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Examples of Formative Assessment When incorporated into classroom practice, the formative assessment process provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are still happening. The process serves as practice for the student and a check for understanding during the learning process. The formative assessment process guides teachers in making decisions about future instruction. Here are a few examples that may be used in the classroom during the formative assessment process to collect evidence of student learning. Observations Questioning Discussion Exit/Admit Slips Learning/Response Logs Graphic Organizers Peer/Self Assessments Practice Presentations Visual Representations Kinesthetic Assessments Individual Whiteboards Laundry Day Four Corners Constructive Quizzes Think Pair Share Appointment Clock eHow: Types of Formative Assessment

Peerstudio: Go beyond a gradebook with deep peer feedback that arrives in minutes, not days. Selecting Assessment Technologies It's important to note up front that you should incorporate digital devices into your assessment plan only if adding them improves the quality of the student learning experience. Improving assessment management should be only a secondary consideration. Bringing technology to assessment processes can: allow students to submit assignments online enhance students' assessment-as-learning experiences give students more ways to learn and to demonstrate their learning help staff reconsider learning and teaching approaches help staff assess in innovative ways help staff give timely and more comprehensive feedback make it easier to manage large volumes of marking and administration. Often if you improve assessment management using technologies, you also benefit students educationally. Plan carefully, and manage assessment-by-technology to ensure that it enhances learning. When to use The main reason to use computers for assessment should be to enhance student learning. Benefits Challenges Strategies

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment Analysis of Examples of Good Assessment Practice: To learn more about what colleges and universities are doing to use assessment data productively to inform and strengthen undergraduate education, NILOA conducted nine case studies. This report synthesizes the insights from these individual studies to discern promising practices in using information about student learning. The report concludes with lessons learned and reflective questions to help institutions advance their own assessment efforts within their specific institutional contexts. To read the report, click here. Additional Case Study Resources: Banta, T.W., & Associates. (2002). Banta, T. Banta, T. Bresciani, M. Bresciani, M.

Assessing Student Learning - five practical guides The issue of workload is central in any decisions about assessment of large classes for it is a serious one for students and staff alike. Staff teaching large student groups invariably undertake an informal, qualitative weighing-up of the efficiency of assessment tasks vis-à-vis their educational effectiveness. There is little doubt that establishing an effective assessment program — developing criteria, guides, exemplars and models; discussing and refining them and communicating them to students and other staff — will have an initial negative impact on workload for staff with coordinating responsibilities. However, this preparatory work is likely to lead to three gains. The assessment of large student cohorts presents five distinct though interrelated challenges: In an effort to manage these challenges, academic staff have increasingly turned to group and on-line assessment. 1. 2. Timely, individual feedback is central to guiding learning.

Transforming Assessment The Benefits of Using Online Assessments With the end of the year setting in, you may be in the midst of assessment season. Or maybe you’re getting everything ready for your class assessments directly after the Christmas break. Setting up assessments can be a complicated and time consuming activity for teachers and trainers, so you may want to take a look at some different techniques which might make your life a little bit easier. One way of changing up the way you administer your final tests or exams could be to use online assessments. There are lots of tools which means you can create online assessments, many of which are free depending on how many assessments you need to create, or how complex they are going to be, so it’s important to have a look around and see which tools you think would work best for your course content. We take a look at how assessing your students online can save you a lot of time, and make a quite stressful time that little bit easier! Less Preparation Less Work Afterwards Conclusion Comments are closed.

Assessing Student Learning - five practical guides ‘If lower-order learning is an unintended educational consequence of on-line assessment, then any perceived or real gains made in efficiency, staff workload reduction and/or cost savings are at a questionable price.’ Why consider on-line assessment? A good deal of investigation and development is underway in Australian universities into the possibilities for effective and efficient on-line and computer-based assessment. The current commercial ‘virtual learning environments’, which integrate various curriculum elements at subject level into a single software portal, usually offer various built-in options for student assessment. As well, many on-line assessment initiatives are being locally developed to suit specific curriculum needs. There are many reasons why on-line assessment is being adopted by Australian universities. The move to on-line and computer based assessment is a natural outcome of the increasing use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning. NB.

onlineed.pdf Assessing Student Learning - core principles Enhancing learning by enhancing assessment Assessment is a central element in the overall quality of teaching and learning in higher education. Well designed assessment sets clear expectations, establishes a reasonable workload (one that does not push students into rote reproductive approaches to study), and provides opportunities for students to self-monitor, rehearse, practise and receive feedback. Assessment is an integral component of a coherent educational experience. The ideas and strategies in the Assessing Student Learning resources support three interrelated objectives for quality in student assessment in higher education. The relationship between assessment practices and the overall quality of teaching and learning is often underestimated, yet assessment requirements and the clarity of assessment criteria and standards significantly influence the effectiveness of student learning. For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum.
