words: Get #7 Confusing Words: Get #8 Confusing Words: Get #9 Confusing Words: Get #10 Confusing Words: Get #11 Confusing Words: Get #12 Confusing Words: Get #13 Confusing Words: Hang Confusing Words: It's and Its Confusing Words: Lend and Borrow

Cours et Formations en Vidéo 100% Gratuits My StoryMaker : Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh my Storymaker® was named one of the Best Websites for Teaching and Learning by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association. People worldwide enjoy my StoryMaker®. Find out what all the fun is about! You have the power to decide -- choosing characters, taking them on adventures and creating your very own story along the way. my StoryMaker® lets you control characters and objects -- and it creates sentences for you! ELLLO - English Listening Lesson Library Online Hear and see videos with authentic word pronunciations and example sentences. Español: Pronunciación en Inglés con vídeo · Italiano: Pronuncia in inglese con video Português: Pronúncia em Inglês com vídeo · Français: Prononciation en anglais avec la vidéo Press play to watch and hear the speaker use 'salmon,' and then use the instant replay/loop button

Funniest videos about teaching / learning English Posted by ddeubel on Tuesday, October 20th 2009 Time for some levity. Us teachers need to laugh at ourselves, our profession a bit. This is an absolute must. Learn from and Create Animated Music Videos Learning English from songs lyrics and music is a great way to study. In today's activity you are going to be able to watch and enjoy some simple 'stop motion' animated music videos and then find out how to create your own. The videos for you to watch come from two sources; Music and Muffins and SereneRhapsody and you can find more examples on their YouTube Channels The Best Places For ESL/EFL/ELL Teachers To Get Online Professional Development NOTE: Be sure to look in the comments for more great suggestions! There are quite a few very good ways for ESL/EFL/ELL teachers to get online professional development. I’ve already shared some of those ways in previous “The Best…” lists, including:

Great Source iwrite - Students: Research State-of-the-Art Science Program Grades K–8 Science Program Combining interactive write-in texts, hands-on activities, and a full digital curriculum, ScienceFusion provides multimodal learning options to build inquiry and STEM skills, preparing students for success in future science courses and careers.

A website that provides literacy activities for kindergarteners and early language learners. The simplicity of their online games allows students to explore letters and numbers with ease. Printable practice sheets for vocabulary are helpful for homework or in-class activities. Teaching tips: • Print out an activity sheet and have students practice writing vocabulary words • Fold some of the printed exercises in half and have the students practice recognizing color words without the aid of seeing the corresponding color. • Print and practice upper and lower case letters by jinan84 Oct 26

The Literacy Center Education Network is dedicated to designing exceptional education experiences for young children. So far, we have given away more than 150 million free literacy games and activities to children in 220 countries and we are just getting started by bmahieu Sep 24
