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How to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages

How to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages
Facebook business pages just went through quite a change with the release of the new page design that includes the addition of Timeline. But that also means your old way of customizing page tabs -- the tabs you could use to pull in your own custom content alongside the standard tabs like "Photos" and "Likes" -- has changed. These tabs are important for your social media marketing, because they let you create a much richer user experience on Facebook and control the content that your followers see when they visit your page. So, with the new layout, how do you create your own custom Facebook tabs? Turns out it's not as difficult as you might think. Just follow these 6 simple steps to creating custom Facebook page tabs. Wait, Where Do Tabs Exist on the New Facebook Page Layout? Before we get started, let's make sure we're all on the same page about where tabs now exist since the layout is still new to many. Alright, now that we've got that out of the way, let's start customizing!

Content Sharing Best Practices 1. Use Facebook Insights to measure the success of your content Facebook Insights provides developers and site owners with metrics about their content. You can view the reach of particular stories, track creation and consumption of pieces of content, and view demographics of who is sharing and engaging with your content. Legal Issues Bloggers Must Understand Trademarks are issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and are used to protect intellectual property in commerce. For example, company names, product names, brand names, and logos are usually trademarked to ensure competitors in the same industry don't use the same names or logos, which could confuse and mislead consumers. Business communications typically use the copyright registration symbol (©) or the Service Mark or Trademark symbol (a superscript 'SM' or 'TM') following the trademarked name or logo the first time of that name or logo is mentioned. When other companies refer to competitors or other brands in their business communications, they are expected to include the appropriate copyright symbol (depending on the status of the trademark owner's trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) as well as a disclaimer stating that the name or symbol is a registered trademark of that company.

7 Killer Facebook Applications to Create Impressive Custom Tabs Have you ever felt troubled when trying to add a stunning custom tab to your page but don’t know how? Since last year, I had found several that works great in providing sub-tabs and some with fan gate options. Today, it’s all about templates and widgets! Wouldn’t it be great if you can add one of these facebook applications together with some from 23+ Facebook Page applications to improve fans engagement? After all, it’s all about trial and error. Let’s head right to the facebook apps: Web 2.0 and grudge free buttons generator! The new retina mobile Texturized Glassy Badge Shine Big Get Color Palette By Uploading An Image Color Pallete Generator is a free web-based application that is creates the color palette of an uploaded image. It supports .PNG, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG images & creates 4 levels of palettes: light, medium, dark, complete. The generator also prepares the related files for CSS & Photoshop swatches of the color palette created. P.S.

16 Creative Ways to Make Your FB Timeline Cover Photo At the 2011 f8 conference, Facebook announced Timeline — a major overhaul of the personal Facebook profiles to which we’ve all grown accustomed. UPDATE December 15, 2011: Facebook announced that Timeline is now available worldwide. Read how to get started. When Timeline is rolled out, your personal profile will be organized in reverse chronological order, as a “timeline” of your life, like an online scrapbook. As Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says, “Timeline is the story of your life… in a new way to express who you are.” When Will Timeline Become Available? essentialjesus Scripture Union has additional resources to help you go deeper faster and to get the most out of The Essential Jesus Challenge. Free Discovery Offer Discovery is the ideal Bible reading to keep reading the Bible after the Essential Jesus Challenge is over. Get 25 FREE Discovery books for your church at the Essential Jesus store. For Individuals and Small Group Studies The Essential Bible Guide

Create a Better About Page {31 Days to a More Reader Friendly Blog} When I visit a new blog for the first time, I like to find out more about why the blog exists as well as more about the person behind the scenes. This is when I seek out the about page of the blog. Yet too often, I click on the about page only to learn twenty quirky things about the writer, but absolutely nothing about the mission of the blog. 22 Inspiring Examples of FB Page Designs The standard landing tab for your Facebook page is the wall. It’s often covered with random discussions and there’s no clear call to action. To get your audience engaged give them a little more than just a generic wall. How to get people to like you? I have selected the pages where new visitors are directed to somewhere else than wall.

8 Traits Of Remarkably Successful Brands Let’s face it, very few brands are remarkable. Fortunately, those who are leave clues as to how they mastered a level of success most brands only dream about. In the past 10+ years of working with brands, I’ve noticed several recurring traits of those who are truly remarkable. There are many, but I want to give you these 8 core traits to incorporate into your business and allow you to add your own. Here ya go: 26 Great FB Landing Page Examples Welcoming people has been a sign of respect and politeness for a long, long time. Businesses can do the same and welcome users who arrive at their page. Having a great Facebook landing page can also help to engage new users from the first interaction. Below is a list of Facebook welcome pages that are great for reasons such as engaging content, call-to-actions, incentives, design, interactivity and so on. While compiling this list I browsed about 600 or so Facebook pages from which most of them didn’t have a landing page or had a really poor one.

Buy UPC Codes Instantly for Amazon or In Stores - Why do I need to purchase UPC codes? What am I paying for exactly? How do UPC codes work? In Short: You are technically paying for the licensing rights to be able to legally assign those UPC codes to your products. Top 10 FB Apps for Building Custom Pages & Tabs Are you looking for an easy way to create attractive pages on Facebook? Are you wondering how businesses are creating Welcome tabs? In this article I’ll reveal a number of applications that make it very easy to add functionality to your Facebook page.
