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Personal Branding

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5 Ways to Introduce Yourself Perfectly in 20 Words or Less [TEMPLATES] https:... Define Your Personal Brand & Narrative. Articulating, having and cultivating a personal brand are all the rage these days.

Define Your Personal Brand & Narrative

Workshops and online classes abound and a good and well-articulated one is often seen as the great differentiator for job seekers and career changers. But many times, people have no clue how to get started. I’ve had clients write on the personal branding exercises I give them, “Please help with this!” Other times, people I talk to totally gloss over it, saying it’s really their ‘last priority.’ Well, it’s actually the opposite- cultivate a solid personal brand and tell it effectively via your personal narrative and you’ve just cut out a substantial amount of the “applying to 500 jobs via web portals with no response” nightmares.

So without further ado, I’m sharing some ‘getting started’ tips in advance of my October 29 Ivy Exec class so you can show up with some ideas already in hand: This is just the beginning. What It's Like To Get A Personal Brand Makeover By Personal Brand Consultants. "It’s like you’re an idiot savant.

What It's Like To Get A Personal Brand Makeover By Personal Brand Consultants

" I’m on the phone with Karen Leland, a branding and marketing strategist, discussing the particulars of my quote-unquote "personal brand. " Admittedly, it’s a two-word concept I never paid much attention to, except when in the context of a joke, or maybe an inadvertent stumble into marketing Twitter, where hashtags are abundant and thinkfluencers speak Romulan. Leland is a strategy coach based in San Francisco who has helped CEOs, small business owners, and other entrepreneurs build a credible digital narrative foundation from which to advance their careers. (She says one of her triumphs was helping a LinkedIn executive build his LinkedIn profile.)

As smart as she is unflinching, she’s one of two branding experts helping me hammer my personal brand into something vaguely coherent. After all, what are reporters these days if not personal brands? Leland's analysis starts before she reads a single tweet, with my avatar. Drop The Anchor. Doing Good Work Matters More Than Your Personal Brand. Your Elevator Pitch Needs an Elevator Pitch. Ah, the elevator pitch.

Your Elevator Pitch Needs an Elevator Pitch

A favorite tool of the networking masses. A rite of passage of sorts. You’ve heard the scenario: you step into an elevator and go up one floor. The elevator doors open and in walks the client of your dreams. They start some small talk and ask, “What do you do?” Today, you’re getting both my word-for-word elevator pitch, my elevator pitch’s elevator pitch, and the secrets behind what makes it all so effective. “What do you do?” “You mean, in addition to being an international bodybuilding champion?” Usually, they laugh. “Well, you know how email and texting and social media have pretty much taken over how we communicate?” “Yes.” “We’re more connected than ever, but yet…more disconnected than ever. “How do you do that?” “Well, here’s an example. Now obviously, this elevator pitch is a lot longer than 20 seconds. If you want to accelerate your career in 2015, then start thinking of yoursel... December 11, 2014 How come you do such a good job marketing brands, but a bad job marketing yourself?

If you want to accelerate your career in 2015, then start thinking of yoursel...

At this time of year, it is natural to think about what’s next in your career. Most brand leaders I see tend to only go after those jobs that come to them, relying on being called by a recruiter or seeing postings on job sites. That’s how 16 year olds look for a summer job, not how leaders manage their careers. Other brand leaders take a “selling approach” where they apply to as many jobs as they see (even if they aren’t their ideal jobs) and hope for the best, treating the job like the prize instead of believing they are the prize. Start by analyzing your strengths I believe in the idea of loving what you do and living why you do it. The advantage of using this type of tool is that it allows you to re-define yourself away from job titles. The next tool to use is the personal strength finder.