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Branding 101 for Artists: How to Create a Strong Brand for Yourself and Your Art. An artist’s “brand” is not just a label, a logo, or a signature—instead, it is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can have.

Branding 101 for Artists: How to Create a Strong Brand for Yourself and Your Art

What do I mean? Read on. What is branding, exactly? Your brand is what you’re known for. Good branding is the act of becoming known for something that you do, above any other competitor. Your brand, however, should not be focused on you. Some brand phrases are too generic, too vague to set you apart. On the other hand, if you guarantee your western art by saying, “My brand is burned onto every painting,” then that’s something tangible for people to remember. Here’s another stand-out brand: “The artist who provides a lifetime guarantee.” Putting yourself in your brand Is there something unique or otherwise notable about your artwork that’s worth mentioning to someone? What do you think of when you hear, “Have it your way”? Effective companies constantly reinforce public awareness of their brands to achieve long-lasting recognition.

Misadventures in Freelance - Escaping The Mainstream. In the closing days of 2014 I found myself in a pretty massive predicament: I was broke.

Misadventures in Freelance - Escaping The Mainstream

Like, I had $200 to my name. And not for the first time either. And so I was sat in Betahaus Cafe in the middle of Berlin (check it out if you’re passing through), hiding from the snow and trying to ignore the rumbles of hunger coming from my stomach. How To Invest In Yourself. — Life Learning. 4.

How To Invest In Yourself. — Life Learning

The things you need time for. Deciding that the things you want to do are worth your seconds, minutes and hours. For me, that includes finishing a novel. Doing a podcast. Those things that I absolutely have the skills and the abilities and the resources to do – but I just haven’t got around to yet. If you didn’t accomplish anything on your list, and you looked back on your life, these are the things you’d feel the worst about. Because they were so possible! …And then you watched cat videos instead. Putting aside time isn’t an easy thing to do anymore. Personal Branding For Job Seekers 101. By Mike Simpson Please share this article by clicking the buttons below: Take a good look at what you’re wearing.

Personal Branding For Job Seekers 101

Odds are, you’ve got an article (or more) of clothing on with a logo on it. What are those logos? Is it an easily identifiable ‘swoosh’ on your shoes? 46 of My Life Goals & Why You Need to Write Your Own » I learned recently that only 3% of the world’s population actually write down their goals.

46 of My Life Goals & Why You Need to Write Your Own »

When I stepped back and thought about it, I realized I was part of the 97% who didn’t. I know there’s power in setting goals—in setting a vision for your life. But I had never taken the time to do it. Taking some inspiration from my friend Casey, I asked myself these questions: What do I want to do? So I fired up the Pomodoro app, set it for 25 minutes, and wrote down as many goals as I could in the given time.

Here are life goals I’d like to accomplish in the next 10 years: Make $240,000/year net ($20,000/month) being self-employed.Retire being self-employed.Go to a Superbowl.Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary. Like Casey, not everything I wrote down made the list. 46 of My Life Goals & Why You Need to Write Your Own » 100 Life Goals. 1.

100 Life Goals

Have lunch with a successful philanthropreneur. [DONE] = Mark “Dill” Driscoll of Ignition Inc. 2. Speak at a business, tech, leadership, or web conference. 3. Sing at a major conference. [DONE] = Catalyst Conference 2009, Orange Conference 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2015 4. 46 of My Life Goals & Why You Need to Write Your Own »

Personal Branding For Job Seekers 101. Lifehacker. Four Ways to Figure Out What You Really Want to Do with Your Life. You’re Not Behind; You’re Just on Your Own Path. “To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.”

You’re Not Behind; You’re Just on Your Own Path

~Sven Goran Eriksson Endlessly comparing ourselves to others, idealizing their best qualities while underestimating our own are self defeating thought patterns, and they hurt our self-esteem. Yet in the competitive nature of our world, many of us do this. As a result of my own self-defeating thoughts, throughout my life, I’ve repeatedly felt like I was five years behind where I “should” be. After high school graduation, many of my peers went away to school and into a new wave of relationship and social experiences. I stayed home, worked, and went to see a lot of bands play, and when I started gaining more life experience of my own, I felt like I was in catch-up mode and ashamed that I hadn’t gotten some of these experiences out of the way earlier.

Attracted to web development because it offered the possibility of working remotely, I learned on the side and eventually landed a job at a small web shop. Making It Anywhere. Be Known For What You Love.
