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PISA - Measuring student success around the world

PISA - Measuring student success around the world
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Assessment as sabateurs of learning When I share with other teachers some of the elaborate performance type projects that my students end up doing, one of the first questions people ask me is: That's a neat idea, but how do you assess it? This is a dangerous, knee-jerk reaction that teachers need to resist, and here's why. If we are to design authentic learning enviornments for students, we must resists the urge to alter our focus from the learner to the teacher too quickly. Asking how something might be properly assessed is not a bad question, but if it dominates our thinking, we may justify not providing students with projects that they would love to do and love to learn from, but hard on us to assess. If a tree falls in the woods, it still makes a sound regardless of whether anyone is there to hear it.

Teaching Economics-Game choice First, choose your game here to get logins and passwords for your students (max: 100 players for each game). Industrial Organization Price discrimination, vertical differentiation and peak-load pricing Players take price and quantity decisions for an airline on a given route against a robot competitor. Try the demo to have an idea. Short Market Games - Introductory Microeconomics The 5 market games below can be played on their own or one after the other: Instructor's Guide Demand is the same in all of the games and is proportional to the number of players on the markets (Demand data). Competition Game: Impact of fixed costs and capacity constraints on price and profits, with differentiated goods Oligopolistic price competition for differentiated products. The players will be spread across the different universes (if possible, one universe for 4-5 players is good). Competition Game: Sunk costs, monopoly, and introduction to the Competition Game above Try with one player to have an idea.

Eight important facts about Working Memory and their implications for foreign language teaching and learning Introduction There is no blogpost of mine which does not mention Working Memory (WM) at some point. Why? Because effective language processing and learning largely depends on how well Working Memory performs. Let us consider reading a target language text. These are but a few examples of how cognition occurs in WM. The structure of WM As the picture below shows, WM, which is located in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, is made up of three main components: A visuospatial (i.e. So, for example, when we read a target language word or phrase, the visuospatial sketchpad will hold its graphic image, the phonological loop its sound (if we are pronouncing it) and the central executive will match it to any existing information in Long-term Memory in an attempt to make sense of it. 2.1. WM is one of two systems which memory is made of. 2.2. Whether it is processing input from the outside world or retrieving material from Long-term Memory, WM will hold any information only for a few seconds.

Congreso Internacional en Gestión, Emprendimiento e Innovación de Tecnologías para la Competitividad Global - Universidad EAN La Universidad EAN tiene el gusto de presentar el IV Congreso Internacional en Gestión, Emprendimiento e Innovación de Tecnologías para la Competitividad Global, dirigido a las empresas públicas y privadas y a todos aquellos actores involucrados con las decisiones tecnológicas para el mejoramiento de la competitividad. Invitamos a intelectuales, emprendedores, innovadores, investigadores, ingenieros, empresarios, instituciones gubernamentales y estudiantes, a presentar sus ideas, desafíos, y prácticas que nos ayuden a fortalecer nuestras iniciativas por la competitividad global. Aprovecharemos este espacio para crear diversas comunidades de práctica con el fin de fortalecer las iniciativas empresariales. Las empresas de hoy en día compiten en un mundo globalizado, ante el cual se transforman sus paradigmas durante el proceso de gestión.

About PISA PISA is unique because it develops tests which are not directly linked to the school curriculum. The tests are designed to assess to what extent students at the end of compulsory education, can apply their knowledge to real-life situations and be equipped for full participation in society. The information collected through background questionnaires also provides context which can help analysts interpret the results. In addition, given PISA is an ongoing triennial survey, countries and economies participating in successive surveys can compare their students' performance over time and assess the impact of education policy decisions. Since the year 2000, every three years, fifteen-year-old students from randomly selected schools worldwide take tests in the key subjects: reading, mathematics and science, with a focus on one subject in each year of assessment. Students take a test that lasts 2 hours.

How Can Education Assessment be Improved? Browse more Debates Debate Traditional assessment has been equated with written exams, concentrating on a small area of the curriculum, which must be taken individually, at a particular time and place. Executive Summary I. The OECD conducts four types of assessment. Thirdly, Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) is still at the feasibility stage. II. In Denmark, the intention is to ensure that exam conditions are the same as those in daily learning, because the same competences are being tested in both cases. A new pilot project for assessment involving access to the Internet commenced in January 2008. III. This project was initiated by Cisco, Intel and Microsoft after Davos 2009 and involved developing a strategic research framework to help transform the teaching, learning and assessment of skills needed in the 21st century. We want to ensure that our conclusions will also act as guidelines for curriculum change. IV. Questions and answers Dr Martina A. Dr Martina A.

Thinking Outside the (Big) Box Illustration by Kelsey Dake Deep thoughts this week: 1. Big retailers classify workers as a "cost." 2. 3. It’s the Economy Adam Davidson translates often confusing and sometimes terrifying economic and financial news. One recent Sunday, however, my wife and I caved. In the last few years, Ton has become a revolutionary force in a field that would seem unlikely to generate many — the Kafkaesque-titled Operations Management. The problem results from the way many companies consider their workers. Ton, however, argues that workers are not merely a cost; they can be a source of profit — a major one. I was thinking about this as my wife and I re-entered Ikea.

Reflecting English | In search of classroom answers The_Case_for_Critical_Thinking_Skills.pdf Most secondary school students can't write well According to a recent report, a whopping 24 percent of students in eighth and 12th grade in 2011 could write coherent essays with proper grammar and usage. Enlarge photo» Only about one-fourth of middle-school and high school students in the United States write at a proficient level, according to a new report on the National Assessment of Educational Progress 2011 writing test. Beside showing that a large majority of U.S. students are not proficient in writing, test results highlighted a gender gap in writing proficiency. Female students scored much higher than males at both grade levels, revealing a gender gap for writing much larger than the better-known mathematics gender gap that favors male students. Gender gap: A representative sample of 24,100 eighth-graders from 950 schools, and 28,100 12th-graders from 1,220 schools took the test. "If girls are writing more, that could very well account for them doing better on the assessment. Email:

Vocabulaire du commerce électronique - electroni.pdf Den stora utmaningen att inte prata betyg – Hård och Kideborn. Vi, som så många andra, arbetar väldigt mycket med formativ bedömning på vår skola. Samtidigt har vi också väldigt många bra diskussioner om hur man kan tänka kring betyg och bedömning på individuella uppgifter. Ska vi prata betygsbokstäver, peka på matriser eller göra någonting helt annat? Som ett led i ett formativt förhållningssätt som kontrast till betyghetsande summativ bedömning så försöker jag att plocka bort bokstavspratet i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. På min skola har vi prognoser två gånger per läsår där eleverna får en summativ betygsiffra utifrån nuläge. Vilket. Jag tror alla som någon gång provat att säga till eleverna att ”Ni kommer inte få något betyg på den här uppgiften utan istället fokuserar vi på feedbacken och vad den säger” möts av ungefär samma typer av tonårsvrål. Som så många andra lärare som har kursen Svenska 3 har vi just nu fokus på det nationella proven där den första delen, uppsatsdelen, genomförs den 20/4. /Sofia

